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My fan fic art and random thoughts^^
the elemental jewels
Chapter 2: “The names Tara.
A young woman sat on top of a tree a small black kitten sitting on her lap. Nearby two silver eyes were watching her every moment. Suddenly three needles fly towards the woman as she sat quietly. She picks an apple and amazingly catches all three needles in it. Pulling the needles out, the tajiyo takes a bit out of the apple. “You’re way to sloppy reiko,” she said looking straight at him, “gotten better I admit but that’s not saying much considering you were very poor to begin with.”
The hanyou got up and jumped over to where she was sitting. She handed him an apple, “why don’t you give up?” she asked throwing the apple core to the ground. “I mean it’s been three months already, don’t you have anything else to do?”
He shook his head, “even if I did I would still come,” he said. “Your way too much fun,” he said.
She rolled her eyes, “great,” she said. “Just stay out of my way,” she said, “you’ve messed up three bounties already and money doesn’t grow from trees you know,” she added.
“I don’t understand why you even need money,” he responded, “you can collect any plant you need, you can catch nearly all demons let alone wild animals, you know the herbal cure to nearly any wound or infection,” he added.
“Baka,” she responded, “if I’m sick I won’t be able to hunt or collect if there’s no fruit or things to eat where I am I won’t be able to eat, therefore at those moments I would need money.” She said. They sat in silence for a while and the tajiya wanted to get rid of him so she could get on her way. “Hey Reiko,” she said, “I want to teach you something,” she said knowing he would be interested.
He raised his eyebrow in suspicion, “why would you want to teach me how to become better?” he asked.
“You’re a terrible ninja and embarrassing to be around,” she said ruthlessly, “you should at least have some skill since it seems like you’re never leave me alone,” she said. “Here,” she said as she held up a blue and red rose, “I’ll put the red rose in your back pocket, and you’ll run and hide in the forest, I’ll find you and switch the red rose with the blue one. The key is I’ll do this without you noticing, this is a chance to improve your shadow jutsu, your ability to conceal yourself, and most importantly strengthen your senses. Try to catch me before I switch the roses if you do I’ll fight you,” she said.
“Fine then,” he said somewhat eagerly as he turned his back to her allowing her to place the rose. She did so and he ran into the forest concealing his aura and diserppering into the shadows.
“Baka,” she said holding the red rose, “didn’t even cheek to see if I had placed the right rose or not,” she sighed, “ninja 101: a ninja must see through deceit, even I know that,” she said as the rose burst into petals. She jumped out of the tree and landed gracefully on the floor, let’s go Kiki,” she said as the small kitten let out a cute meow and followed her, she made sure she head in the opposite direction as Reiko did.
An hour past and Reiko was hiding, he never stayed in one place for to long. His body was extremely tense; he spun around every time the wind pulled the rose slightly thinking it was the tajiya but she was never there, “where is she?” He asked himself he turned around and pulled the rose out of his pocket. “WHAT?!” he screamed as he saw the blue petals. Meanwhile the tajiya was walking down a path, she had a bad feeling and was also tense, someone was following her and she couldn’t tell who even though the aura seemed familiar it seemed different too. She finally pinpointed his location and turned to face him. “Come out,” she said her swords rose, “who are you and why you’ve been following me have?” she asked.
“I see your senses are as sharp as ever dear tajiya,” a voice said as a tall ninja demon appeared from the shadows; the tajiya immediately recognized him as the demon who she had been chasing the day she first met Reiko.
“So have you come here to die demon?” she asked him as Kiki transformed and growled.
“Ah but it’s actually quite the contrary young celestial maiden.” He said with a grin.
“What are you talking about demon,” she asked him.
The demon laughed, “Just as I thought you have no idea who or what you are, a pity you are one of the strongest celestial maidens I have seen so far your soul orb will please the master greatly. Now give it to me!” he shouted as he dove in an attack.
The tajiya quickly blocked it “what the hell are you talking about?” she asked as their swords met. Kiki leapt at him from behind but using his spare hand he shoot a ball of chakra at her causing her to fly backwards and smash into a tree knocking her uncontious and causing her to change back into kitten form. “Kiki!" The tajiya shouted as she dropped her guard.
The demon smirked “your love for that pathetic demon shall be your downfall!” he shouted as his hand glowed with a bright yellow aura. “now surrender your orb!” he shouted as he dug his claws into her stomach as she let out a high pitched scream and yanked out not leaving a wound behind. Instead he pulled out a small golden orb and let her soulless husk of a body drop to the ground.
“TAJIYA!” Reiko shouted. He had heard the girl’s scream and rushed over; he arrived just as her body dropped to the ground.
The ninja demon turned and smiled, “why if it isn’t the meddling hanyou who helped me escape. He jumped into a near by tree and held up the orb, “hahaha once again you’ve come in time for me to escape. Listen to me that girl was a celestial maiden, she was sent here to the earth to give birth to stronger mortals in order to exterminate our species, join us, even a hanyou like you could be of some use, we shall steal their orbs and one by one until we find the five celestial jewels once acquired we can summon the queen of these bitches and kill her making them fall to us come hanyou join us!” the ninja said.
“Damn you,” Reiko said, “I still had to find her name. He didn’t look at the body but stared straight at the demon and the orb. “I’ll destroy you!” he said. He unsheathed his katana and took a quick glance at the girl’s body it had deteriorated into her human form seemingly dead except for the fact that she was still breathing if only a tiny bit. If I can return her orb to her body before it perhaps I can save her, he thought.
