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The Tales of Zegwar
I can go anywhere I want to do just by imagining it, if you'd like to join me all you have to do is believe. So read what I write, even those few that aren't about my make-believe world of Zegwar. I promise, fun awaits those who dare enter my mind...
Guardians of Toshadow: Finding the Princess - Chapter ONE

Zegwar is a land of magic. It is a land where magic roams free and exists in harmony with the world around it. Magic makes people honored and admired. Magic makes people powerful. Zegwar is a land where anything can happen. It is a world of endless possibilities. Magic can do anything a person wants it to do. Zegwar is quite simply magical.
Earth is not.
But Earth does have magic but it must be kept a secret. Earth has good magic and evil magic. Earth has demons that lurk in the darkness waiting to attack innocent people. Earth also three very special teenage girls and their very special friends.
Bunny Wilson is one freakishly smart girl. That is when it comes to books. Bunny is called “The Leader of the Nerds” because she is the smartest girl in her high school. She is very opinionated, shy and is a pacifist. She likes to think she knows everything about the world around her but she is about to see a whole new side of it. She is about to be thrown into what is basically an entirely new world within the one she has come to know so well.
Kiki Price is the richest girl in her school. Kiki has done no work in her entire life and is constantly surrounded by the town’s best and richest. Kiki is “Miss Popularity” as she is the most popular girl in her school. She is a self-proclaimed fashionista with a perfect sense of style and a trend-setter. She refuses to get her hands dirty and do things for herself. She gets anything she wants but now her world is about to be turned inside out. She is going to have to learn how to fight for her life or die.
Kit Thompson is a seriously dark girl. Anyone can see that her life has been anything but easy. She is truly haunted by something sinister that may very well take over her soul. She is generally mean to everyone around her and has a seriously short temper. She knows almost everything there is to know about magic, demons and combat. But even Kit has to adjust to the fact that she is part of team. She has to learn to interact with other people and learn how not to be criminal.
They are three very unique girls with a large amount of magical power. But even they cannot protect both worlds. Zegwar is in danger and there is no longer anyone on the planet who has the power to save with the exception of the Princess Kiram Karen. There is however one small problem with her saving the world. No one knows where she is. As a child she was kidnapped to the Planet Earth where no one can find her. But these girls are going to try anyway.


Lakeview City, Indiana was a perfectly normal city. Nothing strange ever happened in Lakeview. It was so normal that pretty much everyone who lived in America had never even heard of Lakeview because there was never anything strange or newsworthy to report about it. The people of Lakeview were also very normal. They were just like the people of every other city. They had policemen, newspapers and high schools. Lakeview was a very normal city.
That was Lakeview used to be a very normal city. It stopped being normal on September 13, 2004, because on September 13, 2004 a family had moved into Lakeview City. This family was also very normal except they had a sixteen-year-old daughter. On September 13, 2004 their daughter started attending Lakeview High School. Her name was Kit Thompson and she was one very not normal teenager, she was down right strange. She was as strange as strange came in the form of a very not normal teenage girl. Kit Thompson had a gift, a rare and powerful gift. Kit Thompson had the gift of magic and she could not forget everything that the magic meant, it meant that she had a duty to continue to fight forever. And did she ever fight.
Her story and the story of her greatest adventure with her friends began with a very not normal girl on a very not normal Monday.

