uhhhh.......okay....where was I? oh yeah! there! page.......whats this number? uh-huh? right...ok.
well, it goes like this, Marick tarts to drink from his water bottle, right? so, here.

Marick: *cough!* huh? oh...my face....*looks in mirror* hey, who's that chick, and why is she in the men's room? wait a minute...hmmm.......two ears.......mole on shoulder...tw o eyes....one mouth......shirt down...hmm.....ACK! THATS ME! AND MY SHIRT'S DOWN! AAAHH!!! WHAT HAPPEND TO ME!?MY EYES!IT BURNS!!!

*theme song*

*Marick gets out of boys room.....and, for it to be so, not disgusting....HE'S WEARING A sleeveless top underneath his jacket*
[removed]emoticon(' crying ')
Marick: ~as long as nobody sees me like this, I should definetly keep hidden~
Crow: hmm? haha! *pulls him by he shirt, which makes him choking*
Marick: *cough!* *cough!* What the--?! HOTAROW!
Crow: ?yep? wait a minute....how do you know my name?
Marick: uh...
Crow: and--who are you!?
Marick: Come with me, Crow!
*they go to the men's room...again*
Marick: I'm...I'm Marick!
Crow: Marick? hmmm......Two ears...mole on shoulder...two eyes...one mouth...shirt down...AH! YOUR SHIRT!! MY EYES!!IT BURNS!!
Marick: WHO CARES!? anyway...I need your help!
Crow: whuddya need me fer? You've got the hot body.
Marick: HELLO!? I'm a girl!!
Crow: right~ lets tell Shou.
Shou: tell me what?
Marick: Shou blaugh Its you!
Shou: xp whats going on? wait...marick?
Marick: yes! its me!
Shou and Crow: YOUR A GIRL!? and in the mens bathroom!?
Marick: who cares!? just, address me as Maria, okay?
3nodding 3nodding
*all leave room*
*a girl gives out invitation*


All girls come to our Sleepover!

Host: Ammi, Kia, Mia, and Castanet

Day: Tonight

What time: 8:50 P.M.

Where: Room 122397353159q2586j2726g361ebr9482p90
just joking! It's in room 10034

Please Come!


*shou reads while Crow starts fighting over a banana*

Shou: wait...I know this potion. Marick, I mean Maria! We need you to got to the Sleepover!
Marick: WHy?
Shou: You wanna get back to normal, right?
Marick: yeah. So? What does it have to do with a stupid, idiotic, girly party?
Shou: you have to tell your feelings to Ammi!!!
Marick: Wait, how do you know I like Ammi?
Shou: I didn't.
Marick: eek uh-oh!!
Shou and Crow: *stare at Marick as if ready to tease*
Marick: hehehe....LETS GET ON WITH IT!!!
Shou: lol. We'll be watching through the window, okay?
Marick: ew.
Crow: hehe, gonna see what the ladies do at embarassing parties!!! I'm gonna get the camera!!
Marick: *sigh* men... oh no!!
Shou: lol
Marick: *gets a fire extinguisher and hits Shou* thats for NOT getting my ice-cream!!
Shou: crying sorry!
Marick: anyway, what time is the party again?
Shou: dunno, lemme check...oh, it's 8:30 P.M.
Marick: oh, okay...
Shou: so, uh..now what?
Marick: dunno.
Shou: okay...what time is it now?
Marick: uh..oh, it's 12:34 PM.
Shou: hey, aren't we 6 hours late?
Marick: yeah...uh....so,uh...wanna go to classes now?
Shou: sure, but lets have a snack first before all that yelling from Ms. Lechon.
Marick: I agree.
Ms. Lechon: boys?
Marick: oh, hi, Ms. Lechon.
Ms. Lechon: hello. so, uh...are you taking a break before all the yelling later?
Shou: oh, yes. by the way, aren't you supposed to be teaching now?
Ms. Lechon: oh, I'm late for work, so now I'm teking a break before being yelled at by the Principle.
Shou: yeah. us too. Well, not from the principle I mean. From you.
Ms. Lechon: so, are you ready to be yelled at now?
Marick: (isn't she wondering who I am?)
Ms. Lechon: well, marick, shou, I'll see you later.
Marick: but!
Shou: how did she know you were marick, marick? I mean, maria?
Marick: i dunno...anyway...what time is it now?
Shou: class time.
Marick: oh...
Shou: lets run!
*both* *RUN*
Marick: *opens door* hunh? hey, why are they all girls!?!
Shou: I...don't quite know...
Marick: hmmm..uh-oh! we're in Assumption College!!
Shou: GWAAAH! burning_eyes