So, let's see, what can I write about. Alright, I got something.
On August 19th, I had a seizure. I fell on the side of the tub and cut open my scalp. It was a pretty deep wound, so I had to get stitches. I had stitches before, when I was a baby. Uncertain how many stitches I got then, but anyway, I got 5 stitches on the back of my head. Although it felt like more, because it felt so long, but it wasn't. Only 5 stitches. So I had to last for a week with them on. What fun that was. It was difficult to sleep and it hurt so badly.
Yesterday, the 28th, I got my stitches out. Damn it sure does hurt. It healed alright, no infection or anything, despite the fact that I didn't put on any medication like neosporian (sp?). Now that I got the stitches out, it hurts badly. Eventually the scab will come off and all I'll have is a nice scar. (Please note I was being sarcastic, but it is true.) A part of the scab came off last night, but yeah. It still hurts, though. And I still need to put on some neosporian and such. The pain is a killer, but I guess I will survive.
In case you're wondering why I got the seizure is because I have epilepsy. If you don't know what that is, uh... look it up. sweatdrop (Maybe this'll be some help: The pretty much known reasons why I get seizures are:
1) I don't take my medication.
2) I get up too fast after waking up.
3) I don't get enough sleep
Now let's look over the reasons and bump them down to the main reason why I had the seizure. I took my medication, so it can't be #1. When I wake up, I stay there for about 10-20 minutes, while I wait to wake up, then I get up. So it can't be #2. But the thing is, I didn't wake up that day.... because the reason how I got the seizure that morning.... was #3. I stayed up ALL night. Didn't get one wink of sleep. I stayed up all night, and when it got to the morning time (around 7:00 AM), I got up and went to the bathroom. Next thing I knew, I was sitting downstairs, on the couch, with a towel behind my head. (Dad found me laying in the bathroom). A little later I went to the hospital. But that story is pretty much covered. (I wrote it in the "about me" section in my profile, but I think I'm gonna take it off and post it in an entry.. most likely, this entry.)
Hmm... what else is there...
Well, my mind is pratically blank... I got nothing to say... So, to top everything off, I will possibly not write much on here... but if you ever want to know what's going on... I write now and then on my xanga, as said in the description of my journal. (The url is
Alright, I'm gonna shut up, now. But attached to this was what I wrote in the "about me" section about what happened. Enjoy... I guess. (Man, I wish the A/C repair guy will come here already! Or at least the ice cream man! I'm frying here! burning_eyes )
heart Katie
Just recent = August 21st, 2006
I went to the hospital on August 19th because of a seizure. I busted my head open when I fell down in the bathroom. I now have stitches in the back of my head. Not fun. It hurts. Also, the side of my tongue is all screwed up because I bit it, not once, but twice during my seizure. (I had a seizure at the hospital, too.)
If you want to say anything about this, feel free to comment or PM. (I was there from 7 something AM to around 5 something PM. cry Now I know how a doll feels that just got its head sewn back on... and the bathroom looks like a chicken lost its head. I hate having epilepsy.)
EDIT = August 28th... Got my stitches out. Now the back of my head hurts like ****. Also it's very hot in my house and it's very uncomfortable.
EDIT = August 29th... The A/C man is coming today. Lemme tell ya, it's so freaking hot that not even the ICE CREAM MAN is coming! Man!