I woke up this morning and thought, wtf why? why the hell is the sun beaming in through the windows at me? as if its happy... is it really trying to tell me todays going to be a good day? because if it is I'd like to take the heaviest implement of destruction lying around and smash it on the skull of the sun. only to burn my fingers in the process and find that the sun ironically doesnt have a skull and is beaming with laughter now. evil
What mood is this that we beseige this week? Tis the mood of deathly depresiveness. No no its not contageous, but it sure as hell is ugly to look at. why so depressed? my Girlfriend happens to be on holiday in france. shes far away, shes having fun, I miss her. And worst of all! shes in bloodi France, Bloodi hell! (yes I am spelling bloodi with an i "oh no the attack of the bad grammar" get over it twisted )
so yes there I was raising out of my coffin. A coffin which I love, its nice, dark and dusty... A pleasure to sleep and live in, till' ofc my mother got her hands on it and cleaned it out. Meh so I can get my dust back - its fine, im dealing with it (I define dealing as taking a splintered plank of wood, with rusty nails pointing out, to the head of my good hearted mother) So yes, "dealing" then I turn around and find that my brother (who happens to be a chavish little idiotic spawn of god - eurgh god evil ) fitting neon lights and "rampage eXtreme" bumpers with yellow viynl stickers to my beloved coffin. SHEESH just get off please, this is the point at which I beat every Y-chromosome out of his yellow bellied body.
¬_¬ K its not going well, this is day 5 of the lab experiment B alpha 9 10 zero JACK. and im going to cry if I dont see my girlfriend, *twitch twitch*
Im crawling back into the dark corner just ovcer ther...
Comes back out of the dark corner to get random marble of the "z" key, who threw that eh? damn you and your dreaded marble of Z key ness... I shall kill you and your family some day.
So yeh someone just said why dont you cheer up? and my reply was nice polite and consice
- "I'd rather die"
I thought that summed everything up for them.
Who are you? really if you've read this far, you must be some sort of looser with nothing better to do, You must be so bored you might as well start a lui walsh fan club (who btw has 45 very very sad fans, who have nothing to do at all... EVER)
*cough* so yeh I met death today, had a game of poker, my life... for my next door neighbours life. My next door neighbours obiturary can be found in the keighley times twisted twisted twisted twisted ...
Any how, I must go, for I am about to fall off my chair in extremely enthusiastic disgust at the fact that I am writing a journal.. oh wtf bye...
twisted evil twisted evil twisted
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
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It begins
The start of the great epic battle called "life"
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((" wink (" wink
This is Bunny
He shall one day rule the world
((" wink (" wink
This is Bunny
He shall one day rule the world