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my insanity
just random scribbles
Depression Ranting.
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Yea i know i seem really stupid right now..but i'm about to go on a rant that should have been brought up a month ago...

well those who know me well know i'm a renny.
well while at a ren faire a month ago i got drug into a whooing contest which is the same as a flirting contest between a guy and his brother. One of them is now my new boy friend.

Well I started thinking about it today and about what was said.

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it was this guy (Matt) and
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this guy (Nathan)....
yea my friend Paula got drug into it to.

I remember Matt telling me how beautiful I was and dragging that out. Then I started thinking about what Nathan said "Everything he says is a lie."

So I'm not beautiful? Wow finally someone tells me the truth....
*begins to cry*
What if I take a knife and cut my whole face and body up... would I be beautiful then?
What if I get sugery and become like some model you see in every tabloid or go through and starve myself and become even skinnier than I am aready am? Would I be beautiful then?
Or what if I wear enough make up to be considered a clown? Would I be beautiful then?

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What if I did this^?

Would I be pretty then?

If I can't get by with being pretty/beautiful by myself then what would it take?

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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 08:33pm
When Nate said that, it was something he says when we have a wooing contest. He does it to make me look bad. It is something everyone does. Dont worry, you are beautiful.

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 09:53pm
do you have any clue how i feel being told i'm not at all attractive? I feel like I should be back with my abuser. And be told that every single day.

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