If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Another weekend
It's my typical weekend with a slight detour. Yesterday was ok. Dropped my bf off at work and bought some cheap frozen lunch stuff, then came home and went to one of the other chat rooms I sometimes hang out at. Got into some good topics and before I realized it, it was 4 pm. Not only did I still have laundry to go do, but a farewell party for one of my co-workers who we feel was unfairly downsized. That went well enough.
Today I am so bored. My bf doesn't get home until 3:30 and that is only if I go pick him up. Leaving me to decide if I want to go do some craft stuff and hope I don't loose track of time like I usually do, or play one of the play station or game boy games. Neither is overly appealing right now. I could go back to the other chat room and hope the topic will be interesting but easy enough to back out of when it is time to go pick the bf up. Or I can waste my time here and write a very long journal. decisions decisions.
But once my wait is over and supper is eaten I can go enjoy tonights RPG with the neighbors. Bf started us on 7th Sea, a game by the same people who did the Legend of the 5 Rings system. Once again I am stuck with a healer type xp but at least she isn't so meak and mild twisted