Night. A bonding of light and dark. If you sleep, it is the end of the night. For you. If anyone sleeps, why can't God? Ever since I was small, I have wondered. What keeps the Lord up every single day and night?If he created earth, erm.... when he created earth, why is it that he had rest? Who created him? why am I alive!?

Nobody knows. As life continues, how do we know when we die?

"mommy, who created God?" I asked, she then replied, " I don't know"
I'm changing the subject aren't I? sorry....I love the night and the moon especially. I love the shine that comes through the moon. the stars at night. Wondering how He created the stars.
Yet I still ask, WHO THE HECK CREATED GOD!? anyways, (sigh) I should memorize my multiplication table now.....bye!!! Thursday 12:49 pm. Philippine time July 26, 2007 blaugh sweatdrop