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The Tales of Zegwar
I can go anywhere I want to do just by imagining it, if you'd like to join me all you have to do is believe. So read what I write, even those few that aren't about my make-believe world of Zegwar. I promise, fun awaits those who dare enter my mind...
Guardians of Toshadow: Finding the Princess - Chapter TWO
The Guardians of Toshadow and The White Room

Kit continued to go to Lakeview High. She made no friends because of encounters she seemed to be having such as what was happening to her today. She was eating her lunch at her table and of course Bunny was trying to talk to her and then Kiki came in again to tease her.
“You are such a freak,” said Kiki.
“I’m the freak?” asked Kit as Kiki walked by in her cheerleader’s uniform, which was bright pink, “I’m not the one walking around in that. Anyone who wears that much pink can hardly be human.”
“You’re the one who isn’t human,” said Kiki and this struck a nerve with Kit, not that she would let it show.
“Real clever.”
“Whatever,” said Kiki and her band left.
“How do you do that?” asked Bunny.
“Do what?”
“I just stuck up for myself. Why are you here, again?”
“I could never do that.”
“I know, now go away.” This had become a routine with them. Bunny wouldn’t leave her alone. The rest of the day went by with out anything of significance until PE. Her gym teacher, Mr. Lee was in a bad mood.
“Okay,” said Mr. Lee, “Girls line up.”
“What is this about?” asked Kiki.
“I am supposed to teach you how to defend yourselves,” said Mr. Lee as Kit held back a laugh, “Will a volunteer please step forward?” Someone pushed Bunny forwards.
“Hey,” said Bunny.
“Thanks you Miss Wilson,” said Mr. Lee, “Please attack me.”
“No, I, what?” asked Bunny.
“Attack me,” said Mr. Lee and Bunny walked forward. She closed her eyes and punched him in the stomach. He grabbed her wrist and twisted. She fell on to the ground.
“Ow,” said Bunny and Kit let out a laugh.
“Do you think that you can do better Miss Thompson?” asked Mr. Lee.
“In my sleep,” said Kit.
“Care to prove it?” asked Mr. Lee,
“Do you want me go to easy on you?” asked Kit.
“Don’t insult me,” said Mr. Lee, “Just attack.” Kit did as he said. She pulled her fists up and then kicked him in the shin, sending him to the ground. He jumped back up and threw a soft punch at her, which she ducked. While she was down she punched him the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. This apparently mad him and he decided not to hold back. He charged, she clotheslined him, which made him fall on his butt.
“Nice,” said Kit and she started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” asked Mr. Lee.
“I’m going easy on you,” said Kit.
“Fine,” said Mr. Lee, “How do fare when groups attack you at once?”
“Fine,” said Kit, she was clearly mocking him.
“Boys attack,” said Mr. Lee.
“Mr. Lee, she’s a girl,” said James.
“Are you chicken?” asked Kit tauntingly. They were guys so this was very insulting so they charged. James was the first one to reach her and she knocked him down at once. Then the other guys charged her at once. She turned and ran.
“See, you’re the chicken,” said James, “Running away.” Kit turned around and gave him a smile that shook him.
“Rule number one when fighting a group, get the higher ground,” said Kit, “Rule number two, get them in a small space so you can fight them one on one.” They realized it too late, they had fallen into her trap. She then charged them and defeated them one by one. She had some spectacular moves and some great comebacks for anything they would say to her. When the fight was over Kit realized what she had done. She felt so stupid, she had been caught up and had really fought them like they were demons. How could she be such an idiot, to show even a portion of what she could do?
“Wow Kit,” said Bunny and Kit looked up at her with the strangest look, “Kit?”
“No,” said Kit and she ran, “Not now.” This in fact had nothing to do with what she had just done. Ever since Kit was a little girl she been slightly precognitive. Just then she had received what she called “a kick in the brain,” which told her to get into the hall right now or it would really start kicking. She ran straight there, without noticing that she was being followed.
“Kit, what’s wrong?” asked Bunny and Kit whirled around.
“Bunny?” asked Kit, “Nothing’s wrong. Go away. Get back to class.” She pushed her back towards the gym. This was very bad, there would be a demon there any minute.
“Hahaha,” laughed Kiki, “Way to freak out.”
“Damn it, not you too,” said Kit and she pushed them both back at once, “Go away, stop following me. Go back to the-!” A demon appeared in front of them. It was twice Kit’s size, had tough gray skin and two red horns on its head.
