Character name:Lamont Midnight
Gender: Male
Race: Soul Reaper
Rank: Captain of Squad 6

Symbol of the Squad:

Sword name: Saruwatari
Shikai: the shikai takes the form of a ice dragon when the blade is swung in any direction and is controlled by the movement of the blade so that the ice dragon hits its mark or close to it.
Sword Appearance: Looks like a normal katana until its name is called and its bankai called then it takes on different forms.
Bankai Call: Ogawa Saruwatari Shinichi
Bankai Ability: The sword turns into a giant beast that is controlled by the movements of the owner of the sword this allows the the owner optimum movement so that he can perform combos a lot easier that it would be while wielding a full length katana
Bankai Appearance: The beast looks like an ape but is not of ape decedent but more of a fury dragon that has taken the appearance of an ape. The beast is built with lots of muscles and is meant to be used both offensively and defensively.
Spells known:
Destructive = Hadou
Shou- Hadou #1, 8 Kidou
Description: Pushes the target away from the caster.
Incantation: "The god's hands divide heaven from earth, Hadou #1, Shou.
Byakurai - Hadou #4, 25 Kidou
Description: A blasting spell, intended to pierce an opponent like a bullet.
Incantation: Converge light into spaces of darkness. Hadou #4, Byakurai.
Shakkahou (shot of red fire) - Hadou #31, 320 Kidou
Description: Fires a searing, explosive orb of red energy at an opponent.
Incantation: Ye Lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, The sea barrier surges, March on to the south! Hadou #31, Shakkahou.
Kurohitsugi (Black Coffin) - Hadou #90, 6500 Kidou
Description: An extremely powerful Kidou used on a single opponent. A box of black energy forms around the target, which is then pierced by dozens of energy "spears", lacerating the one inside from head to toe.
Incantation: The oracle's fever grows, the chained god releases his fury. Ten spears, one hundred wounds, one thousand tears shed in mourning. Hadou #90, Kurohitsugi.
Bio: He joined the 13 court guard squad when he was about 50 years of age. He was not all that great with the spells part of his classes but once it came to practicing with swords he was at the top of his class. Once he has been accepted into squad six as a member his spell casting began to prove but he was slowly going up in ranks till he has made a seated position. For a few years he stayed at the 20th seat before he started gaining higher seats and being recognized by the rest of the squad. He finally made it to being the Lieutenant of the squad. On one of his missions to earth him and a little squad that he was leading in earth ran across an enemy that did not look like a hollow but had an appearance of a soul reaper. He contacted the captain of the squad to report what he and the the recon squad ran across and the captain told him that the person in front of him was a arrancar. The arrancar gave out his name and while he was attacking but Lamont Midnight managed to get way and injured seriously as he attempted to escape.He obtained this rank at the age of 100. He spent 50 years going up in the leader to make the rank of Lieutenant but he wants more power so he is aiming to become a captain in another 50 years of his life. He finally made the Rank of captain by killing the previous captain of the squad in front of everyone but it took about 100 years for him to obtain the rank of captain. At the time of being coming captain many of his fellow squad members became to recent him some already resented him because of his shikai that he uses and the way it looked. None of the other squad members have seen his bankai from yet but they know that they will see it one day soon.