need i say anymore?
todays people are WAY to ******** sensitive and ALWAYS at the wrong time
now, i have many friends, some jewish
some satanic
some jehovahs witness
and some christian
but if your a sensitive jackass
that gets pissed of at peoples opinoins and feel the need to express yours, even though you probably can guess that no ones really gonna give a s**t, dont read this entry
a couple of days ago in class a christian girl was sittign next to me, and im guessing she doesnt like me, because when i said "if i were to be in any religion it would probably be jewish" she turned around and had the BALLS to say to me "hmph, we shoudl have killed you when we ahd the chance."
now what would you have said?
smacked her? i wanted too
laugh? i kinda did
beat her until she cried? i would have
but i just laughed and said "b***h, i'll put your happy white a** on a cross too if you dotn shut your ******** mouth."
no one else laughed
but its funny though!! i'm laughing just typing this!
if you werent christian or any religion you woulda laughed to so i dont wanna hear it lol
but im serious, why would god, or even 'jesus' would want people to fight and be assholes to eachother for a religion?
dont ou think he just wants one big religion?
no, but we're too WRAPPED up in our own s**t that we dont think about other people and are to self rightouse to really beleive anythign else then what we were told too.
its really quite honestly sad i mean seriousley.
this is pathetic.
our society is pathetic.
and im seriousley on the verge of killing myself and taking a whole bunch of those selfish basterds with me
okay, so yea, dont ******** hatem e for this message because you knwo how right i am