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: My Stories:
I have an imagination the size of the universe. If ever I do become a famous writer like Christopher Paolini. Though I will never be as good as him.
(Hey, hey, hey! I have decided to re-write my story tell me what you think and that mean comment.)

“Clearly there is more to the world than I thought. In all purposes mine was more sought out and his was to be obtained. I thought it would be me. I thought it was me, but it was him. I thought I would end it, but no, we will end it and one will stand. Will it be the end even if just one is standing? Fate will see and time will determine it all.”

“I will not let these creatures just take what they want of the village! We are running out of herbs to treat the wounds. We barely have enough food left to feed everyone. I will not stand for this! I cannot. To many people are dying and the children are constantly suffering. It seems that no one else will do anything about so I will. My mind is made up. I will leave at dawn tomorrow.” Denzin caught a glance at something moving by the window. Among the council that sat before her, Denzin’s eyes fell upon a burly red haired man with a beard and bushy eyebrows. He slightly nodded. Denzin sighed. One of the councilmen cleared their throat in the thick silence. For a brief second Denzin’s left hand twitched. She clenched her fist. The only one who caught this was the burly man named Garn. He narrowed his green eyes that laid under his bushy eyebrows. Denzin spun on her heals and walked out of the room. She swung open the door and let is slam behind her. Back inside Garn sighed and shook his head, the other councilmen turned to him for answers. He shrugged, for he was not responsible for Denzin’s actions.
Outside she stood. The afternoon breeze blew through her auburn hair, running it’s slender fingers through it. She saw a small figured head for an alley next to the building. She quietly followed. As she did she passed the window where she saw the figure before. Denzin turned sharply to see a little boy running down the alley. “Hey!” The boy froze where he was at. “Hey!” She walked up to him and knelt down. She had a stern look upon her smooth face. Her strange yellow cat-like eyes fixed on him. “You are not suppose to be hearing that, you know and are you not suppose to be inside anyways. It is never safe around this time of day,” her face did not change. “Come on.” He pulled away from her.
“You’re outside,” he stood there firmly. “Why do you have to go anyways?” It appeared he had tears in his eyes.
“It was my choice. Hey, hey...” She knelt back down and cupped her hand under his chin. “I will come back. You do not think I would leave you,” She lightly touch his nose with the tip of her finger. She smiled.
“Good-“ He grabbed at his stomach and fell to his knees.
“Josten!” Denzin cried. The little boy fell into her arms. She picked him up and headed for the orphanage. She kicked open the door and laid him down on the nearest bed. The owner of the house was a woman named Teelya who took cared of the children who’s parent’s had died. Teelya came running out of another room. Before she could even ask what was wrong Denzin was calling out orders. “I need those herbs.” Teelya turned right around and went to go fetch the items. She came back with a small bottles of different herbs and a bowl with a smasher. Teelya ran back and in a few minuets brought back a basin of water. Denzin quickly took them and thanked her. After she had finished she stood and cleaned up. Denzin shook him lightly. “Wake up, you need to drink this.” The concoction was thick and of a dark brown. He moaned. “Come on,” she nudged him. He took it weakly. She helped him get it to his lips. He drank it slowly. He coughed and gagged, but he swallowed it. He fell back onto his pillow. She looked over him one more time, she whispered, “I will come back, promise.” She left thanking Teelya again and asked her if anything should happen to let her know right away.
Outside it was later in the day. Denzin stretched out her slender arms and then began to walk home. The main square was empty at this time of day except for the few running on a short errand. She walked silently to her home at the end of the small village. Her left arm hand twitched again- it was covered by a black sleeve. She winced and shook it off. Her black cloak floated in the breeze as she readjusted it with her other bare arm. The cloak held a symbol on it that gleamed with the sun. It appeared to look like a swan on fire. She reached her porch and suddenly grabbed at her arm. She fell to her knees as sweat beaded off her face. She held tighter to her arm and placed her hand flat on the wood. A darkness seemed to grow from it. The shadow got bigger and wider. She raised it swiftly and slammed it down. The shadow disappeared as she slowly closed her hand. Denzin then passed out from the exertion of energy she used. Foot steps were heard on the dirt road. It was Garn. He rushed up to the unconscious Denzin. He pulled off her sleeve and frowned. With a sigh Garn picked her up and went into the house. He laid her in the bed. He got bandages from her trunk and covered her left arm, from her hand to her shoulder. He placed a blanket over her and walked out. He whispered as he left,
“Dawn it is.”
