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my insanity
just random scribbles
Random of Little Sleep pt 1
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Ok so I have a b/f...duh everyone knows this by now.
Well.. ok I need a way to talk about him so it's not weird if he reads this..
Ok i got it.
Talk about him like he's not here.
duh... he's really not.

Well i really love him
and i can't even say that i've ever felt this good.

He's so special to me and i'd love to spend the rest of my life with him...
If i could.
But i wonder sometimes what he really thinks.
Does he ever second guess everything or start having feelings for someone else or want to experiment?
Does he ever wonder what his life would be like if i wasn't there...
Would it be better I wonder.

then i start to think
is he really real.
does he really...mean...everything...everything he says?
Is that even possiable.
is it possiable for a guy to say what he means?

Getting off subject there.

Ok well you know how some people build up emotional walls.
Not to keep people out but to see who will try to berak it down.

Me though... I dont' play that game.
I try to find things that are wrong with them.
But with Matt.... I can't do it.
there's nothing wrong with him or our relationship (besides distance)
So I make things up.
Things that i think should be wrong with him
or things that should be wrong with the relationship.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 12:19am
I am putting this hear for anyone to read what I have to say. Most men dont mean what they say, actually....about 89.6% dont realy mean what they say. There arnt many in that other 10.4%, but I am. If you are in a relationship with someone, then you should be suspicious. I am not someone who will be suspicious about anything. I will never even try to think about experimenting, life with Rhi, and anything else that might trigger alot of suspicious thoughts about me. If you are a women, and have found a guy that will admit his feeling openly, and you can tell that he is telling the truth, then you are very lucky in finding him. I will never leave the side(metophoricly) of Rhi untill she tells me to. I will remain true to my word, and this I swear. On my own life on this world, I will never stop loving you Rhi.

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