ok so last night i had the most bizzare dream ever. so i was sitting in front of the tv and this show came on called the secret lives of(the city i live in) people. so then the screen flashes and my friend katie's name pops up. then is shows a video of this really really ugly little girl who looks nothing like katie dancing around in a bodybuilder costume(you know muscles and stuff)and i shout at the tv THATS NOT KATIE!!!!! then my other friend megan's name pops up just like katies and it showed a video of me and her with this baby sitter whose boyfriend is this wolf man dracula thing and was chasing us around (when i woke up i realized i had had a similar dream a while back).(ok here it comes) MY FREKIN NAME POPS UP THERE!!!! yet again it shows a video clip, but this one was different it looked like me BUT I WAS GROWN UP. so i was this vet and we apperently made house calls because we were at some house. there was this guy and a girl with blue hair and suddenly we start chokeing at the same time (me and this girl) and the guy can only save one of us so he picks the girl with blue hair. while im chokeing the older me DIES..... gonk . Then it flashes to an other clip of a dream i had previously about my 9th bday and i have a pool and a livingroom that looks like my friend lexies. so were eating pancakes and our plates were coverd in syrup so were frekin out fur some reson so we dicide to wash out plates in the pool and thes little fish start grabbing on to our plates and im like WE NEVER HAD FISH IN THE POOL!? then i kinda woke up sweatdrop BUT HAHA I WENT BACK TO SLEEP AND THE DREAM CONTINUED FOR SOME REASON! so i go to school (the me who was watching this show in the first place) and i tell all my friends about that show and their like no way! then i turn around that that damn show had been made in to a BOOK ALREADY!!! every one was buying it and stuff... THE END blaugh yah i kinda woke up again and couldn't go back to sleep, what did i make of this dream you ask?? well im srry i didnt understand it at all ecept that was the longest an most confuseingest dream i EVER had.
porpieypeep · Wed Nov 08, 2006 @ 12:11am · 2 Comments |