Listening to: No Business like Show Business, The Rat Pack Reading: chindi, Jack McDevitt Mood: Pissed mad
I want to get a job that I'll like. I want to get into something that has anything to do with art, even if it means I might be poor as s**t. Even possibly something to do with forensics.
It seems like my dad wants me to get into the career HE wants me in. He keeps trying to convince me to get a well paying job, working for a company or something. That's NOT what I want to do. I'd HATE it. He keeps telling me that it's hard to get work as an artist, but I don't care! I'm not working for some stupid oil company like him when I get older. And I'm going to an arts college, he's not changing that. I know he's trying to ' help me decide what's best for me', but what he's suggesting is definately not what's best for ME.
When I tell him I might want to get into forensics, he say " Oh, well that's only because you watch CSI and I'm sure there's a bunch of people who want to get into that because they watch it too.." NO. I've wanted a career in forensics since I did it in grade six. I LOVE that stuff. It's the reason I watch CSI, it's something else for me to be interested in besides art. He should be happy that I'm atleast considering something else.
But he's NOT going to change my mind. " Ohh, you should come work with me at Syncrude!" NOOO. I still have a few years to think about what I'm going to do. He can stop pressuring me.
I went shopping today <3 It was funn. I bought clothes. And LOST on DVD. I WANT TO WATCH IT SO BADLY. But I have no one to watch it with.. Boohoo D:. Lonely.
I watched Bride and Prejudice, because it had Naveen Andrews in it.
It was like a.. very.. very strange musical. And It was.. just a really badly made movie, with some really ugly choreography. I don't know much about that kind of stuff, but it was UGLY.
I think if they took out all the ..really bad songs and added a lot more to the plot, it would've been a good movie.
But UH. Naveen dancing was the most amusing thing everrr.
Nothing much else. Toodles. <3
Orziel · Mon Sep 04, 2006 @ 01:17am · 0 Comments |