[Insert a lot of Desu girl's RP here]
[18:19: 11: 01/ 26]
Mecuniv: (Annnnnd Cut! That's a wrap people. Good work! xD)
Shadow: (*steps out of set and puts on monogrammed bath robe*)
Mecuniv: lol
We RP a lot...I wants to talk to you now.
I want the real you. xD
Unless you object...
Shadow: Nah...I’m good...what shall we discuss?
Mecuniv: Well, what Kitty said got to me...I wanna know more about you.
Shadow: What do you wanna know about? Simpler stuff like my favorite colors...or stuff like the mole I’ve got above my left a** cheek?
Mecuniv: haha
Well, I was wanting to know about the outline of your life...like a really short autobiography. xD
I'll tell you mine too of course.
Shadow: Hmmm...gimmie a moment to get out of character and stuff k?
Mecuniv: haha okay.
Shadow: Alright...so where do you want me to start and how much time do you want me to spend on the details?
Mecuniv: Start from the beginning, like where you were born and whatnot, it doesn't need to be very detailed, just what you want to tell me.
Shadow: Well...I never can remember the town, but I was born and raised here in Maine. Most of my earlier years are fuzzy. I remember I had lived in several different houses and towns around Maine...
Mecuniv: Okay.
Shadow: When I was 3, I remember playing sonic 2 (and kicking a** by the way xD) while my brother was being born. I think we were more friendly to each other in the early years...
Mecuniv: Yay! x3
Shadow: I remember a few places…I remember an apartment building with a college near by. I think it was called MCI. Dad taught math, that’s where I got my N64. I remember a few computer games and a Windows 98, they were good times. I remember a place where there were black berries in the back yard. I jumped through an indoor window there (I don’t remember being hurt...) I remember a few cats too...
Mecuniv: Ah...the joys of a carefree childhood...those were the days...
Shadow: I remember burying 2 that were hit by cars, nothing graphic, just me holding a plastic shovel...and a black female called fluffy. She was a slutty cat; she had at least 5 liters, her last one fathered by one of her children (feline incest....) That gave us my oldest cat I named after the panther from jungle book, Bagera (never knew how to spell it...), the only cat in the litter. She refused to nurse him, so mom offered her milk. (Nate and I were still young.) We got his front paws declawed (and neutered him). He turned out fat and lazy, but a good cat. We got a Himalayan female Molly (named after a doll in a children’s show called The Big, Comfy Couch) She was really shy, never saw much of her. Her ears were always infected or something...She was spayed and declawed. (Warning: I may spend the next few messages talking about my cats...)
Mecuniv: haha, I used to watch that show. xD
Kitties! :3
Shadow: My years in early school weren’t incredibly eventful, aside from the basic learning stuff. My failure to woo a girl with a dead flower (I’ve considered the event to be a solid foundation for my relationship inabilities)...my playing of video games...a few good times...I remember I liked the play ground...
Mecuniv: Me too...it was nice being a kid...no worries at all...
Shadow: Then I moved to Hallowell. The apartment was nice. I remember we had several mice and gerbils (some believed Molly had a bit more prey drive than one would expect...) I started 2nd grade at Hall Dale. I met my first real friend Tracy, she taught me Pokémon. Soon after, I begged my parents for a green game boy color and a red version, my parents bought them along with a clear game boy color and a link cable so my brother could play too. (but we soon found out Nate needed his own game...so I got to start my Pokémon training early xD...to this day I’m better than him at it...)
Mecuniv: haha
Shadow: Then came 3rd grade...I met Tracy’s male friend Michael, we soon became a trio. I remember one day in 4th grade, Michael prompted me that we may have to duel each other for the honor of Tracy. I backed down that moment...they were both my friends...and I embraced well the idea I’d be alone contently. They started going out soon after I think. They were both very good at drawing, I know Tracy still is. I believe that time frame may have been one of my more eventful ones. (so I need another message to continue...)
Mecuniv: Aww, you poor thing...
Shadow: I was happy...I had friends...I have few bad memories of the time...
