I had my drum lesson, and guess what? My drum teacher (in the course of chatting about something or other) mentioned that today is apparently called Blue Monday, because it is the most common week in the year for sickness. And also a lot of christmas bills are due for people this week, and plus it's a monday, so someone on the radio this morning called it Blue Monday. And my poor drum teacher, it's his birthday!
Drums were fun. The drumset is by far the hardest, but also the most fun to play. Drumming really puts me in a good mood! and guess what? I did really well and he said I took to it like a fish to water! I'm so excited!
I have very little homework tonight. Which is awesomeful. Just some french and one problem in math that I hadn't had time to finish.
My mom brought me my contacts before drums. She got my message this MORNING but was too LAZY to bring them.....well, okay, she's sick. I'm not trying to be spoiled, but it's really rather terrifying trying to navigate in the halls when you can't see and a bunch of jocks are belly-bumping everywhere! gonk
I practiced drums for like 40 minutes when I got home....
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Monkey Airplane Soldier
Be kind, please rewind.
I'm a girl, in real life, my avi is just.....confused. sweatdrop
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Midnight Treat Community Member |
the silver fire
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mavi_raya16 Community Member |
the silver fire
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Kookie Monsda Community Member |
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And don't answer that question, by the way. It's hypothetical, because I know SOME people *cough Emma cough* will say, "of course, you're boring as hell!"
Ah well. At least now I shall have one lonely comment.......