She awoke in the middle of the night. She looked around and realized she was in her room. She sat up and twinged from her sore arm. She looked at it and saw it had been bandaged. She sighed and fell back onto her pillow. Denzin slept light throughout the entire night and awoke at dawn.
She slipped out of bed and crept to her trunk. Behind it stood a long skinny objet wrapped in tattered cloth. She took it and began unwrapping it. It was a staff, but not just an ordinary staff.
In a time long ago there were trees that grew in one day. Only because they were commanded. If a single person should get a seed from the tree they could plant a forest. It was found out all across the world until war came and they began chopping them down to be used for weapon’s till all the trees and their seeds vanished all except for one and that was given to Denzin. The staff could get as long or short as she wanted. The designs burned into it was an ancient spell to be unbreakable and only some one strong enough could to that.
She twirled it around and sat it down. She opened the trunk and pulled out some clothes that she changed into. A sleeveless tan tunic and placed over it a leather chest plate with an old ancient design. She also had black leather pants and boots that reached right bellow her knees. Denzin took out a leather belt that did not actually go to her waist but her back. She again twirled the staff and placed it in the belt. She sighed and took out a few other item’s- another cloak. Denzin looked around her room once more and left. She stopped short of the door and turned to a corner in the kitchen to see another tattered wrapped item. She walked up to it cautiously and picked it up. Denzin unwrapped it tenderly. It was a black sword. In her hands it almost seemed to have life; a pulse. She placed it in it’s special place on her back. She was now ready.
Denzin walked outside and the dirt underneath her feet seemed to echo in the silence. She walked straight across and into the forest without a second glance. The forest was thick and it seemed to have a malevolent vibe. She pursed her lips and her eyebrows furrowed. Denzin was very cautious and on guard. She had been walking for most of the day on silent footsteps. She sat down on a fallen tree and sighed. Next thing she knew the creatures had surrounded her.
Horrid things. There are called the Korrah. They were tall-seven feet of muscle. Their skin was a greyish black that blended into the forest. They wore tattered leather chest plates. Their pants were more like leather strips. When they stared at you their yellow eyes burned of killing. They had a repulsive smell and are very dangerous. They usually carry worn swords and shields. There feet are also covered with leather which allows them to move quicker.
Denzin froze. Even if she flinched they be all over her. Slowly she let out her held breath and in that second drew her staff. With one sweep of the staff the creatures flew in all directions and Denzin rolled off the log. She braced herself as she landed and jumped up immediately. One of the creatures closest to her began to charge at her. She ran, but not away. Denzin bounded for a tree and ran shortly up and did a back flip off it to land on the creatures shoulders. With a twist of her body her broke the creatures neck. She landed hard on the ground as two other creatures ran at her. Denzin placed both her palms together and twisted her hands around in a complicated pattern suddenly a black shadow exploded out of them and engulfed the creatures. You could hear screaming in the dark void she casted and then silence as her fist closed and the darkness disappeared. The creature stood there lifeless then fell into dust. She stood there gasping for breath as a creature jumped upon her. It brought her to the ground. With all Denzin’s strength she wrapped her legs around it and rolled it over. She took out her blade and cut it’s throat. She rolled off of it and laid on the ground fighting for breath. She then rolled over onto her back as a cool breeze skipped through the forest and caressed her sweaty face. She heard a cry in the distance, like a young child’s. A name immediately struck her thoughts. She jumped up and ran for the noise; her breath light and quick. She wove between trees to pick up speed. More of the creatures came after her. “I have no time for you!” She yelled as she cut between creatures. She heard another cry. In a gasp of breath she uttered a name. “Josten!” In a flash she disappeared and flashed back. Every tree she passed she