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Lanzer's Journal
Hard day at Gaia HQ
Gaia's goal is to provide a great place for members like you, while inside the Gaia headquarters, we are a very dedicated and intense team working very hard to carry forth this goal. But today is a very, very tough day for all of us, because we have to wave good-bye to some of these people who we see as a part of this dream, a part of the family.

From my previous entry, I've mentioned that it actually cost more money to run Gaia HQ than the money we make from things like sponsorships and virtual items. So with the economy taking a downturn and with our growth slowing down, we simply have to have less people working in the office so we can keep moving forward.

It's a very painful decision to make and I've lost many nights of sleep thinking "is there's something more I can do?". As the night became dawn, there were bad dreams, there were dreams of things working out better, there were dreams of us growing faster, and it's tough watching the clock reach the morning. I will never forget this whole experience.

For those who are leaving the Gaia team today, you all are awesome people and I won't forget the times we spent. I wish the best for all of you.

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Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:27am



namine melfina
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:30am

Oh no! That's horrible...but I guess it can't be helped. You did all you could do, but time moves forward and so do lives. So let's turn this into a good thing and maybe make an item in honor of your leaving workers. Or not. Depends on what you want to do.

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Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:31am

Who's up for a Candlelight Vigil?

I was kind of on the fence about whether or not to buy a Silent Night, but I'm definitely doing it now. You should definitely hold on to those folks' contact info so you can see if they're available when you can afford them again. Best of luck to all who were, are, and will be at GOHQ! heart

Mistress Charlene
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:34am

It'd be nice to know who's journal to unsubscribe to...

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:49am

Aw, I know you have to do this and I hope everything works out for the best. Gaia is such a wonderful site!

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:49am


Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:52am

Don't worry about the people in the past. there's a reason they didn't make it to the future.

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Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:59am

*hugs* It's ok crying we all can't make millions... I'm scared now.... Is this a sign of Gaia comming to a sign of depression? Which will cause Gaia to be closed o.o...... *shivers* I'm scared....

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:03am

*love and hugs*

I am so, so sorry Lanzer. sad I wish the best for all of you, and I will certainly try to spend a little more on Gaia this Christmas to support you.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:11am

I'm so sorry to hear the news. crying .

Inura the punk ninja
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:13am

us members can help by giveing donations but we need the adress i hope if it's legal

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:18am

Aw, this is such sad news. : (

I wish the best to everyone and hope the economy gets better soon. <3

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:23am

This makes me so sad.. I'm very sorry to hear this Lanzer. I especially apologize for how greedy a lot of the community has been these days. I hope everything will be well.

Best wishes~

Miss Mulberry Drowd
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:27am

It must be breaking your heart right now, after the fast expansion of the last year or so....maybe too fast, but I know you guys could not have predicted this recession. You have come a long way from 4 idealistic guys in a basement. I have no doubt you might be having some small regrets at the moment, business is a hard master, but don't let it get you down. You have brought a lot of fun and pleasure to a lot of people, and I expect you will continue doing so, maybe not so quickly as you would like right now. It's a hard time for many people. I wish all those who had to leave the very best and I hope to see them back here sometime in the future.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:48am

...Everything will turn out ok, in the end, I'm sure of it. 3nodding Don't lose hope! heart

Dj 0MG
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 01:54am

This sucks.
Well, hope to be bombarded by questions about this.
A few of us can take it, but others can't.
I can though, and I hope that you don't feel too bad.
But one question, couldn't you have waited until after the holidays?
Also, what will you do for the Gaia conventions?
You won't get a lot of attention without a DJ.

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Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:05am

I know that you would not be making these choices if you did not have to make them -- that Gaia is more than a job to the people who work there. I hope that things pick up financially and that you are able to rehire the people who are part of the Gaia headquarters family, if possible.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:06am

Don't worry.
It will get better, eventually. :B

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:38am

Yeah... It sucks, but hopefully you will be able to rehire them when the economy goes back to normal?