Shadow: That year I got my other 2 cats. I came home one day and mom had 2 grayish striped kittens in a kennel. I chose the small one with the bit of gold on her forehead (she had a little calico in her) and Nate got the bigger girl (looked like a male though). I named mine Dust bunny (she hid under stuff a lot when then, she was a scared and shy girl, but she was my girl). Nate named his Cutie (she turned out to be a very friendly cat). Dust bunny was the runt of the litter, she had a heart murmur. After she got surgery for it she turned around and became pretty healthy and really friendly toward me (guess she just wanted to know she was cared for...) We also got a dog named Maggie, a wire haired terrier...scrawny thing. She wasn’t trained at all, chewed and made messes all over the place (cutie got along with her though...some times I think that cat was more of a dog...)
Mecuniv: haha, my cat was, he acted every bit like a dog.
Shadow: Then we moved to my mom’s dad’s in Dresden (the boondocks...that old man was a red neck. The other side of mom is white trash...but I’ll talk about my pedigree later...) At first it was temporary, he was going through a divorce, mom wanted to be there. Unfortunately our land lord though we were moving (we did take the beds...) so we ended up clearing out and moving there more permanently. We gave Maggie to one of his friends, we got a rottie pup with papers. (We were gonna name him Draco but there was a mix up so we called her Machien [German for little girl]). It wasn’t the best place to live, but it was alright. We also got a cat from the same mother as Cutie and Dust bunny. Nate begged and I begged to get that fluffy black kitten, he ended up suggesting the name Shadow (I picked my alias before then...) and mom said she always wanted a dog to get named that, so we drove to a convenient store and traded the kitten for a 6 pack of bud. (blood worms and beer are almost as valuable as gold in the boondocks of Maine...) He ended up growing huge as ********! 40 pounds of pure feline muscle! (He acted like a dog...ate chicken bones like one...)
Mecuniv: You traded the kitten for beer...? xD
Shadow: No...we got a kitten for beer...
Mecuniv: Ah, I see...
Still pretty crazy though. xD
Shadow: It’s Maine boondocks...they’re hard core red necks out there...
Mecuniv: haha
Shadow: Later we got our first poodle, a black one we named Lucy (the idea was if we came home to a mess she caused we could deliver that line from the old TV show I love Lucy). Her papers never came through, which sucked because she was a great dog so mom had her spayed. (I remember back when she was a pup, she’d bring her into Wal*mart wrapped up in baby cloths...). Eventually mom remembered her dad’s red neck jack-assery (his friends came over drunk a lot, we got pad locks for our section. Then he changed them and started talking about paying rent). We moved back to Hallowell, this time on Maple Street (the street Hall Dale’s grade 6-12 school is on, which I was going to at the time. Tracy lived on that road too, so we ended up walking home each day. I had a longer walk though...).
Mecuniv: *Ricky Ricardo voice* Lucy! What are you doing Lucy?!
Shadow: By 6th grade or so, Michael sadly moved away to somewhere else in Maine, it was a shame. Months later Tracy started dating another guy (Guess some people don’t understand how to work the long distance thing...*Keeps self from laughing at the irony*). He was a bit upset for a few months, maybe even a year or so, but eventually he met another girl (Now-a-days I hear he’s turned emo. I don’t see him any more, probably not the same guy any more. I think mom said that he’s living on his own now.). I started seeing a lot less of Tracy during high school. She seems the same as ever, but she’s got her own friends now....
Mecuniv: Haha, we could give em tips. *Nudge*
Shadow: Bit late for that though...
Mecuniv: Yeah...a shame...
It seems to work fine for us. ^^
Shadow: That it does.
Mecuniv: *Bounces in seat* Though it still has a vast amount od suckage...
Damn, my keyboard hates me today. -_-*
Shadow: Shall I continue?
Mecuniv: Please do...xD
Shadow: Alright...So during the time I lived in that house on Maple Street, we got 4 new dogs (Mealia, our prize b***h; Sam, mom’s favorite stud; Sadie, secondary b***h; and Olivia…they came from California actually.). We moved down the street to a bigger house (Maple 1) and Mealia had her first puppies on the night of the lunar eclipse. The Red Sox won their first world series in over 80 years. Bronson, Manny, and Allie were the first dogs Mom owned fully. We sold Manny (he got big...), Bronson became the first multicolor poodle champion, and Allie we kept because she was sweet. We also found a grey calico cat (We named her kitten at first, but after her 1st liter we called her Cali.), her first litter gave us the 5 kittens: Blaze (he was a mostly black cat, he looked like he had a tux on with his white paws), Phoenix (orange striped cat with white paws), Disco (mostly white with calico spots...female), and for some reason we named the other two Luke and Leah (they were both mostly white, but Luke had a mostly black face). Kitten and her kittens were really friendly (but she kept getting knocked up before we could spay her...)
