Houtah: A short memory....Past so long ago.....I was murdered.....before I was born...

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lights;;;close;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Houtah's eyes are shown;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Houtah: I don't quite remember....I was a baby, a long lost baby girl.....

Man: Give me the child!


Man: I am sorry....It is against the rules.....

Houtah: I was taken from my parents.....I was a sickly child, forced to get better by myself at the age of 5......And the story begins...

When I first woke up, I felt like I was shot.....A man had shot me while I was trying to protect my brother who was 5 as well.....My sister did not want to leave....She said," This is my home, sister..............Take Moujo and Crow with you.....We are now enemy's that are seperated.....Fire high school has no right to do this, I want to hunt them when they hunt you, I want to fight them while they fight you....I wish we would be together again someday.....


Houtah: Shou was the one who found me in the forest with my brother covered with my blanket to keep him safe from Fire high school. I was covered in blood. It seems that the gun shot bullet had a sort of DNA to give me a power. And so on....
Shou's father was with us, he was the one who cleaned me up. Shou's father had a kind of merchasm power, what we call F.S. Ability. F.S. means Forest High. Moujo was not found. He ran when he saw my body on the grass, covered with blood.

Shou: That was the day I found her. I thought I found her brother's body, but it seems that he was shot as well. When I thought I had found Moujo, It was another of the F.S. Ability. The Trick Ability. I saw his blood covering it, but not his body. He had murdered the man that killed Houtah.


Shou: wake up, girl! Wake up!

Houtah: (droopy eyes, messy hair) What? OUCH!

Shou: eheh....sorry, girl. I need to cast your arm.

Houtah: where am I?

Shou: well, were in the Philippines! Does that count?

Houtah: no.

Shou: well, here, girl, the arm is casted!

Houtah: don't call me girl, I am a female!
Shou: oh~kay....uhh...Hi, a female?

Houtah: no!! My name's....
Shou: I knew it.
Houtah: Knew what?
Shou: you don't remember your name, do you?
Houtah: no, I know my name! It's uh....
Shou: heh...Idiot!
Houtah: No I'm not!!
Shou: yes you are. all girls are!
Houtah: no! Crow, help me out!
Houtah: Where is he!?
Shou: Wheres who?
Houtah: My brother!
Shou: oh, so you remember your brother, but not yourself?
Houtah: oh, shut up, you moron!
Shou: he's outside. Playing the video game.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Houtah gos outside;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Houtah: CROW!? CROW!?
Crow: Yes?
Houtah: oh, what a relief! I thought I lost you!
Crow: c'mon! lets play xbox 360!!
Houtah: They have'nt even made that yet!
Crow: awww man! anyways......Let's go back to the house.

Shou's dad: Time to eat!!!!

Houtah and Crow: okay!
Shou: ow!
Houtah: wut?
Shou: o//////o
Houtah: why is he blushing?
dad: I dunno?
Crow: oy! Shou has a crush!!
Shou: no I don't!
Crow: yes you do!
Houtah: really!? WHO?
everyone exept Houtah: huh?
Houtah: what?
Everyone: nevermind!

Next Episode: Houtah's decision!!