disappeared. Finally she came in contact with a clump of the creatures. She slid to a stop and placed her pointer fingers and thumbs together. She yelled, “Josten, down!” Right after she said that she began to speak a foreign language,” Adivameh Calimah!” A large orb of light formed in the center of the gap between her fingers. She threw her arms straight out which threw the orb of light. It suddenly split into five small orbs and it hit five creatures in the back but did not stop there. It went threw them. She swung an arm around and this brought the lights together again. It came around and hit a creature in the face and knocking it clear off. The orbs then seemed to disintegrate. She walked straight up the last creatures, took out her sword. It growled at her. She stuck her sword into it and ripped it out. The creature fell and she stepped over it. Josten was in a state of shock. He completely broke down when he saw Denzin coming toward him. She wrapped her arms around him. “It is alright. You are safe.” As soon as she said this there came a swarm of korrah. “Get behind me.” She said firmly. He slid around. Denzin quickly put up a defense. Before she could call out her Calimah which is a certain power she has been endowed with. She was tackled and pinned down. Josten wove his way out. “Josten run!” She yelled. Fat tears like rain fell form his eyes. “Run!” A korrah was right behind Josten. Denzin managed to slide her staff out. She threw it and it went through the creatures neck. “Run now!” He ducked a swipe from another korrah and ran. He ran with all his strength. Josten tripped most of the time for his eyes were constantly over flowing with tears. Even though he was only of the age thirteen he felt like he was eight. Too many things had happened in his life and now this.
In an attempt to get Josten to safety she was pinned down by the korrah. She tried to throw them off but she was to weak. She cried out in fury. She reached for her staff but it was only inches from her grasps. A korrah stepped on her right hand. She grunted as she struggled. It took out it’s sword. Denzin tried to pull her hand free in frantic attempt. It went to swing. She yelled in anger.
Josten suddenly stopped in his tracks. He looked up to see a glimpse of a patch of sky through the trees. The sun warmed his soaked face. A gentle wind blew. He heard a distant yell and his eye opened, but they were not the same. His eyes were complete black. He held out his right arm. It seemed the ground began to shake. He turned towards the direction of were the battle was. Amazingly small rocks flew up and spun around his hand. He brought it to him and was stunned himself. His eyes turned back to normal and the rocks fell. He heard another cry only this one sounded pained. He clenched his fist and ran as fast as he could back to Denzin.
She cried as the sword came down. It cut into her arm but stopped short. The creature fell over. It seemed it had a rock stuck in it’s head. All at once small rock flew towards the remaining korrah. She looked over to see Josten his arms were threw out and rocks were swirling around and his eyes were black. There were so many rocks that she did not escape injury herself. They slid across her body even though they hit their targets. All the korrah now lay dead on top of her. She painfully slid out from under them. Josten’s eyes went back to normal. She looked at him again as she tried to regain her breath. He came running up to her.
“I don’t know what I did,” he said breathlessly. Denzin was speechless. She winced and grabbed at her arm. She was bleeding badly. Without a word he ripped part of his shirt and used it as a bandage. She grunted as he tide it. He helped her up. Denzin leaned on him. She was barely conscious and Josten did not know where he was. He began to walk. He struggled not to fall. Sweat beaded off his face as he walked. An hour later he had to stop. Denzin’s make-shift bandage was soaked in blood, but when he removed it there was not a scratch to be found. He lifted her arm and looked at it at all angles. She coughed but was not fully conscious. He leaned up against a tree and slowly dozed off. He awoke to a rough object tightening around his wrists.
“Ow!” He woke up saying. He looked over to see Denzin sitting next to him, her wrist’s tied to the ground by a vine growing from the ground. “How?” Josten fidgeted with what bound him.
“It’s no use to try and get free Josten.” A deep voice said. Josten squinted and looked to his right. There sat the red head Garn in the same predicament as himself.
