I have here for your viewing pleasure a still frame of the upcoming and clearly amazing game Miles Edgeworth: Perfect Prosecutor.
Here's why this is amazing.
#1- Edgeworth has his own game. 'Nuf said.
#2- The Blue Badger seems to have reared his terrifying, oversized head once again. Considering Gumshoe is the sidekick in this game I can only hope we'll finally get to see him do that god awful dance from case 5 in PW:AA.
#3- Edgeworth is cross-examining a dolphin. CLEARLY HE IS A GOD.
However, there is one thing about this picture that scares me. A LOT. Look in the upper left corner. Does the person in the blue jumpsuit look eerily familiar to anyone else? Perhaps like a certain crazed security guard we all know and hate? I suppose it was inevitable considering her stalkerish love for her 'Edgeypoo', so pop in some ear plugs and get ready for some disturbing fangirl gushings everyone, because Oldbag is back. May the Capcom gods have mercy on our souls and our sanity.
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Rantings of a Diseased Mind
All those who read further beware, for your brain shall liquify, drip out your nostrils, and flush itself down the toilet.
Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and they'll all think you're on drugs.