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~::Dk's Ramblings::~
Just a load of Ramblings by yours truely. Please do not steal any art, pictures or characters that I put up here. They would be copyright to me. Not to mention if I happen to ask opinions of any ideas I might have. ~Thank you <3
~:: Be Smart, Be Aware - PLEASE READ::~
What I am getting on about here is people and their awareness of disabilities. The one in particular I'm talking about is Autism.

I'm not saying that other disabilities that other people have are any worse or stressful to deal with, but I wish to make people aware because it's one that people can not just see straight away. In some cases you have know the person in order to know that have the disability. There are different degrees of Autism which does not help in identifying it, especially when the child is at a very young age.

Usually with other disabilities, they are identified at a young age. Autism is not identified until the child is older and is able to show the signs.

Here is some information I think you guys will find useful and perhaps help you understand.

L and Autism
Autism is a disorder with a neurological basis. Beginning in early childhood, a person may experience sensitivity to a number of different sensual stimuli, including lights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, et al. This hypersensitivity may manifest itself in extreme avoidance of certain environmental aspects or stubborn clothing and food preferences. People with autism may also engage in self-stimulatory behavior by repetitively touching certain things, listening to specific sounds, and engaging in self-harm, among many behaviors. If overstimulated, the person may become extremely agitated or angry for no reason that is discernable to others. Other specifically neurological signs include difficulty with fine and/or gross motor control, prosopagnosia (or "face blindness" wink , difficulty understanding verbal instructions or speech (e.g. Central Auditory Processing Disorder), and extreme visual or auditory skill or memory (a "photographic" or "tape recorder" memory).

The social effects are generally more recognizable and insistent; people who are autistic are profoundly socially awkward. Most dislike large groups and parties, and many are not overly concerned with other people at all. Distinguishing the emotions of others is a constant challenge, as people with autism are not generally able to 'read' complex emotional body language in other people. Many avoid eye contact all together, or express an uncomfortable and excessive amount of eye contact (staring blankly). Objects and animals are frequently more immediately interesting and important than other people. People with severe cases of autism are most often mute or have substantial difficulties with language. They may not acknowledge other people, including family members, to any great degree, and often seem 'trapped' in 'their own little world.'

In short: "Autism is a life-long developmental disability that prevents individuals from properly understanding what they see, hear, and otherwise sense. This results in severe problems of social relationships, communication, and behavior."

You may have noticed the name I had given the Quote. This is because my sister had found this site due to her new obsession with the manga Death note. She was reading it in Wikipedia (L being her favourite) and it showed a link to the site and a possible diagnosis for how he is. Naturally we checked it out, and found it extremely helpful in understanding the disability better. Especially since the person who did the site has Asperger's Syndrome.

Asperger's Syndrome can be classed as either a form of Autism or a separate syndrome.

Wither L is, or is not Autistic or has Asperger's Syndrome, I don't know. But he certainly has many AS traits and behaviors, plus it seems to be a popular belief.

If you want to read the site, please visit it here: http://www.drworm.net/lautism.htm

I suggest going there regardless of wither you know who L is or not. It answers questions about the disability Autism and is defiantly and interesting read, also giving you some point of view talk.

Not only does Autism effect the person who has it, but also their family. It can be very stressful on the parents and other siblings, how much can vary with the degree the disability is.

When out and about with an Autistic child and they start shouting and screaming about something that's upsetting them, the parents will usually be stared at making them feel judged. If the tantrum they have is an all out war against parent and child, this can create an awful atmosphere. The parents believing that everyone is judging them.

And not in the good way neither. This is going back to the fact that Autism is not easy to identify, especially for people who are not aware. The parents will start to feel like everyone thinks they are bad parents and are somehow mistreating their child. Mainly because everyone stares, and you always get the people who give Death glares and looks of disapproval.

Tantrums can usually be set off by the littlest things, or perhaps big ones. Either way, the reason why they kick off is perfectly reasonable in that person's mind.

Things that seem little to us, will seem big to them. An example I was given by a care worker for people with disabilities was about when she went to a lecture given by autistic woman about Autism.

