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My fan fic art and random thoughts^^
Inuyasha fan fic^^
Chapter Two: Trouble at the Village; Sakura’s Secrets revealed.

Later that night while Inuyasha was helping out the villagers and Miroku and Shippo were at the field picking herbs for Kaede, the sky was darkened by a cloud of demons. In the forest an army of demons marched to the village where Sakura lay asleep. Miroku and Shippo were the first to feel the incoming demons they rushed back to the village to worn the people but by that time Inuyasha and Kaede had already known.
“Miroku help me set up a barrier,” Kaede said. Miroku nodded and clapped his hand together. Then both Kaede and Miroku began uttering a barrier incantation. Once the barrier was set up Kaede looked at Inuyasha. “Inuyasha you must not leave the protection of the barrier,” she said because once you do you won’t be able to reenter in case of an emergency,” she said.
“But what about the demons,” Inuyasha protested. “Miroku can take care of them using his wind tunnel, and that goes for you to Shippo,” she said. A roar could be heard from the forest as the first few demons began to appear. Despite her warnings Inuyasha stepped out of the barrier and got ready to attack using his tetsaiga. Miroku got ready to with his staff preparing to use his wind tunnel if necessary. Kaede kept a tight grip on Shippo as to not let him out of the barrier.
“This has Naraku written all over,” Inuyasha snarled as he began his attacks on the incoming demons.
Miroku and Inuyasha went on attacking demons for a couple of minutes “How many of these damn demons are there?” Inuyasha said unleashing another wind scar.
“I don’t know,” he said, “But Naraku is defiantly up too something. Let’s just hope lady Kagome doesn’t arrive anytime soon.”
“Wind scare!” Inuyasha yelled as another power full blast destroyed another hundred demons. His nose went into the air. “Damn,” he yelled as he destroyed another demon, “Kagome’s back.” he put the tetsaiga back into its scabbard and leaped from tree to tree, however a group of demons blocked his way. “Out of my way!” he growled as he used his iron reverse soul stealer.
Meanwhile back at the well Kagome climbed out swinging a huge backpack over the edge. “Inuyasha?” she called. Suddenly she could sense the aura’s of demons and the aura of the sacred jewel shard.
“Hey look brothers,” a demon snarled “Before we destroy the village we can feast on the flesh of this human girl,” Kagome looked back, she did not have her arrows she stared at the well but it was as if the demons could read her mind because at that moment he leaped over the well blocking her path of escape.
“Inuyasha,” she called.
“Hold on Kagome,” he called back. “I’m coming,” he slashed through the demons but he made no progress. “Damn it! Get out of my way!’ he said as he unleashed another wind scare.
“Hehehehe” the demon said as he leaped in the air.
“Kagome!!!” Inuyasha screamed. He arrived at the well but it was too late there was blood everywhere. “Damn it!” Inuyasha screamed into the sky. He heard rustling from the bushes he spun around, “Wind Scare!” he said as he blindly unleashed his attack.
“What the hell are you trying to do Inuyasha?!” a familiar voice sounded. “Some thanks.” It said sarcastically.
Inuyasha blinked at Sakura, she was flying on the back of a two tailed cat demon, which looked just like Kirara only had a heart shaped mark on her forehead and a red bow around her neck, and was wearing a lavender demon slayer outfit. Riding on also was Kagome. She jumped of the cat demon and into Inuyasha’s arms. He stood still shocked at what just happened. On a closer inspection he noticed that the blood on the ground was not human but demon. He looked up at Sakura. “Who are you?” he asked growling Sakura stood up on the demon’s back. She front flipped off the back and landed graciously on the ground.
“I told you before,” she said. “My name is Sakura. The question you want to ask is ‘what are you?’” she responded. A demon appeared in the bush it leaped in the air. Sakura threw a strange looking sword called a boomerblade at it. It flew like a boomerang and returned to her hand. It was a small sword with a curved blade on either hand. “And the answer to that,” she said as she threw the sword and its twin in the air killing ten demons on their trip, “is a demon slayer.” she said.
