heart heart Hmm...So...Some stuff came up today
some pretty serious stuff
and i just wanted to make it clear to a lot of people
who probably won't ever read this. but it will make me feel better
If you EVER hurt someone i love...You better write up that will
Get that last testament ready and make your peace with god
because i don't care the punishment...If you bring death upon
someone i love...Death is what you should expect...I'm not a stupid
girl. I have the brains to be very...very...cunning...So don't even
think about it for a second...Their death will be the thing you regret
in the last few hours before i finally feel merciful and torch your
rotting, bleeding, completely destroyed breathing corpse.
Death will be the release you pray for. Oh, and btw
if you think you can get away with hurting them, without actually
killing them...THINK AGAIN!...torture will be certain
Death won't be. because just as you hurt them and left
them with that emotional scar... i will leave you so emotionally torn
apart, being the weakling you probably are, you'll be dead within
a weeks time...So...what have we learned today?
Don't Feck With People I Care About if you want to live a happy life
Get it? Got it? Good betch.
Sorry if this scares anyone i care about...
i just needed to vent some predetermined anger
heart heart
CyanidexLust · Fri Feb 29, 2008 @ 02:53am · 0 Comments