“What is that?” yelled Bunny. Kiki and Bunny screamed and started to run. At least Kit would not have to worry about them. Then the demon teleported behind them.
“Watch out!” screamed Kit but when the demon grabbed them they disappeared and it turned on to Kit, “Wait, do I know you?” This demon looked so familiar. It did not seem dangerous. This thing, whatever it was, wasn’t a demon; it was something else entirely. She’d seen it before, she knew that. One word flew around inside her mind and that was: Kinwa. But she didn’t recognize what it meant. It held out a hand and she looked at it for a moment before she took it.
She felt her world fade away and she appeared in a room that was just white. Everything about it was just white. There was a sort of mist around her. It was also familiar, she knew somehow that she’d been there before. It wouldn’t be the first time she remembered things that had never happened. It was warm. There was no floor but she was standing on something. She jumped up and down slightly to test whatever it was. There was nothing there but she was being supported. She couldn’t see anything because of the white mist that crowded around her ankles and feet.
Kiki and Bunny were there too and so was a woman. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. Again there was something so eerily familiar about the entire situation. In normal people familiarity would make them feel more comfortable but that was not so with Kit. The eerie familiarity just made her feel uneasy, she didn’t like not completely remembering what it was that she knew about this strange place.
“Kit,” said Bunny, “What’s going on?”
“That’s what I would like to know,” said Kiki, “I thought you were a good fighter. How’d you get captured?”
“First, look at it,” said Kit, “Second, I didn’t fight. Have I been here before?”
“Yes,” said the woman.
“And you are?” asked Kit.
“Forgive me,” said the woman, “I am Queen Lilly Karen of Zegwar.”
“Queen?” asked Bunny, “The feudal monarchy government system is completely unjust, the people of wherever you are from-.” Kit slapped a hand on Bunny’s mouth.
“Zegwar?” asked Kit, with a furry, that was the place where she went when she was asleep, “Like with, and, Karen?” This was unbelievable.
“Ah,” said Lilly, “You must be Kit. She has told me a lot about you. You show great promise for our cause.”
“Kita? But I thought, I, Kita?”
“This is unbelievable. It’s real, I’m not crazy, at least not entirely.”
“Yes, which you means you probably know a little bit more about what’s going on than they do. I’m sure that you have a lot of questions but you’ll have to save them for later, this isn’t the time.”
“Wait,” said Kit, “Did you say ‘cause’?”
“I’ve brought you all here to ask something tremendous of you.”
“And that would be?” asked Bunny, who was starting to collect herself.
“To save the world, both our worlds.”
“How can we do that?” asked Bunny.
“You must collect the powers of my world that have been scattered throughout your world,” said Lilly, “You are the universe’s only hope.”
“I don’t understand,” said Bunny.
“My world is Zegwar and it’s in terrible danger. A large shadow beast we call the Nothingness has been attacking our land for sometime and none of us have the power to stop it. We’ve tried but anyone that goes up against it dies. We only hope. There is a girl with unspeakable power; she is the Princess, Kiram.”
“Is she your daughter?” asked Kit and Lilly nodded, “Then why not just get her to do it? Why not get her to save your world?”
“We would only we don’t know exactly where she is,” said Lilly.
“What?” asked Bunny.
“When she was a child she was kidnapped and taken to Earth,” said Lilly, “I would have asked any mage to scry for her but Kiram has almost unlimited power and only someone more powerful than her can scry for her and successfully find her. That’s were the powers come in, if you collect them the three of you will become powerful enough to scry for her, find her and get her back to Zegwar in order to save us.”
“Why us?” asked Kiki, “What does this have to do with us?”
“You are the Guardians of Toshadow,” said Lilly.
“Guardians of what?” asked Bunny.
“Toshadow, it is the realm between all realms and it ties all of the worlds together and creates all of reality. When the Nothingness is finished with Zegwar it will pass through Toshadow to Earth so it can kill Kiram. But in doing so, the moment it enters Toshadow it will poison all things that exist on worlds and all that is will be utterly destroyed. It won’t just me world and yours but all worlds.”
“That is a lot to ask,” said Kit, “And what kind of powers are these? How can you be sure that we will be able to handle them. I mean if they’re powerful enough to find the Ultimate Power, how safe can they be?”
“To help you I will give you Animal Spirits.”
“Animal Spirits?” asked Kiki.
