Today sucked big time. I failed my math test on an epic scale, I'm horribly behind on the little homework that I actually complete, chemistry class is ALWAYS one big suckfest, and to top it all off the one silver lining for today went up in flames. I was supposed to get my class ring today, and when I went to put it on THE DAMN THING DIDN'T FIT. They made it half a size smaller than it should've been, so now they're taking it back to fix it and I can't have it for another two weeks. THIS BITES!!!
On the bright side, this picture made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my chair, so enjoy it.
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Rantings of a Diseased Mind
All those who read further beware, for your brain shall liquify, drip out your nostrils, and flush itself down the toilet.
Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and they'll all think you're on drugs.