I guess no matter how much I could tell my ex how much I love her doesn't mean she will love me back. Of course I want her back in my life and I do love her very much but I want her to be happy even if it hurts me the most cause she deserves to be happy and to live a happy life. I don't want to hold her back I rather be holding her in my arms just to feel her embrace one last time. I doubt that would happen as we ar so very far away and she doesn't want me to come there but I want to see her one last time before I really do have to say goodbye to her and I really dont want to say goodbye to her cause then that would be like saying good bye to a hole part of my life I don't think I could live without as I draw some happieness from the memories I have with her. I miss you very much Chelsea and do hope that we can get back together and be a happy couple once again. With all my love Timothy Jay Delos