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Theo's Notebook
Life in Gaia.
Today was pretty kick-a**.
In science we got to go down to the Sheldon stream and generally piss about - I mean, hunt fish - uhh, collect organisms and... study them? Idon'treallyrememberIwasn'tpayingattention.
So I was with Sloper and Nick and Frances and Becky but Becky kinda disappeared. Andand Frances went off somewhere whilst Sloper built a dam and Nick and I helped. And we channelled all the water in the net so we could collect stuff without actually having to do much.
My feet got pretty wet though due to my lack of wellies.
And Gareth found a porn DVD case and we were like awesome but then Dr Murday came along and he was like heh *quietly throw into stream* and I was like NOOO, THE PORN DVD CASE IS FLOATING AWAY.
It was funny at lunch, there were four year eleven nerds sitting on a top bench and Charlotte was matching them up with our nerds. Lololz.
Our nerds were going crazy at lunch, being nerds and all they were being immature and stuff and it was disturbing. I mean, yeah, we're an immature bunch but I'm aiming for cool immature, not stupid immature. -___-;
Charlotte's tutor group had to set out chairs for assembly so most of them went away and Charlotte was like YEAH WE'LL LEAVE YOU TWO ALONE FOR A BIT, talking to me and Rob. And I bet they were looking out the window and laughing at us when we got into our usual slapping fights.
I hate school uniform. I WANNA WEAR MY ******** BIG-a** TRAINERS WITH MY BLACK JEANS DAMMIT. Oh yeah, there are people walking around with white trainers and hoodies and stuff but no, LET'S PICK ON THE GIRL THAT'S BEING SUBTLY REBELLIOUS. I blame my tutor. I hate her and she hates me. I wanna move or something. But the only good tutor groups are chock-full of chavs as well -__-;
Can't wait until I can get out of school.

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