It was apparently her WORST nightmare going out and talking to all these people in this one room but she managed to do it. However she kept stopping because there was this sound coming from outside that was annoying her. It was the sound of a drill, the windows were open, but no one in the room seemed to noticed until she repeated "I cant stand that noise" 5 or 6 times.

Another example I was given was how these people view things they don't like. If my brother (whom we are using as an example) does not want to eat a certain food, he would see it basically as a plate of maggots and he wouldn't dare eat it.

Some Autistic people don't wear shoes because they feel when they put them on, it burns the souls of their feet.

But I think I have given enough examples to make you aware of it. But I would also like you guys to think of the rest of the family as well.

The Parents feel guilty about how their child turned out (it happens with other disabilities, not just Autism, but it's still there) and they always feel that they are being judge if people stare at them while handling their child.

Parents of the child can also be split apart. They may live together, but they will sort of... Not be as close as they once were. This is due to they don't get much time to themselves, so they can drift apart. It's a terrible thought, but it can happen. But in other cases, it can bring them together closer then they have been before because they want to look take care of their baby basically. They will get through these times no matter what and they can be closer because of that.

Siblings may also feel left out and maybe jealous of the attention a child with disabilities gets. I know I have myself felt that at some points, but I shove that away when I think about it in the long run. Parents try to make it up to their child via food, toys and letting them do what they want in the house and giving them their own way.

It may not always be the case, but the brothers/sisters could feel that way.

For the siblings there is also a sense of... "Duty" they have. Trips out can be embarrassing, the same can be said for parents who have a toddler, but you hope they eventually grow out of it.

People with Autism don't usually, perhaps some can, it can depend of how they're raised and the degree of Autism it is. But some can't really defend for themselves if people laugh, or joke behind them behind their back or if rude and obnoxious people come up to them and try and shove them out of their way. So the siblings feel they should be there, and will do, regardless.

Not only is there that kind of duty, but siblings may feel that when their parents are too old to look after their child anymore, that they will have to take the responsibility. That they'd have to give up their possible dreams to look after their sibling.

I am not saying this is the case, but merely feelings other kids in the family can have. Some brothers/sisters end up hating their sibling because of how stressful it can be. Not just with Autism but with other forms of disabilities. Some families can get drawn apart, and others stick together to look after their child.

It's different for everyone.

But whatever the children feel, the Parents feel 10 fold, so please, just think about it.

I hope what I've put will enlighten you as to how life is for people with Autism (and perhaps others with a disability) is like, as well as their family.

So please, if you notice something similar to what I have submitted to where you are, don't just stand and stare like it's a freak show, or someones beating the s**t out of kid. Just keep on walking, or perhaps in some cases, offer help in the nicest way possible.

We do not need death glares or to be judged. These people are fantastic and truly brilliant people. Just not everyone understands this.

Why the hell are you doing this Journal entry? Haven't you just made disability sound bad?

As I said, I want to make people aware of how life it for them. If my brother could actually talk, he'd probably tell you how hard it can be. I just wanted to raise the facts abouts people with Autism because of how it is. I do not mean to put them down in anyway.

If people do, I will be upset because that would mean I am putting down my own brother. And I really do love my brother despite sometimes I feel I want to jump in a hole.

But this entry was done because of an event that happened today which was the worst my brother had acted in public. It made me painfully aware at how stupid and ignorant the world can be.

What happened that was so bad?

My brother has severe Autism. Not only that but severe learning disabilities to top it off.

The day had started off really well. We had gone to the Trafford Centre (A mall in Manchester, England) and my brother was being well behaved despite the odd whine and moan because he was getting tired. It was still better then it had been.

We were coming of a store, my parents had gone on ahead with my brother because we were going down the stairs and my brother takes a while getting down them.

When me, my twin and my little sister (the middle child) came out and started down the stairs, we saw my little brother standing on the middle platform of the stairs, for some reason refusing to continue going down the stairs as though there was some monster waiting for him at the bottom.