An alarm rang through out the bedroom, exploding it with noise. Kit Thompson shot out of her bed at the sound of it. The noise had nearly given her a heart attack. Strands of her dark brown hair were clinging to her forehead because of the sweat that came with the dreams she was always seemed to be having. The moment she had woken up was instantly followed by her falling out of her bed. She yelped as she hit the ground. She struggled to her feet and angrily kicked off her bed sheets that had wrapped themselves mercilessly around her legs. She was desperate to stop the noise of her alarm clock. When she was finally free she hit the clock with such a fury that it broke into pieces.
“Ah man, that’s just perfect,” said Kit as she stared at the remains of her clock and then she waved her hand over the wreckage saying, “Mendo.” Her voice had changed slightly and echoed with the power of the small spell. The alarm snapped back together in an instant. The time blinked on its little screen, it was fixed.
The door to her room opened cautiously and her mother slowly entered her room. Kit and her mother looked absolutely nothing alike in any kind of way. Mrs. Thompson had dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes, while Kit had nearly black hair and brown eyes. It was not surprising in the least, seeing as how Kit had accidentally learned that her parents were not actually her parents. One night as a child Kit had accidentally over heard her parents talking about her and learned the fact that she was not theirs; she was adopted. They did not know that she knew the secret. Her life had never been the same after that. It was because of her rather unproductive reaction to this startling news that she had discovered her gift. She had found magic.
“Oh, you’re awake,” said Mrs. Thompson at the sight of Kit standing up, “Good. You wouldn’t want to be late on your first day.” With that Mrs. Thompson turned and left. As she walked away she nearly tripped over one of Kit’s boxes.
“‘Cause, you know that would be soooo horrible,” said Kit sarcastically after her mom had left and then she sighed, “That was too close for comfort. One minute earlier and that could have been bad. I need to be more careful.” It had been close. Any earlier and her mom would have caught her using magic. They had no idea that there was even magic in the world, let alone that she could use it. She sighed again and started to get dressed. As she searched for the uniform that she was supposed to wear, she turned on the radio and started to think about her magic.
The magic had come to her with a price. She thought about the costs of her power. It had cost her the life that she had once held so dear. She had lost any friends she had as she searched for a place where she could be comfortable with her powers. She had eventually become criminal, a thief and even a killer. Thus she had been expelled from every school she had ever attended. That was how she had ended up at this school in this city. This was her third school this school year and it was only two months into the first term. So she prepared for her first day at yet another new school. She hated this, having to deal with other people. Why couldn’t she just drop out? It would make her life so much easier. But she had made a promise a long time ago to someone very important to her, one she intended to keep even if it killed her.
She suddenly looked around her room. It was cluttered with boxes; some empty, most were still full. Her bed was plain wood. Kit wasn’t a fancy person nor did she require fancy things. Everything that she had had a purpose. She had bookshelves scattered through out the room in what appeared to be random intervals, but each had a jar of special dust and the order they were placed would allow her to summon things into her room. The bookshelves already contained endless streams of books. Most of them were contained in fake covers. The books she had were about magic but the covers ranged from old textbooks to romance novels. She had one dresser, which contained some of her clothes but underneath her clothes she had hidden spells that she had learned and written down on scraps of paper or in old notebooks. She had one wooden chest. She always kept it locked and she hid the key in a magical compartment on the chest. When one unlocked the chest they would find teddy bears. But even that was a front. It would seem like the stuffed bears would go all the way to the bottom but they really hid hundreds of weapons. In fact the bears were nothing more than an illusion. Her closet was just a closet as long as no one opened any of the white boxes in there. Then there were her floorboards, which would open to reveal spell and potion ingredients.
She sighed again and turned off her radio. She was ready, or as ready as she was going to be. As she left her room she kicked over a random one of her boxes. Her dream was still bothering her. She was endlessly haunted by dreams such as the one that she had just had for as long as she could remember. They were always about the same basic idea. They usually involved the same people but every now and then she would meet other people. She did not understand them in the slightest. One of the worst parts was that when she was in her dreams everyone generally called her Kita. Some others called her Kinala and every now and then they referred to her as Kizap or Kizo. Once someone even called her Kitwea. No one ever called her Kit; it was extremely annoying.
Kit walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She slammed a piece of bread into the toaster. She then waited impatiently for a few minutes. Then the bread shot out of the toaster and flew into the air. Kit caught it swiftly with the smoothest of all motions. Most people would have winced at the touch of the toasted bread because it was so hot, just the way she liked it, but Kit had a high threshold for pain. She bit onto the toast as she threw her backpack over her right shoulder without even bothering to put on the left strap. She hen left with out saying goodbye to her parents but they weren’t insulted. They were far too used to the way Kit treated them. They were not very close, Kit had trouble even saying ‘hello’ to them. She wasn’t the type that tolerated being lied to, especially by those she trusted. And as a child she had trusted her parents and loved them with all her heart. But they had lied to her for her whole life.