The ninja laughed, “a hanyou like you defeat me?!” he exclaimed with a laugh, “that could never happen!” he created a giant ball of chakra and shot it at Reiko, Reiko attempted to block it with his katana but was blown back and knocked uncontious as he hit a tree. He held up the orb his eyes turning to the tajiya, “listen woman, with out this you will die surrender your body to me and you shall live,” he shouted. Suddenly a symbol appeared on the orb as it began to crystallize into a golden jewel the ninja’s eyes widen, “It’s a celestial jewel!” he exclaimed. “Too bad woman,” he said, “it appears as though you must die after all, the jewel can’t be used if its hostess is still alive.” He created the largest chakra ball of all and shot it at Tara’s body. There was a huge explosion and the demon grinned in victory. He watched waiting for the dust to clear so that he may see the damage, his eyes widened in shock as he saw barrier around the tajiya’s body created by a mystical blade that was wielded by none other than Reiko, now I must return the orb before it crystallizes otherwise her soul will be trapped inside forever, he though. The same symbol that glowed on the orb was glowing on his forehead. “Impossible!” the ninja said, “a guardian it can’t be we destroyed and killed their entire village!” he exclaimed.
“Return the tajiya’s sword and I’ll let you leave with your life demon,” Reiko shouted the sword of light glowing intensely in his hand.
The ninja seemed shaken at first but grinned. “Guardian to the maiden or not you are still a hanyou and unable to defeat a full demon like me,” he shouted as he too unsheathed his sword and jump down to attack Reiko.
Reiko blocked with ease, sparks were flying from his strange sword he had no idea where it came from it just appeared but one thing he did know was that it was demanding him to protect the tajiya which he obliged with willingly. “You stay away from her,” Reiko said as he separated the swords and swung causing the ninja to back away. The two fought intensely, suddenly the demon shouted, “Shadow clone jutsu!” and seemingly split into five different clones. “Thunder wave!” Reiko shouted as lighting shot from his sword killing all five clones. Reiko thought he had defeated the demon, he turned to where the tajiya’s body was but it was gone, “tajiya!” he screamed thinking her body, like in legends from his village, had disappeared. From behind him the demon ninja smirked “too late guardian,” he said as he jumped and slashed. A sword flew through the air cutting through branches and twigs like butter, it sliced the demon ninja’s head clean off. It landed with a thump on the ground the eyes darted every which way, as its body fell near by, “what happened?” He exclaimed, “Who threw that?” he asked.
A boomerblade turned in the air and flew to the owner’s hand. Tara stood with Kiki tucked in one arm; it was very noticeable that she was in a weakened state since she was barley able to stand. “I believe you have something of mine,” she said in a low barley audible voice. She walked to his body. “Ninja lesson 101: a ninja must see through deceit,” she said.
Reiko blinked in shock, “tajiya?”
“How are you moving?!” the demon head screamed, “How are you still alive,”
She smirked, “I was asking myself the same thing but here’s what I think,” she said, “I may be a celestial maiden thingy and I probably am, but that’s not the only thing I am, I’m also a stubborn human and not one to die so easily.” She said however she was very weak and collapse onto the floor.
“Tajiya!” Reiko screamed the sword had disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared but he didn’t take notice, also the symbol on his head had disappeared. The tajiya ground in her young body, her hand reached for the jewel but she couldn’t reach. Reiko ran over and grabbed it, “dam he shouted I’m too late! The orb has completely crystallized” he said as he turned to the tajiya, “I’m sorry,” he said.
She struggled t sit up it was very difficult to move without her other soul, “that’s ok, you tried your best, must say you have improved-“she said as she closed her eyes.
“Here it’s yours,” he said not knowing what else to say. He felt a strange feeling remorse, sadness, things he never felt for someone else. He put it in her hand but she was unable to clasp it and it fell into her lap next to her fading kitten. "damn it you can’t die,” he said shaking her limp body, you have to get better you must! Wake up!” he shouted.
The jewel glowed a bright yellow light and there was a mass release of energy so powerful that Reiko was thrown back and the demon died his head disappearing in the light. A mist escaped from the jewel and enshrouded the tajiya’s body. Her eyes fluttered open, as Kiki’s fur began to blacken. “Reiko?” the tajiya asked.
Reiko ran to her, “tajiya you ok?” he asked his eyes wide and apparently worried.
She pushed him away as she changed to her celestial form as a result of taking in so much energy from receiving her soul back, “of course I’m ok stupid, and you’re the one I’m worried about.” She stood up and Kiki stretched on the ground.
“Hey who are you calling stupid,” he shouted “you nearly died you retarded tajiya,” he crossed his arms, “I have no idea why I bothered to save you.” He said.
“What are you talking about saving me, you yet again interfered,” she said, “besides you would have been sliced into pieces if it weren’t for me.” She added.
“whatever,” he said as he tried to re summon the sword, “at least I know who and what I am,” he said after failing to do so.
The tajiya’s eyes fell to the ground, “lucky you,” she said depressed.
“Hey don’t get depressed, I’ll tell you everything” he said.
The tajiya turned sharply and faced him, “you mean you know?” she asked.
“Now I do,” he said, “I grew up learning of nothing else besides ninja training tajiya,” he said
“It’s Tara,” she said.
“Huh?” Reiko asked.
“My name it’s not tajiya it’s Tara,” she said. “Nobody except you knows that,” she added.
Reiko grinned happily, “I thought I had to save you to learn your name, but whatever nice to meet you Tara,” he said holding out his hand.
“Same here,” she said with the first genuine smile he had ever seen her give.
“Well then about you. . .” he said as he prepared to tell her about who she was.

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