Sadly he had to be moved due to people were trying to get passed and it was jam packed due to Christmas shoppers.

We went down, but when we got to my brother I stayed to see what the problem was and asked him nicely while my siblings went to my mum and dad. I repeated that we were going to a different DVD store to get Pirates of the Caribbean (which usually works in getting him moving again, it gives him something to look forward to and to motivate him to be a good boy) however he refused to budge.

He shouted and screamed at me, and told my parents the best he could to go away (he can't talk very much, his mind is like a toddler's just learning how to talk, it is coming along well though) and we tried to get him to go down more. Despite how nice we were being, he was still shouting and screaming, bringing the attention of the masses of crowd around us.

There was even a bitchy slag who just stormed up to him and expected him to move out of her way as though she was the Queen. I told her to ******** off, but what ya gonna do. She is one of the reasons why I want you guys to be aware.

Anyway, eventually the traffic of people we getting worse and my Mum and Dad had to get him down by force. (Sadly to say)

He kicked off even more and the crowd around yes was starting to thicken, top and bottom of the stairs. Even people who weren't using the stairs were standing and staring. I was still trying to get my brother to calm down and get him to come along peacefully.

On the second middle platform of the stairs, a wonderful woman came up to use and tried to help us. She offered to get my Brother a drink and went off to do so as my parents took him down to the bottom floor finally. Two of the Mall staff waiting for my parents and looking at them as though they were beating the hell out of my brother.

When there, he just sat on the floor still crying and screaming, now hitting and lashing out at my parents, the crowd still staring, glancing and giving us glares of disgrace and shock. It was like we were the attraction of a drama gone bad. It was terrible.

Another woman at the beauty stand next to where we were offered to get him a chair to sit on, the other woman standing there however was not as nice and telling my parents off for not just leaving him there. It wasn't till my Dad mentioned he was special needs that she finally got it.

Yet another reason why I want to make you aware,

The woman from before had come back and bought my brother a drink from the nearby store and was really helpful. My Mum had broken into tears because of all the stares we had received and I was closing in on crying myself.

Seeing how upset my mum was, I went to move on the crowd, eventually breaking into tears myself. People seemed to move on and some just stopped glancing when they over heard my talking and explaining it.

Two other women told me how proud they were of me and my parents. They didn't see my twin nor my little sister because they were a few feet away. Though my little sister had actually run off because of how it upset her.

It was the first time things had been that bad in public. It was terrible. But my brother soon became his happy and lovable self afterwards.

But today it made me realise how unaware people are of of Autism. Because they're not in a wheelchair, people will find it harder to tell.

My heart is out to everyone who has Autism or AS, as well as their siblings, parents and carers. Not to mention to everyone else who has a disability.

They really are amazing people when you seem them at their best. heart

If you have an questions, please post them in comments. I will be happy to answer them.

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commentCommented on: Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 02:38am
Not really a question but I just wanted to post that I'm proud of you for doing this. It took alot to stand up and say something about the people who just wander through life thinking that everyone is the same as they are.

So good job dear and make sure to give the bitchy ones a piece of my mind right along with yours. ^_^