Mecuniv: I REMEMBER THAT! My dad was so psyched when then won. And the Patriots won the super bowl the same year too. What a year it was for Boston. xD
Shadow: Yeah...Dad insisted on naming the boys after players. Mom named the girl Alexandria (I picked it for being the conquer Alexander’s capital). The full paper reads
‘HVP Alliecat Lunar Eclipse’ though...
Mecuniv: Ooh…
Shadow: Anyway...Then came Mealia’s 2nd litter of pups (also by Sam). She had 5 this time. I remember she was in Mom’s closet and Nate was watching her push out the first one while I was out looking for the car (they went to dairy queen, there was thunder in the sky, they got home before I realized it so I had been waiting in the yard for nothing Dx). Genie was the smallest, Brandy was the largest, Sahara (same color as Sadie), Beamer (large male), and Ace (small male). We sold all of them eventually, Brandy and Beamer first (I remember beamer broke one of his paws once though, so we had him for a while. Poodles don’t take drops very well apparently.) After that we used Sadie for a b***h, Mealia was pissed needless to say. They got into a fight once and Sadie tore a gash around Mealia’s eye (Mealia spent most of her time hiding after that...poor girl...she was a great b***h...)
Mecuniv: Ooh, Alpha position yoinked. pwn3d! xD
Shadow: So then Bronson got to Sadie (at least that’s what I’m gonna go with, Sam got her too, but the pups looked more like Bronson’s build...), we got Snuphy (named after big bird’s imaginary elephant....that dog was huge as hell!), his twin likeness Bazooka (they were twice the size of their mother at one point...the names made sense), Max (sort of the middle child), Zelda (I played Zelda songs on my lap top while she was in labor, hence the name), and of course my pup Snickers (he’s a ferocious little hell hound...fast and agile too).
Mecuniv: Yay! The dog that's most likely gonna bite me! xD
Shadow: Yep...and then came the sucky summer...*dramatic music*
Mecuniv: Hmm? Do tell...
Shadow: Well to kick things off, Cali has her 2nd litter of kittens. We go to Boston one day to visit the Science Museum (like we had done so many times before)...we come home to find 3/4 very wet and very dead kittens (Mom freaked the ******** out. I tried to keep her out of the room so she wouldn’t do something crazy). We come to the conclusion that one or more of the dogs we left behind (we’ve got a good sized pack or 2 worth at this point) got into the room and began the kitty massacre. We find Cali and her black kitten on a high shelve safe from harm. We ended up naming the lucky one ‘Lil Lightning (or at least I did...) We keep them safely hidden from all the dogs until Lightning is old enough to fend for himself amongst the other cats in my room. Things calmed down eventually, I was pretty calm about it all any way (I don’t shake easily...) but the summer of suck had only just begun!
Mecuniv: *Covers mouth* Gasp! What could happen next?!
Shadow: Well, it turns out that an old, fat, lazy cat with incest genes isn’t a very healthy cat. My eldest Bagera, like a brother whom drank the same milk that had nurtured both me and my brother, had fallen ill with pancreas cancer…the vet gave him 2 days...
Mecuniv: Aww, I'm sorry. *Huggles*
Shadow: Ah but ‘twas not over for my feline brother. The news hit my mother quite hard, she thought of him nearly like a son herself. Thus she came home one day with a plethora of 100% organic homeopathic medical cures! With camel packs and vitamins and specially blended foods, my feline brother laughed at the 2 days he was given and took 2 months to fall to his demise! During his final days of life, I spent my nights in the living room isolated with him, sleeping on the couch. When his final hours grew near, he decided to stop eating, knowing full well he had mocked that vet and death long enough. He became boney and sickly, lethargy took him over. I was told one day that he had gotten out side and simply rested his final cat nap on the porch, so many years did he yearn for the out side. Now he was taking his final rest there...a fitting end for an inside cat given few hopes for life and the outdoors, much like a warrior dying victorious on the battle field. Such is how my feline brother met his end...