Bunny Wilson was the smartest girl in her class. She prided herself on going above and beyond what was needed. She didn’t even mind being called a teacher’s pet or a nerd. All she ever did was study and do homework and she always did extra-credit even though she never needed to. She enjoyed learning things and watched educational television. In all definitions she was a know-it-all. She had no idea how little she actually knew about the world. She also had no idea that there was magic in the world, let alone that she would be able to use if she tried to. Bunny lived in the world of science and math; magic didn’t fit into that world.
Mrs. Wilson walked into her daughter’s room as silently as she could. She bent over her sleeping child and smiled peacefully. She pressed her hand softly against her daughter’s back and shook her gently.
“Bunny dear, it’s time to wake up,” said Mrs. Wilson and Bunny groaned dully. Mrs. Wilson took this as a sign that her daughter was now awake. She then left the room satisfied that Bunny would get dressed soon. Ten minutes later her older brother, Kyle Wilson, walked by her room and looked in on her through the open door. He saw that she was still lying in bed, still asleep. He walked into her room and looked down at her. He sighed at the sight of her. His sister could sleep through World War III. He pressed the sole of his foot against her back and kicked her out of bed.
“Get up,” said Kyle.
“Ow,” yelled Bunny from the floor.
“You’re going to be late for school,” said Kyle as he sulked out of the room.
“Not again!” moaned Bunny. She rushed around her room, gathering up her uniform. Why did she always oversleep? She got dressed as quickly as she could, which made her look extremely sloppy. She then pelted out of her room, still attempting to tie one of her shoes. Trying to walk on one foot resulted in crashing into two doors, one chair, a wall and two tables.
“Nice Bunny,” said Kyle.
“You could help you know,” said Bunny impatiently.
“And miss watching you run?”
“Thanks,” said Bunny sarcastically.
“Breakfast, Bunny,” said Mrs. Wilson but then a horn rang throughout the house.
“Sorry, Mom,” said Bunny, “Carpool.” She turned to leave.
“Catch,” yelled Kyle and he hurled a package of Pop Tarts at her. Bunny turned around just in time to see it flying towards her and get hit in the head with it.
“Thanks,” said Bunny as she picked it up and she pelted out the door before her ride left without her.
Outside her house was a car that looked almost like a miniature-limousine. Bunny opened a door and went inside. Sitting next to her was the richest and snobbiest girl in her high school, Kiki Price. Bunny was forced to ride to school with Kiki every single day and Kiki never let her forget that she did not enjoy it at all. Kiki’s mom and Bunny’s mom had worked together for years but Kiki’s mom had married Roger Price, the biggest business tycoon that Lakeview had ever seen. So Kiki’s family was richer than any other family in Lakeview and Kiki loved to flaunt that fact. Kiki got every thing she wanted.
“Hello Bunny,” said Mrs. Price courtly.
“Hey Mrs. Price,” said Bunny and the driver sped up towards the school. As the car rushed onward, Bunny opened the package of Pop Tarts that Kyle had thrown to her. They were strawberry, her favorite. She could not help but think that sometimes having a big brother could come in handy.
“We’re giving you a ride out of the goodness of our hearts,” said Kiki, “The least you could do is not eat in our car. The seats alone cost more than your father could make in a whole year.”
“You have a heart?” thought Bunny but she knew better than to say it out loud, “And it has goodness? That’s news to me. You really do learn something new everyday.” Around fifteen minutes later the car slowed to a stop and Bunny got out. The deal with her riding to school with them was that she had to get out of the car a block before school grounds. Kiki refused to be seen anywhere near Bunny. Not that Bunny would complain about it or anything. She did not want to be seen with Kiki either.
She started walking. She was generally late for school ever since her mother had started this deal and Kiki had begun giving her rides to school. She rounded a corner and her school, Lakeview High, came into view. Lakeview High was not even remotely fancy. It was a private school and even though the tuition was high they could barely afford nice things. Yet it was the best school in Lakeview City, what with the only other option being the public school. Bunny looked at her watch.
“Oh great,” said Bunny, “I’m late.” She then started running towards her school. She did not know why she was running, there was no way that she was going to make it. She had gotten through the doors and was now sprinting through the hallway. She suddenly saw a student standing randomly in the middle of the hallway. Bunny swerved to the right just in time to miss her and then she continued on her way.
“Hey kid,” said the student and before Bunny could realized that the “kid” the girl was referring to was her, she was yanked back towards the girl, “Principal’s Office?” The girl had Bunny by the collar and was dangling her a few inches above the ground.
“Uhsherkatilonku?” murmured Bunny in confusion. Who was this girl and why was she wearing a guy’s uniform?
“Where is it?” asked the girl impatiently.
“Around the corner, third door on your left,” stuttered Bunny and she pointed the way. The girl set her down and walked to where she had pointed. Bunny stared after her and then the bell rang. Bunny hung her head in defeat and then rushed off to class. She entered her homeroom class as quietly as she could.
“Miss Wilson you’re late,” said Mrs. Herman.
“Sorry,” said Bunny.
“Just sit down,” said Mrs. Herman and Bunny took her seat.