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 03:58am
Hey, I just want to say thanks so much for putting this up here!!! :heart: :heart: My gaia name is graceangel. I'm 31, and I'm a mother of a 6 year old boy who has a high functioning end fo autism. It's not as bad for us as some other people; but hey... in some points it is hard. He still is not potty trained and teh people at his school seem to not believe me that i'm trying. My son is usually good when we go out.. but the last few trips to the mall haven't been especially good... and a few other places we go are an issue. But, when it comes to washing or cutting his hair, those things are guaranteed to be extremely dramatic. I just found out at parent teacher conferences a few weeks ago that unless they are having chicken nuggest for lunch; he's not eating anything they give him. So, I guess I'm back to sending PB&J sandwiches on the off weeks when there are no nuggets. Now, for us, it is a little easier becuase he can tolerate and likes physical contact... but we let him set his level for the kind of contact he can handle.. and it varies. some weeks he is all into hugging; but sometimes he gets in these moods where he really isn't interested in being touched. His language skills are extremely behind. and in class, he doesn't really.. "engage with the group activities" but, he is aware of other people.. he is aware of where everything is in his environments at all times. Places we go where it's different he gets uneasy. So, like.. I work at a toys r us... whenever the times are that people bring him in when picking me up; we only stay in there so long... Like, right now we have a big K'nex display of amusement park rides you can build demos. And, he'll stnad there for hours... but what can ya do! adn i just happened to be nosy at someone's sig to come read your journal.. i thought it would be about KH...xD What a surprise!!! You know.. there is a big organization forming nowadays. It's called Autism Speaks. Maybe a bunch of us on gaia should rally together and hold a special event thread for it? Like, how people on gaia raise money for various causes to go to a paypal account when they have financial need and pay back with pets.. some of us who run pet/art shops could award users who donate to the autism speaks compaign or something? Also, you know.. there are ribbons for lots of different causes out there; for autism, it is a ribbon that looks like a puzzle with diff color pieces. feel free to friend me if you want to share stories, experiences, etc.

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commentCommented on: Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 04:28am
Site with clipart and autism awareness graphics

I am gonna borrow their black and white one and possibly make some stuff for my pet shops to look like that... Autism Speaks

I just now was looking over their schedule of walks.. I notice there aren't any at all in my state. I wonder why that is... :/

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 09:04pm
What are the chances of you finding my journal like that? xd heart I'm glad you like this entry. ^^

I was wanting to make a support thread to in one of the forums, but I was unsure of where abouts I'd put it. o.o

My brother is kinda like that with the touching thing. Uuslaly he doesn't like you touching him, but if in a good mood he will pull a kissy face at you. xd He's really cute. ^^

The petshop idea gives me some idea for my Baby thread in breedables =o It gives me ideas. lol

And thank you for the links! I think I might purchase the pin when I'm able to. heart

Defiantly friending you! heart

Demented Kid
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commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 02:36am
I have a personal rp guild from my gaia family which has practically all but died off... I could turn one of the subforums into an ASD support room?

Well, in my pet shop.. i was thinking i could do some themes of some colored with puzzle designs on them... you know.. i have that puzzle thing on my profile. but, you know.. i have been to other sites that have the puzzle ribbons.. and i heard the puzzle piece is used for autism because of the fact so many asd kids are like.. obsessive about puzzles.. my son prefers computer games really. he can sit and have like.. 4-5 hrs of sonic the hedgehog and beat the game.

and, since my son was a baby, sometimes i'll take him to dance with me while i listen to my music.. and even now.. sometimes he'll rush up to me if he sees me getting down to my music.. and demand i let him dance with me.. even if it's a fast song.

commentCommented on: Thu Nov 30, 2006 @ 09:10pm
That would be a good idea *nods*

Ja, I think a thread would be good and a chance to win some pets from us. I've seen a Breast Cancer one hanging around breedables and I take it that was the idea you wanted to do?

Well, anyway, I'm liking it more ^^

Lol, my brother loves to dance. Plus he's absorbed into Video games and Tv. Sonic is actually one of his faves. xd

He'll also keep rewinding part of a DVD for up to an hour and laugh at it all the time.

Demented Kid
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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 08, 2006 @ 04:44am
Hey, I'm actually Graceangel's sister. I saw the link in her sig. We are pretty close. Thank you for posting this. Awareness is great. Not a lot of people understand what its like, I get a brief idea cause I try and help my sister.

Just wanted to say thanks really.

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 10, 2006 @ 06:21am
Ok DK.. here's my idea. Not right after the new year.. cuz i need some time for my son and to recouperate from what christmas in retail does to me. but about mid january; we can co-host an awareness event. I can talk to a few people and see if they want to color/put up a few pets for prizes/auctions/raffles. I'll let you know. Maybe we can use my guild subforum as a planning area? and have a mockthread to practice how we want out layout.. and then put one up in the B/C when it's time.

In fact, visit here to help me out if you want. Feel free to recruit whoever you think would be interested to pitch in for it.

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