Anyway, they got down to the final twelve, but then the judges had to remove four from the competition and they were one of them! gonk But, they are an electro band and they had to do an acoustic set, and in the words of Dave, the lead singer, 'Acoustic?! Urrrgh!'
It's quite funny, you should watch it, and there's some sly editing in there, which I'm sure is what Simon, one of the judges, was really thinking when he watched it. ninja
ANYWAY. They be needing help! They have the chance to get back in the competition if people vote them back in when there are only like, three bands left, and I can't remember how that all works so I'll skip onto this bit.
AAAAANYWAY. I'm not sure if it helps at all, but I want people to register accounts on the mobileAct website and make themselves a fan of YAWA! They're second on the list of most fans, The Headliners are beating them by six... and I don't like The Headliners that much.
Register here and become a fan of them, and listen to some of their bangin' choonz while you're at it. I recommend Supernova, I Am The Navigator is pretty good too, Starcadia is full of lulz with some stereotypical rap in there, and Apocalypse has some good guitaring but it's not my favourite.
THANK YOU. heart
Oh, and here's some art seffy_chan made me that I'm gonna put here 'cause I'm out of room in my signature now.

That's me on her head. In bat form. ;D