Kit knocked on the Principal’s Office’s door. The door read Principal Hurston. She had gotten lost and had had to ask directions of some girl who had nearly soiled herself at the sight of her.
“Come in,” said a voice from within the office and Kit walked in, “Kit Thompson?”
“Yeah,” said Kit and she looked at the Principal. He was a short man and was balding. He had a small mustache that looked more like a furry little caterpillar. He was small in every aspect of the word. Out of pure habit Kit sized up what kind of opponent this man would be. He would clearly be a poor a fighter.
“Sit,” said Principal Hurston and he gestured to a chair. Kit looked at for a moment before taking her seat. She seemed like an overly cautious person about the most simple of things yet she took stupid risks. She was like this because of years of fighting. She had trained herself to do these things naturally so that she could survive.
“Yeah,” said Kit again. She was openly patronizing him and he knew it.
“Welcome,” said Principal Hurston.
“Sure,” said Kit, knowing how unwelcome she truly was.
“I have your file somewhere.”
“Have you read it?”
“Not yet, but I hear that it is unique.”
“Kind of.” He pulled out her file. He read over it and Kit could not hide her amusement as his expression changed as he read her file. He eventually looked up at her and examined her.
“You set your school on fire?”
“No, only the gym,” protested Kit and she stood up to look at the file and he showed where he saw the description, “Oh, right. That time the entire school went up in flames.” She sat back down.
“Vandalism, breaking curfew, breaking and entering, parole violations, obstruction of justice, kidnapping, hacking, theft, grand theft auto, resisting arrest, under age gambling, assault with a deadly weapon, assault, assaulting a teacher, assaulting a police officer, possession of a controlled substance, possession of cigarettes, under age drinking, fighting, arson and you even been accused of murder,” said Principal Hurston.
“Hey I was acquitted of…most of those crimes.”
“Right,” said Principal Hurston cautiously.
“Hey, don’t judge me, you don’t know anything about me or what I’ve been through in my life.”
“Can I go?”
“To class,” said Principal Hurston. He was smart. He was a good analyzer and had most likely encountered someone like Kit before.
“And that would be where exactly?”
“Here’s your schedule,” said Principal Hurston. Kit looked down at it and it looked like this:
Thompson, Kit SCHEDULE
Locker: 2B1 Combo: 16-3-29
Study Hall.....Herman....310
Music...........M. Winter...109
“How fun,” said Kit sarcastically.
“Your books are already in your locker.”
“After homeroom a student will give you a tour.”
“And it will probably last until lunch.”
“Whatever,” said Kit as she got up.
“Wait, a note for your teacher.” He handed her another piece of paper.
“Whatever,” said Kit and she walked out the door and then she looked at the back of her schedule, “I have no idea where I am going. Macio Ludo.” A map of the school appeared on the back. There was a dot outside of the principal office, which was her, and then one of the classrooms started to glow, which was where she was supposed to be. She waved her hand over her schedule and the magical map disappeared. She sighed and walked to her class with her hands in her pockets. She was not made to be with other people, to go to school or to be normal. She was made for fighting demons and casting spells. She did not belong in the world of light and the living. She was a part of the world of the damned and the dead and the dark. She couldn’t care less about school and homework and extracurricular activities. She would rather hang back and watch the human race destroy itself. In truth she’d started out as a hero and as someone who fight for even the most insignificant person. Now she was more suicidal and just went looking for fights. She was a cynic.
