Okay, so I combined scene 6 with what was going to be scene 7 in order to make this, so it's pretty long. It's still a rough draft, like my other scenes, so we'll just have to edit as we begin rehearsing guys! I hope you like it! It was particularly challenging to write because of the drama and all the discoveries, but....well, with some work it should be pretty darn great!
SCENE 6: Revelations
Kids are in chamber, bored, all off in their own little worlds.
Raven: Maybe we’ll be here for years. [resigned]
Lily: [sigh] I’m starved.
Kate: I miss Titanic.
Raven: [groan] I’d eat a human shishkabob at this point.
Kate: Cannibal.
Lily: [nervous tone] eeeehh……
Kate: D’you think Charles is gay?
Raven: Yes [at the same time as Lily] Lily: No.
Kate: Thanks for your decisive answers…but I personally don’t think he’s gay. He can’t be gay. We have to run off to Paris together.
Raven: Would this be before or after he roasts us with pink magic?
Kate: Oh, be quiet….
Lily: I’m REALLY hungry.
Door opens. Charles walks in.
Charles: I brought you guys some food.
Kate: Oh, HI Charles….[flirty voice]
Charles: [big eyes] Um, hello…[clears throat] Uh….so yeah, uh, anyway I made sandwiches.
Raven: mmm….
Charles: Oh, and shishkabobs.
Raven: Oh, that looks good-
Charles: [jumps in surprise] Oh my-! Is she okay?!
Raven: [laughing uncontrollably]
Kate: [snort of laughter] Lily, Lily calm down! Oh Jeez….
Lily: I can’t calm down! I don’t want to eat a human shishkabob….
Charles: What?! Who said anything about a human shishkabob?
Charles, Lily and Kate are quiet, Charles confused, and Lily and Kate sighing and glancing at Raven. The only noise is Raven laughing really hard.
Charles: Oh. Him. [wrinkles nose in distaste]
Kate: Uh-huh.
Charles: [noise of irritation] Well, here are your sandwiches, I made-[ringing from his pocket. Charles takes out his cell phone and opens it] Hello? [pause] Oh hello, I-[pause] Yes I got it….[turns and walks a little bit away from kids self-consciously and starts speaking in a hushed voice] No, Mum, you’ve GOT to stop sending me woman’s clothes! It’s a disgrace! [pause] Yes I know you think they’re, ah, pretty, but-[pause] Look, Mum, this really isn’t a good time for me, I’ve got some, uh, people over….
Kate: [rolls her eyes]
Charles: [pause] No, no it’s not Ellie and Brad….they only come over for Tuesday fashion night, you know that.
Raven: [starts snickering]
Charles: [notices Raven] Look, Mum, I really have to go now, okay? I’ll call you later- I don’t have time to talk about getting a haircut right now, mum, see I’ve got to go! I’ll call you later! [pause] MUM! I’m going now! [closes phone]
Kate: Maybe he IS gay.
Charles: [in high squeaky voice] I am NOT gay! [clears throat and tries to regain dignity by speaking low] I mean, I am NOT gay….
Raven: Okay, sure, Mr. IWearWoman’sClothesBecauseMyMomThinksThey’rePretty….
Charles: You know what, I- I- I-[stutters]
Lily: You’re funny. Let’s keep him.
Kate: God, Lily, he’s not a pet….[mumbles] he’s my future husband….
Charles: [starts, noise of surprise] did you just-
Kate: No.
Charles: You didn’t say-
Kate: Nope.
Charles: [blinks] Um, okay….well, uh, anyway, I have some business to attend to, so if you’ll excuse me….[turns to go]
Raven: Wait!
Charles: [turns around]
Raven: Hold on, you have to tell us about her! Who is she? And why are we here? [as he is talking Charles turns his back and leaves] Hey! Hey, get back here you b*****d-
Kate: Raven, watch your language!
Raven: [is about to yell out to Charles more but pauses] Wait….you just called me Raven again.
Kate: uggh, not again! Roger, it’s Roger, Roger! C’mon, Kate, pull yourself together here…..it’s this whole kidnapping business, it’s unsettled me, just you wait, Roger, when we get home there won’t be any more of this Raven nonsense….
