I Did Not Make This Poem

Blood that drips from her veins
She longs to let go of this horrid pain
Tears roll down her face
They hit the hard wood with a hard crash alone in this place
Her heart shattered like a broken vace
She holds on to her heart shape locket
Gone are her dreams she once kept safe in her pockets
She squeezes the locket until it cuts open her hands
This pain she feels she just can't understand
She lets it go crashing to the ground along with drops of blood
She feels her self falling head first into the mudd
She doesn't want to feel at all, she wants to be numb
The pain she nevers shows on the outside
Though she's broken and scarred deep inside
Someone save her before it's too late
Someone stop her from this horrible fate
Hold her close without letting her go
Put an end to this storm and watch the wind as it blows
All these regreted things that make her choke
She needs someone to feed her hope