“Yes,” said Lilly, “I will entrust each of you will the spirit the animal you are most like. Kiki, you will have the spirit of a monkey.”
“Monkey,” complained Kiki.
“Bunny,” said Lilly, “Your name predicts yours, it is the spirit of a rabbit.”
“Rabbit,” said Bunny happily.
“Kit,” said Lilly, “Your animal spirit is that of a cat.”
“A monkey, a rabbit and a cat?” asked Kit, “What the hell did I ever do to piss you off so much? I mean that’s just cruel.”
“What?” asked Bunny.
“Nothing, never mind. That won’t be enough.”
“I know,” said Lilly, “I was able to gather three of the powers that you must find.” Three glowing spheres appeared in front of Lilly. The first one was red and the second was blue. The third actually looked like someone had smashed a black sphere and a white one together in the form of a binary sphere.
“Wow,” said Bunny.
“For you Kiki, the power of teleportation,” said Lilly and the red ball glowed even more brightly and flew at Kiki, who then disappeared.
“Kiki!” yelled Bunny.
“For Bunny, I have the power of healing because of your caring nature,” said Lilly and the blue sphere did the same thing to Bunny, who also vanished.
“And for me?” asked Kit.
“I have the most sacred of all powers for you Kit,” said Lilly, “It is the most sought after and the most feared of all magical gifts. It is actually two parts. You will get premonitions and visions.”
“What’s the difference?” asked Kit.
“The premonitions are clear, black and white scenes while the visions are more random than scenes and are in color,” said Lilly, “The premonitions are triggered by touch and the vision are sent to you by the Powers That Be.” The last sphere flew at Kit. It hit her in the chest and she felt different instantly, there was power in her now. The next thing she knew she was in yet another room, with Kiki and Bunny.
“s**t, that hurt,” said Kit.
“Kit?” asked Bunny.
“Where are we?” asked Kit.
“I think it is like our base or something,” said Bunny, “This place is amazing.”
“This is just a bad dream,” said Kiki to herself.
“Just keep telling yourself that,” said Kit.
“She has a point,” said Bunny.
“And that would be what?” asked Kit.
“This is insane,” said Bunny.
“No,” said Kit, “This is magic.”
“Why are you so calm?” asked Bunny.
“I don’t know,” said Kit. She did not want to tell them she had been using magic since she was a little girl. They did not need to know.
“She’s crazy,” said Kiki, “This is all crazy.”
“If it’s so crazy then go home,” said Kit.
“How?” asked Kiki.
“Teleport of course,” said Kit.
“No,” said Kiki, “There is no such thing as magic.”
“Oh yeah,” said Kit slyly and she whispered something into Kiki’s ear. She promptly disappeared in a puff of smoke.
“What just happened?” asked Bunny.
“She teleported home,” said Kit.
“How did you get her to do that?” asked Bunny.
“I scared the living daylights out of her,” said Kit.
“Why?” asked Bunny.
“Because if she wanted nothing more than to go home then she would naturally just go home,” said Kit.
“How did you know that?” asked Bunny.
“It’s magic,” said Kit, “If she’s going to be able to use it would have be with something she does naturally, like getting scared, she does that a lot.”
“Wow,” said Bunny.
“You should probably go home and rest,” said Kit.
“Why?” asked Bunny.
“Because as far as I can tell we have just under gone some major physical changes,” said Kit, “You’re bound to be wiped tomorrow.”
“It makes sense,” said Bunny, “What about you?”
“I think I’ll stay here for a while,” said Kit.
“You sure?” asked Bunny.
“Yeah,” said Kit, “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. We’ll talk in the morning.”
“Okay,” said Bunny and she walked out the door.
“Man,” said Kit, “Just when I think I am free, magic drags me back in.”
“It sucks doesn’t it?” asked a voice and Kit whirled around to see its owner.
“Who are you?” asked Kit at the sight of a woman.
“Relax,” said the woman, “You know me. I am Kita.”
“Kita?” asked Kit in shock.
“Yes, I am the Powers That Be.”
“Holy crap. That is seriously whacked out,” said Kit as she stared at her. She was just like she’d seen in her dreams so very often, exact in every detail.
“I suppose so.”
“Oh my god, it’s like really you. I mean, holy ******** s**t.”
“I guess this is a lot for you to take in.”
“Ya think? Damn, come on, really? Totally you?”
