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Theo's Notebook
Life in Gaia.
Happy birthday to me...
Yesterday was my birthday. Got a DS, one of those big scarves that looks like a table cloth, £30 and £30 in book tokens, and this... thing, my dad never explained it to me, I just know it holds 2GB of something? o__0
It was Alex's birthday on Wednesday so she had this party... met up at school, went to her house. Chilling in her game room, her, Jim, Zack and Mark were playing some pool, Liz was sitting next to me playing Bop It, and I was just... sitting there... yeah. Then some ping pong which I tried to play with Zack but I've never played ping pong in my life so needless to say I was s**t.
Moving into the lounge, the guys went to Burger King (LOL@DANNY GAL WORKING IN BURGER KING) whilst us girls were just chatting... mainly about cartoons from our childhood. Good discussion about Noah's Island, Pokémon, Digimon, Arthur, and I was the only one that had heard of Monster Rancher unfortunately... I love that show. After they got back we played some Twister, properly at first but then it wasn't getting awkward quickly enough so MANIPULATIVE TWISTER FTW. Nearly broke my arm. Afterwards we just crashed and talked, we were too lazy to do anything else. Alex and Jim were snuggled on the sofa at the side, Mark was sitting on one of the tiny plastic red chairs by the TV, Zack was lying on the floor next to him, Liz was on the floor by the back sofa and I was lying across it. Alex's sister came in and then went back out (she did that a lot, it was really annoying) and left the door open. No one else could be bothered to move so I got up and closed it, and then Zack leaped up and sat where my head had been. So I was just like meh and laid on him. I hadn't really met Zack before that day, and he wasn't amazingly attractive but it was a bit nice to y'know, focus my attention on someone. So we were all just chilling, and Zack had to go. Chilling for a bit more, then Ethan turned up and then Rob, then Jamie. Played a bit more Twister. Rob was like 'Oh, I'll be blue,' and then Alex was like 'Yeah, you're thinking of any game other than Twister.' Nearly broke my arm once more.
James and Rachel turned up, and we laughed at James because we had all seen a video Jamie had recorded earlier that day of him brushing his teeth, making funny noises and then nearly falling over after he realized Jamie was filming him. Then Matt turned up, and we had dinner. It was Chinese and I'm vegetarian and a really fussy eater, so I was just sitting there with my tiny portion of egg-fried rice... Rob was all 'Are you sure you've had enough?' and I was like yeah. He asked me if I was alright with celebrating someone else's birthday on my birthday and why didn't I do something myself, and I said meh, no one would come, and he said 'I'd come.' He was being really nice to me all night, defending me from Jamie, James and Matt who all think it's hilarious to call me a witch (seriously dunno where it originated from but it's been going on for a year now and it's just getting boring) and I asked if they could just be nice to me on my birthday, and they were like 'Yeah, just for your birthday,' and Rob was like 'No, always,' and I was like aww. And we watched 40 Year Old Virgin which wasn't really good and I was sitting on the floor for half of it. We had cake and I can't believe it, I nearly cried when I was singing happy birthday to someone else and to top it off, got a bit of cake that said ALEX on it.
Afterwards, it was about half eleven and Jim was like STRIP POKER. But half of us didn't really know how to play so we attempted Strip Blackjack but that was going too slowly because we were too tired to add so we played Strip Go Fish instead. Zack came back (wtf, we didn't even hear the door go, did he just walk straight back in?) and the only clothes I lost were my hoodie and my right glove because we all had to go at midnight. I walked with Zack, Jim and Ethan but Zack had to go one way after a while and we went another way. Jim and Ethan walked me home, it was kind of freaky to be walking across my school at gone midnight, the house looked so freaky, illuminated by the floodlights and looming over us.
It wasn't even cold, it was pleasant, and we didn't see any people on the way... my town had never looked so pretty.

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