Lily: Why’d mom and dad name him Roger anyways? It’s a weird name.
Kate: Oh, I expect the adoption people named him. [directs toward Raven]I mean, you were already around 1 or 2 when when mom decided to take you.
Raven: Yeah. Hey, how old were you? I remember Lily, but not you…..
Kate: I was a baby, I think. I don’t know for sure, though, cause Dad never likes to talk about it….
Lily: Why not?
Kate: um…[uncomfortably] Well, honestly I think it was only Mom who wanted kids.
Raven: Well, THAT makes perfect sense. Because any NORMAL woman who wanted kids would leave them with a father who doesn’t even want them!
Lily: [shot of her frowning, looking confused and a little upset]
Kate: Roger, shut your mouth now.
Raven: Or what? You know it’s true! Why the hell else would she run off with 500 grand and a-
Raven: [deadly quiet voice] You just don’t want to admit she never cared.
Kate: Things change, Raven. She changed. Money changes people.
Lily: Katie? Katie, do you think it changed Dad, too?
Kate: I don’t know, Lily. I was very little when dad got his position at the firm. I don’t really remember what he was like before that.
Lily: Oh. Okay.
Anna Lucia: Oh, it didn’t change him.
[everyone looks up at Anna Lucia who walked in without anyone noticing]
Kate: How do YOU know?
Anna Lucia: Heh, I know more about that man than you’d think. Why do you think I kidnapped you?
Raven: Ransom, probably. He’s a fricking millionaire.
Kate: Thanks, Raven, for telling her that.
Anna Lucia: Oh, Katie, it’s not like it matters. I knew him before he even got that rich. Besides, I don’t need any more connection with that man than what I have before me now.
Lily: How did you….know him?
Anna Lucia: Well…it’s a long and complicated story.
Raven: Like you said, it’s not like we’ve got anywhere to go. [sarcastically irritated]
Anna Lucia: Very true, Raven, very true. [laughs] Well, I suppose I’d better tell you, than. But I really ought to make sure you don’t have any illusions about the man your father was.
Kate: Why? What did he do?
Anna Lucia: Oh, Katie, he did a great many things…but the one for which he’ll be condemned is the only one I need speak about.
Raven: Look, what the heck are you talking about? Condemned? If that gay neat freak is telling the truth, you can’t possibly have known him! We’re living in two different worlds!
Anna Lucia: Yet here I am, talking to you, now aren’t I, Raven.
[raven is silent]
Anna Lucia: Yes, as Charles told you, I created a bridge between worlds. My relationship with your Father was rare, impossible by most standards.
Kate: R-relationship? You and him….
Anna Lucia: Yes. I was young, I was foolish. I couldn’t-
Raven: Wait, you were younger than you are? How long ago was this?
Anna Lucia: 7 years ago. I keep myself looking that young using magic, you see…
Kate: Oh, thank goodness.
Anna Lucia: Yes…well, as I was saying….I couldn’t recognize him for the greedy lout he was. My eyes saw nothing but a charming man who loved me, the very first.
And…that was all it took…[gets lost in thought for a moment]
Raven: Our dad? And you? Oh Jesus, this just keeps getting weirder…
Kate: So why have you kidnapped us? You still haven’t explained! And if it’s not for ransom, than how does our dad fit into all this?
Anna Lucia: Your father betrayed me, to put it simply. The ba- [pauses, then covers Lily’s ears] The b*****d was sleeping with another woman for months while we were dating. [stiffer]He was my first love, and…well, I felt the pain in a stronger way than any of you might have because our relationship was bound by the connection between two worlds…..and then it was broken. I felt the pain strongly, achingly…it was more powerful to me than anything from one world could possibly be.
Kate: He broke your heart.
Anna Lucia: [getting angrier and more venomous] Yes, and now the son of a b***h is gonna pay.
Raven: Um…..[swallows] How exactly?
Anna Lucia: Well, maybe you should consider why you’ve been kidnapped….[laughs and strolls out of the chamber]
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