Christmas Greetings from your favorite Crimson Red ^_~
Yay! 10 days till Christmas and I can hardly wait ^_^. Not for presents, though... Nope. I Seriously doubt I'll get much of anything for Christmas this year (The family has had some setbacks this year), but that doesn't matter to me. I've never been a materialistic person. Stuff is nice and all, but I'm just happy being with Family and friends ^_^. Plus, I've already recieved the best Christmas present anyone could ever get... The love of an Angel ^_~! Speaking of which, in 22 days, I'll be enjoying A.S. with her as well :Big: heart blaugh !!! So, yeah, I'm TOTALLY STOKED! I've really missed her alot, too crying . It will have been a month and a half since I last saw her; so I'm also a little anxious, too.
Of course, it couldn't be helped. After the last time I saw her, we hit our first rocky patch in the relationship and it took about a week and a half for everything to finally come to the place where we could talk and work things out. But, they did get worked out and I have to say I was so grateful to God that they did 4laugh ! I've so many strong feelings for her... And, I feel emotionally tied to her, so it kinda scared me to think that things were bad and the possibilty of everything falling apart was a haunting spectre upon my heart and soul. I really, REALLY want to be with her... More then even I can possibly understand eek . She's been the absolute best thing that has ever happend to me and, as such, I'm going to do my best to try and be the same for her. I swear to it.
Anyways, long story short from here, she's kinda had her hands tied with Family, Dental surgery this week, and Christmas/Family stuff the next couple afterwards. Myself, I've just been patiently counting the days; working myself as much as I can to try to get the money for a car together by Febuary. Also, I've had my own family events this month... My grandfather, age 77, passed away on Monday of last week. It was a blow to the whole family, but not unexpected. I can't recall if I mentioned it or not in a latter post, but we found out he had cancer back in Oct. and were told that he would only have about 6 months. It just was a surprise he went so quickly...
All the same, though, no need to mourn our losses... I wept for a bit, but I'm really very happy for him. Now, instead of missing his wife on Christmas; he'll spend it with my Grandmother, The Lord, and all of his family and friends past that have made it into Glory. This I believe whole heartedly... So, yeah, I'm pretty happy for him. Anyways, I got back on the 13th at 9:30pm. I was never so glad to be home mrgreen .
But, yeah,... There's my update for now. I'm just going to try to get everything done that I need to complete before A.S. this year. Totally have to get my roomates to take me over to Home Depot so I can get a sheet of Foam insulation. Gotta build a Hiraikotsu for Emily BEFORE A.S. gets here ^_^! It'll be really easy to do. It's the painting that will take a bit fo time. I'll probably go tomorrow for it and purchase the paints and stuff i need on my next day off (Thursday). Well, till next time, Kids.. This Is Lynx and I Wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ^_^! My God bless you all richly here at the end of this year and in all the years to come!
Lynx D. (Jeshua A. Cook)