She stopped and looked at the door in front of her. It said 307. That meant this was the room where she was supposed to be. She was considering just turning around but she was not the type of person who just gave up because she did not want to do something. She sighed again and opened the door. This apparently startled everyone for some strange reason. She looked around, these people looked extremely boring.
“And who might you be?” asked the teacher, who Kit assumed was Miss Herman.
“You Miss Herman?” asked Kit.
“Yes,” said Miss Herman as Kit handed over the note, which Miss Herman read, “Well, welcome. Class we have a new student. Everyone please welcome Kit Thompson. Would you like to introduce yourself?”
“You kind of just did.”
“All I did was say your name.”
“And that’s all they need to know.”
“Take a seat next to Bunny.”
“And Bunny would be which brainless drooling monkey?”
“I’m not a brainless drooling monkey,” said Bunny angrily.
“So that one then,” said Kit and she sat down in her desk. She then put her feet up on her desk and kicked the person in front of her in the back of their head.
“Ow,” said the guy in front of her as he turned around, “What was that for?”
“What was what for?”
“You kicked me,” said the guy.
“Do you have a problem?”
“Only if you keep talking,” said Kit and the guy got out of his chair. This was followed instantly by him tripping on his face.
“I’ll get you,” said the guy.
“I’m so worried,” said Kit dully.
“Well,” said Miss Herman, “Bunny, will you take our guest for a tour?”
“Sure,” said Bunny and she grabbed her bag. She left the room and Kit followed her. She just wanted to get out of the freak show dressing room. When she got out she found Bunny staring at her with the strangest expression.
“Do you want something?” asked Kit.
“You shouldn’t mind James,” said Bunny, “His dad’s a cop so he thinks he can do whatever he wants.”
“What’s your point?”
“Never mind, do you want a tour?”
“Not really,” said Kit but Bunny just went walking in front of her, “But I guess I am going to get one anyway.”
“The school was built in 1897 and was originally meant to be a school for boys-,” said Bunny as she turned around in the middle of her speech only to realize that there was no one there, “Hey!” She spotted Kit leaning on a wall outside of the school smoking a cigarette.
“Are you smoking?”
“Uh, yeah, kind of slow aren’t you.”
“What’s your problem?”
“In case you haven’t noticed I don’t actually want to be here, unlike suck-up, teacher’s pets, want-to-be know-it-alls like you.”
“Hey, I am not a know-it-all.”
“Sure, you just think you are.”
“‘Sh-sh-sh’,” mocked Kit, “Spit it out.”
“Shut up.”
“Now listen here little kid, there is a whole other world out there you know nothing about. So kid, one day that world is going to come at you and bite you in the neck. And you will die, it is just that simple kid. Trust me, I live in that world.”
“I am not a kid, and even if it means I am a know-it-all. I do know everything I need to know in order to survive in the world.”
“You totally just missed the point,” said Kit and she turned around to walk away.
“So you say.”
“It really will bite you in the neck,” said Kit and she said to herself, “Literally.”
“Yeah, whatever,” said Bunny and Kit rounded the corner to leave, “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Anywhere that isn’t here.”
“No, you’re not, it’s my job to show you around and get you to the end of your first day and so help me God you will finish your first day whether you like it or not.”
“I stand corrected, you might last five minutes.” Bunny did not know it at the time but Kit was actually giving her a compliment.
Bunny showed her around campus and Kit let her. Kit always liked to be aware of her surroundings. She learned a lot about Bunny, who wouldn’t stop talking. They even had the exact same schedule. The tour actually did last all of the way until the lunch period. Lunch was held outside and Kit easily lost Bunny in the crowd. She found a table that was set off from the others.
