Alrighty... It's been a while since I last updated my journal, so I figured I should go ahead and give her a whirl ^_^. So... Last episode of "The Young and the Scaley", My dog had been killed by a crazy, speedy driver and, OI! ...Was I ever in a world of heartbreak. Well, it's really funny how God can take a tragedy and bring about something marvelous in the midst of ones greatest sorrows. To that end, I have someone I'd like you all to meet...
So... This is that "something" marvelous... Or, rather, Someone. Her name is Emily, but she goes by the name of "Itsuna O", here on Gaia. I've known her for the last two years or better; having first met here at (you guessed it!) Anime South. This gorgeous Vixen (and I use the word as a compliment... Considering that Itsuna is a Kitsune ^_~) is currently the young woman that has stepped into this ran-shackled mess that I call a life and has brought peace and happiness to my weary soul. We started dating back on June the 6th and I've only but, to fall more and more, head over heels, in love with her with each passing day 4laugh heart 4laugh . I praise God every single day for having placed such a wonderful, attractive, confident, and fun young woman in my life.
Now then, onto my next order of business... Metrocon mrgreen ! I left on the 17th and stayed till the 20th and I gotta tell you: IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE BLAST!!!!!! On my profile page, I have a picture of me and Itsu-chan; posing with a heartless from the anime human chess match. Both of us are dressed as orginal characters from my best friend, Duo's New Org Group. She was Xaltho (Talho from Eureka7's world) and I was Kuroxim (Might be Miroku's nobody... Maybe). Anyways, it was so much fun between my improv. group's smashing performances, the kimono fashion show, the anime human chess match and the masquerade. However, most importantly, I got to spend the convention with my Itsu-chan and all of my friends. It was so magical to be able to dance with her at the ball ^_^!!!
Anyways, we are now brought to my final new event... I really don't want to go into everything here at the moment, but I'm probably going to be moved out of my parents house and into one of my best friend's places by the beginning of Sept. I'm nervous, excited, scared, uncertain, confident, and trusting in God all at the same time... And that's just my feelings towards my family. I guess, though, that it really is about time that I stop trying to be everybodies savior and begin to "save myself" for once in my life. And not to say this in the wrong manner, but it turns out that life would just be much easier for my folks with me gone... Rather then to stay. But, yeah... Tis neither here nor there.
Between all of this, needing to get my room for A.S./ExpCon/Janicon straightened out and an dear aquaintance passing away... My hands have been kinda tied. But, I do know that all things work for good for those whom love the lord and are called according to his purpose. I know I'm not worthy, but I do sincerely believe that I'm called and I love him so much! Well... I gotta be moosying on... I'm starting to feel odd and I need to call Itsu-chan to let her know I'm crashing early. tell the next time, take care and Godbless you all!
~Lynx D.
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I always get so excited when you do happy posts. XD; It's seriously great that things are working out between you and Emily though. Jeshua, Emily, sittin' in a tree. K-I-...[snicker] You know I only do it because I care. razz
I looked at your profile and was so not prepared for the photo, it spooked me. ^ ^; In a fun way. That Heartless thing crouching next to you made me worry...
"WtF? Don't nom Jeshua and his Love! D:<"
Plus you and Emily look SO serious. >w<; It's a fantastic picture though. 3nodding Movin' huh? Hey congrats and good luck, think of it as an adventure, arr! Just...don't go about brandishing a weapon. O_O Have fun in all that you do though and hopefully you aren't getting ill.
For the next few days, keep an eye on Mew's guild; I am plotting a wonderful intro post for that AK RP. :] And I had to make this really tiny, just to waste your time. Muahahahaha! >w<;