“It is true, spy. So do not even try.”
“I told you, we ain’t spies!” Garn protested. Josten heard footsteps. Two feet appeared in front of him. He looked up to see a young man all in black. His hair hung around his face. Josten struggled to get loose. The man smirked,
“Spirited one.” Josten glared at the man. He focused all his thought on something sharp; a sharp stone. He felt something poke him in the wrist. He yelped but covered it up with a yell,
“Let us go!”
“Not yet,” the man said smoothly. He walked over to Denzin and knelt down. He went to slid his hand down her cheek. “Now what possessed some one like you to be a spy?”
“You ain’t got any business to be touch’in her.” Garn growled. Josten could feel warm blood dripping down his hand. He grabbed the accumulative sharp rock. He thought of what chances he’d have facing off this mysterious man and decided against it. He focused all his energy on moving the stone to Garn. The man got closer to Denzin. This angered Josten and his eyes turned black. The stone then began to float towards Garn.
“Almost there.” He thought. He jabbed Garn in the arm. He winced and looked down. His eyes widened and he looked to Josten who nodded. Garn grabbed the stone and slowly began to saw at the vines. “Leave her alone!” Josten yelled to distract the man.
“Oh, so is this your girlfriend now? She’s a little old for you do you not think?” The man said slyly. Josten growled. The man did not notice Garn sawing away at the vines that held him. Josten himself was doing the same thing. Thankfully the man did not notice Josten’s black eyes. The man stood and stretched. He paused as something hard was thrown at him. He caught it two inches from his face. His hand began to drip blood. “Now, now, you have to do better than that.” He looked to Garn who knelt there with his hands free. The man dropped the stone and looked at his hand. “Clever.” Suddenly the ground shook and a large rock came barreling towards him. He side stepped it. “Impossible! You can not be! A Koeh’am!”
“No,” Garn said, “but this little lad is.” The man turned to Josten who was now standing. Small rocks began to fly at him. Unbelievably the man did something strange. Vines and leaves flew up and sliced the rocks in half. “Hmph, you’re a Vamana.” The man bowed.
“I am called Terrance, or Traketh, but that does not matter whether you know my name or not you will be taken to Eyther Koeh.” Denzin began to stir. She found she was bound. She looked around and saw the stand off between a man, Garn and Josten.
“Garn he is to young, What are you thinking?” She thought. Denzin relaxed and then something happened, the vines began to rot away. She tore her hands free. She stands up. The man at this point was laughing now. He took a step near Josten. The man through out a vine but it was blocked by Garn’s arm. Like a whip it wrapped around his arm. The vine began to constrict his arm. Garn gave a painful smile. “You!” Denzin yelled. Without looking the man whipped a vine around. Denzin held up her arm to keep it from reaching her neck. Just the same it began to grow tighter. She smiled as both Garn and her struggled. Josten stood there his eyes had turned to normal and fear constricted him.
“It is fine to be afraid to see your friends die.”
“I do not know about you Garn but I am not quiet ready to die yet, are you?” Denzin asked smartly. Garn laughed. Suddenly the vine around Denzin began to rot. “You picked the wrong people to take to your earth city, oh but are you not a prisoner there and have to do their biding?” She smiled and he glared. Without saying anything the vine released Garn and came after Denzin. Leaves and vines were all flung at her. Swiftly she avoided them. She ran towards him in light speed. She threw her arm out and in an instant the man named Terrance was bended over. He coughed out blood. “I just needed my staff.” She twirled it around. He turned and stood.
“You underestimate me.”
“Not at all,” she commented. “Shall we?” She took a stance. He took his. He placed his hand on his belt and with a twitch of his thumb a curved sword flew up. She charged at him and he flowed. They met with the sound of metal hitting metal, even though the staff was wood. They flew up and split off to land in separate branches. They bounced off and met again. Denzin twisted around her staff extended. It caught at his side and she threw him down. He flipped around and all in a second he moved his hands around and a bush caught his fall. He jumped up and the bush died. Unfortunately the battle was stopped short when everyone was pinned to ground by stone. Josten’s eyes turn black in anger as he was pinned down. The stone began to crack. It split open. He stumbled to his feet. A wave of rocks was thrown at him. Josten spun and turned the wave of rocks the other way. A woman jumped over the wall and landed nimbly.