The lunch area was closed off by a wire fence. The table she found was by itself because its location, the fence prevented there from being any other tables near it. It was located in a small alley where she could lean on the wall of the school or two parts of the fence, which almost formed a rectangle around the area. On the other side of the fence there were large trees that loomed over the fence to provide shade. The very reasons she found it so appealing were probably the reasons why no one else was sitting here.
She sighed and leaned against the wall behind her. She pulled out another cigarette because Bunny had made her put the other one out. Bunny had given her a serious headache. She hated school.
“Kit!” yelled Bunny as she rushed into Kit’s sanctuary. Kit moaned.
“Put that out, you’re going to get in trouble.”
“You say that like you actually think I care.”
“No Kit, you don’t understand; it’s-.”
“Looky, looky,” said a voice from behind them and Bunny stiffened considerably at the sound of it. Kit noticed it and gave her a puzzled look as she turned around to see who it was. She saw what had to be the most feminine girl on the planet. She was glossed up from head to toe. Her hair had been arranged into what she thought was perfect, she wore expensive earrings, make-up, perfume and a necklace. She wore a lot of mascara and way too much lip gloss. Her nails had been filed down and painted with a color that matched her uniform. She was also wearing high heels. There was no doubt in Kit’s mind that this girl was rich and liked to prove it. She surrounded by some more girls like her.
“What do you want?” asked Kit as the girl walked to her.
“Cigarettes,” said the girl coolly, “That’s not good new girl.”
“Do you have a problem?”
“What kind of girl wears a guy’s uniform?” asked the girl.
“What kind of human being wears that much make-up,” said Kit.
“Oh, I am so going to tell on you,” said the girl and Kit walked up to her. She leaned forward and whispered something into the girl’s ear. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and she swallowed hard. The group of girls ran away.
“Kit,” said Bunny, “That was a bad idea. You don’t know who that was, but that was Kiki Price. She’s the richest girl around here, her father practically owns Lakeview. She gets whatever she wants. She’s the one who designed these uniforms.”
“She did this? What’s with them anyway?”
“She saw something like them on a Japanese cartoon,” said Bunny. The uniforms that they had to wear were very strange. The girl’s uniforms were very short blue skirts. Short sleeved white sailor shirts with two blue stripes and blue sweater over it. The guy’s uniform were made of black pants and either a long sleeved black shirt with a white trim or a short sleeved white shirt with a black trim and a white tie.
“Was there something you wanted?”
“Just to talk.”
“I don’t want to, leave.”
“What?” asked Kit sharply and Bunny jumped back, “What is it?”
“It’s just I, I thought we were-.”
“Friends? Think again. I don’t have friends.”
“But -.”
“But nothing, go away!” She pointed to the way out.
“Kit, it’s just that. You’re so cool.”
“Cool? You think this is cool? If you’re looking for a role model, look somewhere else. I’m not a hero.”
“Out!” yelled Kit.
“Didn’t you hear me? I said ‘I am not a hero’,” screamed Kit then slowly Bunny stalked away and when she was gone Kit added to herself, “Not anymore.”

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Thu Oct 18, 2007 @ 04:47am

    So I officially give up waiting to come up with an end for Rina Balan...I wanted to post something else that I wrote other than the quotes...so I decided to use this. The first thing I ever wrote related to Kit!

    Community Member

    Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 03:15am

    Yay! New stuff! Im back from another H3 excursion and happy to see some new story stuff. A very cool entry Zeg. Kit is a bit of a brat herself aint she? Now to the next entry!

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