Mecuniv: That's quite epic.
And touching…
Hey, keep going, mom wants comp, brb
Shadow: Yay!
Mecuniv: ^^
Is that the end of your life? xD
Shadow: No...
Mecuniv: Okay
Shadow: Now where was I?
Mecuniv: After Bagera died...
Shadow: Ah yes...In truth I knew his end was coming weeks before, he was old and his genetics poorly dealt. I settled my self with him on the couch I would sleep on to watch over him later and told him his demise would not cause me great pain or torment me. I gave him my blessings to rest in peace when he saw it fit…I simply stayed close by and gave him as much time as I could, he was a good cat, he was there when he was needed. Giving him what extra time I could seemed an appropriate way to repay him...
Mecuniv: Aww...that's so sad...
I wish I had had more time with my cat...
Shadow: Shall I continue?
Mecuniv: Of course, I'm not stopping you. -_-
Shadow: Alright...
Mecuniv: Unless you don't want to…
Shadow: Well, after Bagera came to his end, it seemed that Molly did too. She may not have been young, but her genetics weren’t quite as bad, as far as I know at least. I didn’t really know her much, other than she liked staying away from people and her ears often bothered her. She may not her been the friendliest cat, but I can’t blame her for being antisocial; she was just one of those cats. She lived like a ghost and she died with just as little notice…like all she ever wanted was solitude. She was given food, water, shelter and a litter box, she never asked for more, except to be left alone. (I seem to be writing a bunch of eulogies...fortunately that’s all the dead...)
Mecuniv: That's all?
Shadow: Hmm?
Mecuniv: At the end, you said fortunately that’s all the dead...
I don't get it. xD
Shadow: All the dead....it means no one else died...
Mecuniv: Oh
Shadow: So now I just stay in the living room for the next few weeks, partly because I feel like staying down in the quiet there, but mostly because I’m starting to think there are fleas on my bedroom floor. Then I’m woken up one morning to find I must pack up my things into the camper and spend a week touring with the fair, helping dad set up…needless to say Mom’s pissed...
Mecuniv: Hmm...
Shadow: So much for the days on Maple Street, now for all I know I’m doomed to be a carnie...
Fortunately there was hope, a place in Windsor was found. It wasn’t great but it was a hell of a lot better than the camper...
Mecuniv: w00t!
Shadow: I think school started a few weeks after...
And let’s see, then I think that Neopets game challenge came up...and then you ninja’d your way onto my gaming help board...
Mecuniv: And eventually into your heart. ^^;;
Shadow: But that’s a few chapters away...first comes the divorce…
Mecuniv: Huh?! O_o
Oh wait...your parents...xD
Shadow: Yes...
Mecuniv: haha, sorry, I was a little confused. xD
Shadow: So anyway...That started happening. Somewhere along the line the house started falling apart. I remember gathering gallons of snow in order to make mac and cheese because the water didn’t work...
Mecuniv: Yeah, I think you told me that. I thought it sounded like a pretty cool idea. xD
Shadow: So then I started staying with Dad for a few months until mom found an apartment...
Mecuniv: Kay...
Shadow: Not much happened during that time...Mom got a bigger place later, then she lost it. Then I went to dads, then on that camping trip, then back to school. Then I stayed at the shelter for a few days, then at her friend’s Suzan’s, now back at dad’s till mom can get the place all finished...
Mecuniv: Yay!
So now I know more! ^^
Shadow: Yep
I need to sleep soon...
Mecuniv: Would you like to hear mine? It's all ready...
Shadow: I would, but I gotta sleep. It’s almost 2am here, remind me tomorrow...
Mecuniv: Aww...Okay...
Shadow: You could e-mail it to me, maybe I can read it when I get up...
Mecuniv: Promise?
Shadow: I’ll do my best
Mecuniv: Alright...I'll send it right now.
Good night Love, sweet dreams.
Shadow: Night.
Mecuniv: Night.
*** "Shadow" signed off at Mon Jan 26 22:54:08 2009.
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