“Ah, you are a Earth Strider too.”
“A what?” Josten asked. The woman turned to Denzin.
“You never told him?” The stone compressed on her.
“I- I did not know till- today!”
“Stop it you’re hurting her.” He threw his arms out and threw the stone apart but it came immediately back, taking more of her breath. Tears of fury flooded his eyes. “Stop!” He turned to the woman. Terrance laughed breathlessly.
“You can’t kill me your precious Eyther Koeh needs me.”
“True.” The rocks were released off of him. He stood up.
“I promised them they would go to the city if they live.”
“You did-“ A vine quickly wrapped around Josten’s mouth. Terrance winked. Garn and denzin looked suspicious at one another.
“I am tired of your continuous arguing.” A gave a strange look. The woman sighed,
“Come then. You spies should not live long in the city, but you. I do not know what the consequences for a traitorous Koeh’am.” Josten mumbled in a scream. He looked to Garn who shook his head. “Now then.” A wall of stone pushed up the others and their hand were bound in stone. “Walk.” She gestured. Terrance followed behind. He shoved Josten.
“Move,” he growled.
“Now Traketh, even though he is a traitor he is still one of us, be gentle.” She turned and continued to walk. Garn and Denzin were calm but the gave suggestive looks back and forth. Josten protested with the vines still wrapped around his mouth. Terrance nudged him to stop. Josten looks furious and looks to Denzin who gives him the same look of silence. Josten is surprised he looked to Garn and he did the same. Suddenly a stone path appeared under their feet. Josten looked down. He sped his pace to get up to Denzin and Garn but was stopped. Terrance had laid a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Josten sulked.
He looked around at the trees. They had changed from the one’s he was used to seeing. Smaller leaves and greener foliage. The air even smelt different. He was amazed at how peaceful it was. Like all the energy was put in just to keep this place safe. There were birds singing that he never heard before. Airy yet full of music. He almost stopped once but Terrance urged him along. He had focused all his attention on the beauty of the forest so he startled when the woman spoke,
“Quiet bunch are you not. Last time I could not keep the captives quiet, they never made it to the city.” Josten gulped. Terrance rolled his eyes and sighed. Josten kept his arms tight against him, he was not bound and Terrance did nothing about it.
“If I were to make a run for it-“
”I would not. It would not be a smart thing to do,” the woman interrupted Josten’s thoughts. “How? I cann feel the vibrations of your mind. An added gift of mine.” Finally some said something, it was Denzin,
“So that would make you a Koeh Ael.” Denzin’s voice was flat and without tune.
“Indeed,” the woman said. “You are good at hiding things in your mind I have not been able to get anything from you or your companion.” Denzin was now silent. Terrance glared. Josten could now form a picture in his mind of what was going on. He looked to Denzin who seemed strained and realized what she was doing. He knew nothing of this Denzin. He saw sweat bead from he brow. Thoughts were swirling around in his head and he could not help it. With an effort he shoved his thoughts and everything else to the back of his mind. He noticed the strain on her face had lifted. He sighed. His mind was not empty.
They had been walking for hours and Josten was getting tired. The stone path still remained. He looked behind him and was amazed to see it disappear into the ground. He stumbled a couple of times but kept walking. It was getting hard to breath and his face was sweaty from the vines still wrapped around his mouth. He began to chew on them but they tasted horrible. Now he was tired and more miserable with the nasty taste in his mouth. “Tired Josten?” The woman asked. He said nothing and kept a straight face. He had to fight to keep the rage down in his mind. The woman smiled. Josten sighed. He finally had a thought he could not hold. “My name is Cordaecy or just Cy.” The woman answered his thought. Denzin looked at Josten in a cautious look.

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