If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Shopping mall Treasures
Oh I had fun today. My neighbor needed a ride to Oshawa so he could catch the Go Train to visit a friend in Toronto. Some how I got conned into doing it. Originally, his wife and son were going to come with us and we would make a day at the mall (Oshawa is about 1h away, a much larger city, and a better selection of shopping malls). But they got sick and didn't feel like going.
During the drive there I happened to glance in my rear view mirror and see a black unmarked cop car with his light flashing trying to pass a transport truck that was right on my tail. So I pulled over, not sure what was going on as I wasn't speeding and I still have until Thursday to renew my plate sticker. The cop asked me "if I knew how long the truck had been behind me as he was way too close ", I wasn't sure but I knew it hadn't been that long. The cop then explained that he was actually trying to stop the truck for speeding and didn't know I was in front until he was up by the trucks cab. I was sent on my way while the truck driver was being charged with speeding and tail gating...heh go figure.
We get to the mall where we met another friend for lunch. Then the friend suggests that he would take my neighbor as he knows the town better, and I can do some shopping. Personally, I wasn't planning on hanging around as it is boring shopping when you don't have company, but I ended up going to Chapters at least.
I'm not a big reader, but they do have a nice selection of craft books and New Age stuff. I picked up 2 books on bead working, then 3 more involving Shamanism, Spiritual Healing, and enhancing psychic abilities. As I headed to the cashier I saw a cheap GO game and since I have heard my bf talking about wanting to learn how to play I picked it up for him. Then once that was paid for ($177.?? dollars later) I started the drive home.
When I got back my bf was at his usual place in front of the computer complaining he was in so much pain as he pushed himself at work then carried groceries from work to home. That is a 1/2 hour walk on top of his 8 hour shift...poor bugger. But he could have taken a cab or something, but he is a guy and does have a tendancy to be a bone head. Oh well.