A boy: We've lost way to go back to the earth. We are the only ones have been permanently left.
From Lost World
I would like to show my respect for new life forms that, following the destruction of this world, take up the challenge of living toward nature.
From "Jungle Emperor Leo and Me"
Far away from the earth, the hero of the story and a "plant woman" are stranded alone on an unknown planet. Have they really lost their whole future? No, they haven't. Overcoming their despair, the two turn to the future ahead. It's not a pre-determined future for them, but rather one that they create on their own, from scratch. And this is not merely a science fiction Manga: it is actually reflected in each and every one of our own personal stories. It's easy just to sigh and give up on having any dreams for the future, but it's also the least interesting you can do. It's far better to make the decision to build your own future by yourself. If you can do that, then every day becomes more fun and full of the meaning of life.