To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to address an issue that has been concerning me for quite a while. Our country was founded on the principles of freedom. In the Declaration of Independence it states that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights from our creator. Our government was created to equally preserve that freedom. The legislative branch is to compose laws to protect the people’s interests. The judicial is to make sure that those laws do not defy the constitution. The executive branch keeps those two in line. This is what I was taught in school, and in my own home.
Now it occurs to me that these basic principles that our country was founded on have become corrupt. The legislative branch is creating laws that benefit themselves and their own pockets and not the people they represent. The judicial branch is creating laws instead of consulting the Constitution. The executive branch cannot do anything about it because the different factions of the political parties over ride them at every turn.
Our founding fathers would be ashamed at what we have become. They didn’t want our government to take away the freedoms that they fought and died to create. I watch on the news each day as Congress discusses new ways of decreasing what liberties we have left. To some, gun control should be stricter and we should wipe out any trace of religion in the schools. Our children become uneducated to real facts of history. They are fed misguided babble to keep them appeased so they cannot question the workings of the government.
Because of our inability to listen and speak out against what is going on, we have only added fodder to the flames. We do not ask questions or forge protests against our government. It could be considered all of our fault because we keep the corrupt representatives in office.
In the near future, there will come a time when the government will take too many freedoms away from us. When that time comes, it is our duty to stand up and fight against them. We cannot stand idly by and let our country go to waste and ruin. We are the United States of America, the beacon of hope to those who have no basic freedoms.
We need to keep that alive. Do not let our country and its basic principles die out in the shadow of Socialism and Communism. Please consider my words carefully, and I thank you for your time.
Sincerely Yours.
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