So every night before i go to bed, my brain will not shut up! so a couple nights ago i had the 2 most oddest thoughts ever.
I noticed that almost every boy i had a crush on something bad happend to them sweatdrop Austin....well lets just say somebody else liked him too (lexie...) Danny: his brother got lukimia Zack: he had the cutest hair cut, and i called him a mushroom. and he would do this thing were his hair would poof up and he would go "poof". Then last year he gets sent to military school and got all his hair chopped of crying Phil: HE FREKING COMMITID SUICIDE Jimmy: nothing rlly bad happend
Just to clarify NONE of these boys knew i liked them, just weird coincidences.
The second thing was that every show that i have ever been obsessed with was a Japanese anime... first there was Salior moon second was Hamtaro then the Miazaki movies and guessed it....NARUTO!!!!! and im starting to get into Inyuyasha too.
Odd thoughts aren't they.... whee lolz
porpieypeep · Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 12:35am · 2 Comments |