“Wow, that’s just, not normal.”
“We should talk.” Kit took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. It was time for that conversation, the one Kit had been running in her head since she appeared in to the White Room.
“I’m retired.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry, doesn’t cut it, I’m retired as in I don’t do this s**t anymore.”
“Kit, you-.”
“No, I was promised that I could live the rest of my life in peace. I paid my dues. I sacrificed everything I ever cared for. Hell, I’ve even died before, remember? And all I asked for was to die in peace, to not have to deal with this stuff anymore.”
“I know.”
“No, I won’t do this anymore. I don’t do causes. I don’t do quests or destinies anymore. I’ve lost too much and I can’t handle it anymore, if you watched me, you know what it was like. It’s not my responsibility anymore.”
“I’m sorry, but you don’t have any choice.”
“Whatever happened to free will?”
“Kit, you should know better. Destiny, the grand design-.”
“Not my problem anymore.”
“I’m sorry, you have to.”
“Come on, you don’t need me, they can learn.”
“Not fast enough. I’m sorry but the world needs you just one more time.”
“It’s not fair.”
“Life isn’t.”
“But I was promised-.”
“I know. But -.”
“Wasn’t it you who promised me retirement?”
“Well technically-.”
“I mean not directly but still you right?”
“And more than once if I remember correctly.”
“Yes but-.”
“You can’t keep pulling me out of retirement!” yelled Kit, “I’ve earned it.”
“I know.”
“Over and over again you dangled the hope of an end in front of me and over and over again you took it away. I’m getting close to functioning again. After what happened last time do you still want me? Why not choose someone else?”
“You know why. They need a teacher and you’re the best.”
“I was the best, as in not anymore.”
“You still are the best,:
“I didn’t ask to be the best.”
“I know.”
“It isn’t fair. You can’t make me.”
“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to. Will you help?”
“You make it seem like there isn’t a choice.”
“It’s up to you to save the world.”
“It always is.”
“You’re a very angry person.”
“I guess.”
“I think I can give you a new promise.”
“And how can I be sure you’ll keep it this time?”
“You want answers about your past, I have them.” Kit paused at that. Her past? Her past was one thing that was still a complete mystery to her.
“And you’ll tell me?”
“What I can.”
“What do I have to do?”
“Only what Queen Lilly asks of you.” Kit looked at Kita for a minute. All Kit ever wanted since she’d found out about magic was to know who she really was. But she’d been doing this a long time. She’d been promised a normal, calm life without demons or causes. It wasn’t fair, she’d lost too much, given up everything a thousand times over. They couldn’t keep doing this too her. She really had earned some peace and quiet, a chance to live in the world of mortals. They couldn’t take that from her, she couldn’t keep doing this not after everything, especially not after last time. The question then became: How badly did she want the answers to her questions?
“Fine.” She shook her hand.
“We appreciate this.”
“You better. One more thing. What about her?”
“She has always been your responsibility. Even in retirement it was your job to keep a hold on her. I know that last time you weren’t entirely successful-.”
“‘Not entirely successful’? Were you even there? It was a disaster.”
“Not your worst.”
“That may be true but-.”
“It’s up to you if you want to tell them.”
“By the way this is going to hurt.”
“What is?” asked Kit, “Damn!” She screamed and fell over clutching her head. She started to shake as images flashed across her brain in a random order.
“What the hell was that?” asked Kit as she shakily got back up.
“That was a vision.”
“Are they all like that?”
“Yes, now grab that knife in your boots.
“You’re good,” said Kit and she picked it up. Then even more images flashed across her mind. These were different from before. It felt like her mind itself was in the future watching herself throw this dagger at the wall. When she snapped out of it she was lying on the floor, sweating and shaking.
“That was a premonition. They’re hard to control.”
“I noticed. What am I going to do?”
“I suggest you wear these,” said Kita and a pair of grey gloves appeared in the air in front of Kit, “They will help to block the power until you can control it.”
“Thanks,” said Kit and she put them on instantly.
“They are a little bit different from you normal kicks in the brain,” said Kita, “That is was what you called them right?”
“Yeah,” said Kit.
“Good luck,” said Kita.
“I’m going to need it aren’t I?”
“But after this, never again, you promise? This is the last time I’ll have to do this. Right?” But Kita had vanished.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 03:38am

    Interesting. Very cool story Zeg. Nice to hear about Kit's past. Keep it up

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