“Wait a demon slayer?! And what about your leg?” he asked in response. She nodded as she dodged an attack and protected Kagome as a demon attacked. She looked at Kagome.
“We need to get her back to the village,” she said. “She’s a sitting duck out here. We can talk afterwards, ok?” she asked. Inuyasha nodded and loaded Kagome unto his back. They took off having little trouble from the demons.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome said
“Yea what is it?” he asked.
“I feel the presence of a sacred jewel shard,” she said.
“Wait?!” he asked as he halted to a stop. “Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded.
It’s faint but defiantly there,” she said
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” he asked somewhat mad.
She shook her head, “I didn’t have a chance with you and that girl talking!” she said. “Besides you shouldn’t blame me but this damn author!”
“Damn,” he said as he slashed some more demons, “there are too many demons around here for you to just walk around weaponless, “I’ll leave you with Kaede at the village and get them myself,” he said. “How many are there and where are they?” he asked.
She closed her eyes thinking about it for a minute, “about three in total,” she said finally. “They’re by the sacred tree,” she added.
He nodded, “hey Sakura,” he said as he turned around but she had disappeared.


“Come out Damien I know you are behind these demons,” Sakura said walking by the sacred tree her two boomerblades in her hand.
“kyohohoho,” said a voice said from the darkness, “my dear Sakura I’m hurt,” he said, “after all this time I would come to think you would some more respect to my. . .children,” the demon said.
“I could never respect anything made by a demon like yourself Damien,” she said her eyes beginning to glow her body emitting a strange aura, “Attacking an innocent village!” she screamed angrily.
“Sorry miss but an order an order,” he snarled as a bird demon came up from behind her. The large neko demon pounced on it.
Sakura spun around and pet the large neko, “thanks for the save there Kilela,” she said. “Call off the demons Damien before anyone gets hurt, this fight is between you and me,” she shouted.
“Ahh but the fun has not yet begun!” the demon said as he blew on an flute about ten demons appearing around her.
She rolled her eyes as if bored, “Damien you still persist using these illusions?!” she asked as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes just as the demons dove at her. Most went straight through her but then unexpectedly a demon struck her; she fell over forwards clutching her sides. “Wha-?” she said.
The demon smiled holding up his fingers in a wicked smile. Imbedded in the middle, ring and index finger were tainted jewel shards, “you see my dear Sakura,” he said. “With these I can not only make illusions but true demons as well.” He blew at the flute and smiled as many demons appeared. “The question is which demons are the illusions and which the demons are real,” he said as the demons swarmed on the attack.
“Damn you,” she said as she and Kilela had no choice but slash randomly at the demons, since they all had the same aura. Suddenly a loud crash sounded throughout the forest as the wind scare killed the demons Sakura was fighting. She turned and smiled, “hey Inu-kun,” she said.
He blinked, “What did you call me?”
She shook her head, “not now,” she said as he nodded and turned to Damien,
“So you’re the one who created all these demons,” he said.
The demon smiled, “Ahh I see Sakura made a new friend has she?” he jumped off the tree; he was 5’10” and hade short black hair with black eyes to match. He wire a dark blue silk kimono and held his flute in his right hand, “Yes my name is Damien, Lord of demons,” he said, as he began to play again.
“Not this time!” Inuyasha yelled, “WIND SCARE!” he yelled. He smiled as the wind scare surrounded Damien. “What?!” he said bitterly as Damien emerged from the smoke protected by one of Naraku’s barrier, “Damn it another one of Naraku’s minions?” he asked. Suddenly a sword flew past Inuyasha; Damien managed to dodge Sakura’s attack. But his flute and source of power was sliced in half.
“Noooo!” Damien screamed, realizing that Damien lost his power; Inuyasha unleashed another wind scare, this time hitting him directly cutting Damien into pieces.
