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Theo's Notebook
Life in Gaia.
John Cole's park sucks.
So like, I was walking home. And then I got home. And I was like, ho'snapz, I left my keys at home. So I was like ARRGH and went off to my grandma's where my dad would be. Then scary Betsy opens her door and is like, in her American accent, 'Ohh, are you locked out? Do you wanna stay here for a bit until someone comes?' and I'm like haha no. And then she says some stuff and I nod and smile, not listening to a word she's saying, listening to my music blaring out my headphones instead, and then she laughs which is the signal for the end of the conversation, so then I run away.
My grandma lives near my school. Walking towards school, in my school uniform, past other school kids, it's a bit awkward. I saw Lofty on the way though, haven't seen him in years, and he's like, 'Are you Bethany?' and I'm like yeah, and he's like, hi. I think that's like the first time we've ever spoken to each other before, but oh well.
So then I get to my grandma's. And my dad says that Hayley would've been home anyway, I didn't realise 'cause I didn't try the doorbell or anything. D'oh.
Going out to the car to get back home. And hey, who's that walking across the green? Why, it's Amy, Katie and Dauncy! I go with them instead.
Jeez, Amy is SO LOUD. Dauncy and me pretended not to know her.
Then we were walking through the park. And Katie was like, hey, there's no one on the roundabout! So her and Amy run through the playpark gate and go there. Me and Dauncy slowly go after them, embarrassed.
Me and Dauncy go off to the swings to get away from them, but then they follow us. So we swing on the swings for a bit. Like you do. Then they want to go on the see-saw... Then we go back out the play area. Amy's looking through her bag, ho'shitz, her purse isn't there. She thinks it must've fallen out whilst they were on the roundabout, so much against mine and Dauncy's wishes, we go back. And then a parkie comes. And he's like ARRGHRGQWHREIB WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE and we're like she's looking for her purse and then he's like, YEAH, THIS IS FOR KIDS YOUNGER THAN TWELVE and Dauncy says they should put lights around the sign. I hit him and tell him to shut up.
Then we wander away, complaining about the park. Dauncy told me he's not allowed to play football in there 'cause 'his ball dents the ground'. I was laughing for ages. I mean, wtf. xD
And then Katie's saying how now she can't go here, or Monkton Park, or Baker's Oven, and then we're reminded of the 'Hi, I'm a friend of Joel, can I have a free doughnut?' event. We laughed.
Then we're outside the park, thinking of ways to get our revenge. PLAN HUDDLE. Dauncy's plan is to get weedkiller and write COCKMUNCH on the grass outside the parkie shed.
Holy s**t, parkie's coming down the path, WITH A WHEELBARROW. We run away, just in time as a tractor goes through the gate. STUPID PARKIE TRIED TO KILL US. D:<
Then we parted ways. Well, after Katie and Dauncy had finished sucking each other's faces off, it seemed. Urrgh >___<

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