todays topic is infactuation caused by hormones or the same chemicals in the mind that an insane person has, and yes, that is fact
love can make you whoile or rip you apart
it can make other irrrational or make them sane again
it brings people to there knees and some people towards the light
its the only thing that lets us know theres life at the end of the tunnel and not some sham
why is it like this? why cant love be somethign you just want to pass bye, or just wave at as it rides along, its infectious sort of false releif that everyone searches for despretly to make themselves feel less lonely when in fact nothign can change that
Granted love is interesting and is beautiful but its more deadly then poison and takes effect quickly and can most likely kill
until some person walks by with a remedy and puts it to your lips, bringing you to life and falling into there arms
in some cases, you never leave the arms of the one that saves you
in some other cases you keep falling down, the person only feeding you more poison whether they know it or not
and in the rest, they are doomed to forever drink poison and never rise above the bitter sweet floor from which there first lover slammed them
this entry is men t to entertain although its not very funny
but in a sick way i guess it is
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"Without religion, we'd have good people doing good things, and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -weinberg
"Without religion, we'd have good people doing good things, and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -weinberg