“Inuyasha!” Miroku shouted, “The village’s barrier broke, and the samiosho are flying around everywhere!” he added.
“Damn!” Inuyasha said as he began to run back. But was stopped, with Damien’s death all the demons became real. Inuyasha grabbed the three jewel shards Damien had and began to fight. Screams from the villages could now be heard. Sakura ran past everyone through the trees, “Sakura?” Inuyasha asked as he slashed through another demon, Sakura rushed through the tree tops leaving Kilela behind to fight. She arrived at the village in a few moments.
“Everybody stays back!” she shouted at the villagers she said as her body began to gain the strange green aura again,
“Sakura?” Kagome asked.
Sakura smiled then faced the demons,”enough1” she shouted. “She placed her hand on a small ornamental staff that hung around her neck. It began to expand into a full size staff. “ROOT SPEAR!!” she said as she slammed the staff into the ground. Vibrations echoed throughout the forest and village, followed by what appeared to be an earthquake. Spooked villagers huddled together.
“Kagome!” Shippo shouted scared as he leaped into her arms.
“What the hell is that!” Inuyasha said to Miroku from the forest.
Sakura’s wound bleed freely from her side but she took no notice,, suddenly roots popped from the ground and began attacking the demons screeches of demons could be heard throughout the forest, the villagers watched in shock not knowing who or what this young woman was. When at last the final demon was slaughtered by the roots, Sakura body stopped emitting the green glow; her body fell to the ground in exhaustion. Grabbing her bows Kagome ran to the girl.
“Hey Sakura you ok?” she asked as she placed Shippo to the ground, she saw the wound and turned to Shippo, “she has lost a lot of blood,” she said, “go get my first aid kit would you Shippo we need to clean her wound.” Shippo nodded and ran into one of the huts.
“Hey Kagome you guys ok over there?” Inuyasha asked as he and Miroku appeared.
“yea, all except,” she stopped as Sakura’s body glowed a strange white light balls of light escaped her body as she shrank curling into a ball, when at last you could see her body, she had the body of a young twelve-year-old. Kagome’s eyes widened.
“What the hell is she?” Inuyasha asked.
“I-I don’t know,” said Kagome, “Inuyasha put your tetsusaiga away!” she screamed.
“She could be dangerous Kagome,” he said.
“Don’t be absurd Inuyasha,” Miroku said, “after all she did save us and this entire village,” he added.
“Then why didn’t she tell us earlier about her power?” he asked.
“I think she was scared,” Kagome answered, “scared of being killed by the villagers and stuff if they knew,”
“Feh don’t be ridiculous Kagome there’s nothing to be scared about,” he responded as Shippo returned with the supplies Kagome had asked for.
“Maybe she doesn’t know,” Shippo said listening to the conversation as he approached them. Everyone stared at him waiting for an explanation. “Maybe she doesn’t know what she is so she couldn’t tell us.” He added.
Kagome nodded, “yea, I never felt an aura like hers before the change, “ she said, “but she’s defiantly part human,” she added, “her aura now is that of a regular human,”
Miroku suddenly looked sick, “you mean this is her true form?” he asked.
Kagome nodded, “yea most likely,” she said. Everyone’s eyes widen and grew cold as they turned to Miroku.
“YOU PERVERT!” they all screamed at him. Kagome began dressing the wound.
“Come she can stay at my hut,” Kaede said suddenly appearing behind them, in her hands was Kilela Sakura’s pet. Seeing that Inuyasha remembered something, “hey this girl said she was a demon slayer right?” he asked.
Kagome nodded her eyes widened, “she did!” Kagome said, “You don’t think that she knows Sango do you?” she asked him, Miroku, and Shippo.
Miroku nodded, “it’s very likely,” he said, “built we won’t know for sure until she either wakes up or Sango arrives.” The four nodded as they placed Sakura’s body on the bed letting the young girl get some much deserved sleep.

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