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:39am

I personally know that the tightening economy has decreased how much money I've donated to gaia. However, I feel like there were other reasons for this as well. I've gotten older, a lot of stuff gaia has to offer just isn't what I'm looking for. I feel like a lot of things on gaia are sort of pointless applications that I never use. I feel like there has been a recent flood of new items and things that makes it more difficult to decide what to buy if anything. I know I've grown increasingly distrustful of the MCs, they used to be a stable investment on gaia, but now they float up and down almost totally unexpectedly. Things that used to be worth so much are now so cheep.

The sort of small close knit community that I loved so much about gaia back in 03 isnt to be found anywhere but the guilds these days. I wouldn't leave gaia because of the friends I have in LSG, but if they left I would be hard pressed to stay.

I'm also ashamed to say that a lot of the sponsorship made me feel like gaia was becoming greedier and greedier, but seeing that you've had to cut these jobs. It really breaks my heart to see that people who've worked so hard on the site I love now no longer have an income.

I hope everyone who got cut will do okay. I appreciated everything you did for this site.

In the future I hope gaia will be more open with it's members on the financial status here. I don't want to wake up some morning and find out gaia is closing down. The only things I really know about the financing of this site are some rumors I've read and now this which a friend linked me to. If I had known that it was coming to cutting jobs just before xmas I feel like I would have given more to you guys.

:/ Sorry for the depressing comment, I hope everything gets back to normal soon.

Manchester I Darkfield
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:43am

Its tough times for us all, Lanzer and while you are dedicated to the cause of Gaia's betterment, try to lose so much sleep. It only makes things worse for you.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:48am

It is a very sad day indeed. i wish i as amember of the gaia community could do more! everyone appreciates what you guys do so much! ^_^

Cosmic Remnant
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:50am

-huggles all the staff that had to leave- We'll miss you and good luck. crying heart

Shunji Sato
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:52am

I wish i could help somehow but im not aloud to spend money online cause id donate just to help out :[

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:03am

That's so sad to hear, Lanzer. Both me and my boyfriend have both been hurt by the lay offs in our lives. But things will get better. I wish I could have donated more, but we just can't. We're too poor to pay for Gaia, but I still want Gaia to succeed.


flexistential crisis
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:11am

Aw. It's sad that you had to let go of some of the pople who helped run this site. I hope things turn out for the better and I sure hope the economy improves in the coming future. ~ <3

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:20am

You and the rest of Gaia as a company have made the tough decisions...the best way to honor those let go, is to move forward and become a stronger company despite the hard economy and times.

We are all here to support you. My best wishes to those let go, and my love and support for those that remain.

Happy Holidays, nonetheless...

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:21am

...april fools??

I guess... that's life.
But I'll miss each and every one who didn't make it through.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:27am

If everything gets better.
Could you hire them back?

It just seems so odd letting the ones who've been here since 03' - go.

I hope everything works out.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:34am



But! Obama! Hope!.... I hope.

Ava R.
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 04:16am

I'm so saddened to hear this! I wish I had the money to support Gaia more frequently, because I love this place. You guys have all made this a site I love to visit and enjoy so much. I can't express just how heartbreaking I'm finding this. sad

Pass my sorrow and thanks on to everyone who is leaving, and I hope things turn around. In the mean time I plan to keep supporting Gaia as best I can.

Cautionary Tale
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 04:22am

Best wishes to everyone leaving Gaia HQ. heart
<< HUGS >>

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Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 04:54am

        awww ):
        sponsor and cash shop as much as you
        want, fine by me! whatever it takes to keep
        gaia running! D: <3

Simply Angle
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 05:06am

How this makes me a sad panda. emo
Yet hard times are a head in are economy.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 05:14am

we're all sorry for those that are leaving the site. You all have done a great job and hope that this will only be a temporary leave as Gaia gets a comfortable position into 2009. Best of luck with your endeavors and hope that you will have a great future.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 05:40am

Just remember that everything goes in cycles. If this is the down side, then there's only one direction to look:


Just please - please keep us users informed on how Gaia is doing. You've got a good thing going with zOMG! --I feel that this is what will keep things going.

