Yes, I really am going more in depth with my look at MySims Wii version.
There is so much more to the game than I mentioned before.
Example is that, in total there are 68 essences in the game, and all only become avaible at star level 4.
Also, when you first begin, you only get the bare minimum in housing blocks. But the more commercial sims and townie sims you move in, the bigger this becomes. The bigger your choice the better for moving in the uber sims at star level 5.
On the uber sims, its possible to get them before star level 5, but its harder with the smaller house block collection.
Also, while completing the commercial sims tasks to get the star points, you'll get blueprints. Unknown unless you try, befriending someone also gets their hidden blueprint, but by befriending, I don't mean completing the commercial sims tasks.
While I haven't got all the star levels yet, I'm not far off, so I expect more secret things to appear as I get it.
Meanwhile my DS version sits all alone, untouched and gathering dust. Its more boring than the Wii one so I take back my recommendation of getting both. Get one or the other, not both, as the Wii one will easily eclipse the DS one.