For those who are leaving: I hope you will be back someday. If not, then may you prosper greatly!

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 05:49am

... WHAT?! NOOOO!!!! gonk My e-heart has been shattered. emo [/crazy]

I hope one day the HQ can have all the staff back again.

Imperial Shockies
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 05:51am

This must have been very difficult. I really wish everyone the best of luck. I hope this economic problem ends soon. gonk

Soul Hope
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 05:51am

This is so sad. I hope everything works out in the end.

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 05:52am

I wish everyone at gaia and those who've had to be let go the best of luck, and hope that there will be new fortunes in the next year

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 06:04am

sad ): the failing economy even affected Gaia's staff.
I hope all of this gets better. It's hard for you to have made that decision but theres nothing else you can do.

fighting! :]

Zana Bonanza
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 06:06am

Oh snap. Reality is catching up to us. Just keep running! D:

Do what you can do Lanzer; that's all we expect from you. heart

Ironically, my captcha says: "scheme for", but I'm not sure that's really the way to go. sweatdrop

Oni Warlord
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 08:51am

Aw man, it sucks to lose a job. To bad silly things like an economy force people out of work. sad Good luck to those that are leaving.

Ami Sapphire
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 10:53am

I celebrated my Mom's birthday today (read: yesterday), and I came to this.

I can't believe this happened on my Mom's and my older sister's birthdays. (They're on the same date, Dec. 15.) gonk Damn, I have nothing else to say but... at least the site didn't entirely shut down. Hope things turn out a bit better in 2009. heart

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:41pm

First, this is so terribly sad, and we want to wish all those who are leaving the very best of luck. We have been where they are right now, and we feel their pain. My family and I have intimate knowledge of what it's like to be part of "downsizing." Our thoughts and prayer will be with them all.

Second, we want to say thank you to all the staff and management at Gaia Online for all they do. I am one of your older members. I got started here because of my daughter. She has been with you since 1/05. She was having so much fun making new friends and learning new things, that I couldn't help myself, I had to become a member as well. I joined 9/05 and have been here ever since. Gaia has brought my daughter and I closer than ever before. We're usually in here together questing in zOMG! and seeing all of our friends.

Lastly, because Gaia is free, we have been able to have all of this fun and togetherness even when times have been really bad. When we were able to get back on our feet again, we had no problem whatsoever buying Gaia Cash, and I personally love my ORLY hat especially at this time of year. I know it would have been easy to start charging a membership fee instead of letting staff go. Most companies would have chosen that route. I want to thank you for all of those who would be without you if you had been forced to choose that solution. As for us, we have and will continue to support Gaia any way that we can. I hope that when times get better, those who had to leave you, will be able to come "home" to Gaia once again.

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Miss Rupa
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 12:55pm

Aww, Lanzer... =^=

iMadame Twinkle
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 02:18pm

|| Huggles. ||


Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:09pm

I'm sure you have heard it plenty of times already but you have too do what must be done unfortunately. Even the darkest of days has a bright future and I know it isn't too easy to let people go especially when they are family.
You never know though it may come a time when you can hire them back (if they don't have new jobs) because the global recession is over and people come on here wildly to make Gaia the best it can be and help you out

Personally If I wasn't feeling it myself I would help in any way I could. It saddens me that you have had to let people go but in the same not it is understandable as well.

I wish those whom have left all the best you will be missed.

Its a sad day in Gaia History.

Losaru Taiyo
Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:17pm

Aw. Good luck to everyone. Yeah, this economic things sucks major brown stuff. We had an entire place shut down with everyone losing their jobs, right in the middle of an economic crisis.

I give everyone hugs and hopes for the future. Don't worry Lanzer, everyone's feeling the strain.

Losaru Taiyo

Community Member

Tue Dec 16, 2008 @ 03:27pm

Just want to say thank you for all your hard work. I know it's not easy for either sides when it comes to down sizing. Best luck to both parties and hopefully, this will all work out.

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