Well, I was first conceived after a drunken lay between my mother and father. They were married at the time, and even though I always referred to myself as an ‘accident’, mother assures me she wanted to have me all along. My father didn’t though, I believe, and I think that’s why he’s always had minimal involvement in my life.
I was born at Castle Air force Base hospital in Merced, California on November 8th 1990, at 1:45pm Pacific time. My mother was 19 at the time, and my father was stationed there via Air Force. (Mother’s from Massachusetts and Father from New Hampshire, they met in high school, same school I went to while I was living in Lowell.) When I was still an infant, we moved back to Lowell, and my mother found out my father cheated on her and they divorced.
I lived with my mother at her mom’s house (again, same house I ended up living in again in high school) and went to Kindergarten at a Catholic school, Franco American. It was strict, we had to wear uniforms, the girls and boys were separated from each other during recess, and we had to have proper etiquette during lunch, such as not putting our elbows on the table. My mother met some guy on the internet and moved back out here to live with him (family history?) and she sent for me. I was supposed to get on the plane, but my grandmother I was living with did not approve, so she told me the plane was broken and went to court for my custody. The judge told my grandmother I had to finish the school year, and then I was to be sent to California. I finished the school year, but grandmother still refused to give me over and ‘kidnapped’ me. (During all of this my mother’s relationship with the internet guy didn’t work out, but she met my step dad and they were married.) After another long court battle, my mother came to get me and I went to California to meet my new step dad.
I had a great life right off the bat. The apartment we lived in had a pool, and we used to all go downstairs and swim for a couple of hours almost everyday. I remember one day, my step dad and I got into a little play argument (He used to be such a cool guy) and he told me if I didn’t be quiet, he’d take me downstairs and drop me in the pool with my clothes on. It was a cold day, so I didn’t believe him, I just kept saying, ‘You won’t do it, you won’t do it.’ So my step dad picked me up, took me down the stairs, unlocked the pool area, and held me out above the water in the deep end. I’m still saying ‘You won’t do it.’ And then he did. My mother’s up on the balcony, wetting herself because I was too stupid to believe him. He picked me up out of the water, said ‘I told you I would’, and we walked back up to the apartment, me dripping wet and shivering from the cold water.
After a year or so, 3rd grade (I skipped first and went straight to 2nd), we moved to another apartment in El Cajon, the school was literally right next door, so I walked to and from school everyday. It was there that I met my first real friends, Jacob and Jonathan (I never really hung out with girls, I was a major tomboy). We hung out all the time together because we were all in the same class, Jonathan especially. We grew very attached to each other, like and ingrown toenail to a toe (And when you try to separate the nail, it hurts! xD). We went everywhere together, even on library day, I’d help him find a book to check out (and every week it was the same book, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales), and then he’d help me look. We got made fun of a lot for holding hands. And the end of the school year, it was time once again to move. Jonathan gave me his phone number; I told him I’d give him mine as soon as I knew it. I lost his number and never saw him again. It took years for me to get over it, up until 7th or 8th grade I believe. He’s was like my first love…
Come 4th grade, after the move, I was at La Presa Elementary school, where my sister is currently attending the 5th grade. (She was born sometime during 3rd grade, that’s when my whole life went to hell and my step dad started loving her and hating me. ). I met Jason, J.T. for short, and we grew super tight as well, always making trouble. (He’s the one I still know and I told you I might be able to get me to the Air port). We were both in the same class for 4th and 5th grade. We often hung out at his grandmother’s house after school, which was just down the street. Our favorite thing was Mac n’ Cheese with hot dogs, JT would pour ketchup all over his…well, all over just about everything, he still does too. Our 5th grade class was the advanced one, and we went on a lot of field trip and such. We also dissected a squid (I found out from the insides that mine was female) and hatched chicken eggs in the incubator. After they were old enough, we had a raffle, I won the very first pick, and I chose the only red-feathered one and named her Henrietta Hen. We kept her at the ranch where we boarded our horses, but after mom got sued and kicked out because of a fight (She was the one punched in the face, but she got sued and kicked out…stupid b***h), we couldn’t catch her and had to leave her behind.
Then came middle school, I was once again at the bottom of the food chain. I met my new friend Joelle in 7th grade, and we shared a common interest in the Lord of the Rings saga. We gave ourselves Elven names from her official language book. Mine was Anariel, Daughter of the sun (Anar = fire of flame, iel = Maiden), and her’s was Legomire, which I think meant jewel (mire = jewel). She was in love with Legolas, hence the ‘Lego’ in her name. We hung out a lot, but her grandmother hated me on the terms that I somehow came off as rude to her, and we hung out a lot less as time went on. We used to give each other piggy-backs in school though; everyone gave us weird looks and assumed we were lesbians. She was my first female friend though, and that was when I started getting ‘curious’. I told another casual female friend that I might be bisexual, and she, along with everyone else save Joelle, distanced themselves from me. Gays aren’t too common in California; they probably keep to themselves, a lot of people out her judge. I also met Alex (Kittala) in 7th grade, though after Joelle, and we hung out at her house frequently. I grew to like her family way better than mine, so I stayed there as much as possible to get away from all the problems. I’d been in and out of the crazy hospital several times by now, so I stayed away to avoid any further hospitalizations.
I worked my way up and graduated 8th grade, moving on to high school. My problems had gotten the better of me, and my mother didn’t want to deal with it anymore. She sent me to New Jersey, where my dad was stationed at the time, half way through the school year. I went to Seneca high school, participated in chorus (my favorite class) and discovered my likeness for the Yu-gi-oh! Trading card game. My friend Griff and I would often play double against our other friend Ryan and Reege. I was never really good at it, but Griff usually won it for us. I tried out for the spring musical, The Wiz, for the part of Scarecrow. Apparently my acting sucked, by they loved my singing, so I was placed as the soprano pit singer (if you don’t know what that is, it means I would be standing in the pit in front of the stage, wearing this awesome, sparkly sequin outfit, and singing the cool back-up lyrics to all the main solo songs). But my depression kicked in worse, mostly due to my father’s constant lecturing, and I refused to go to school for weeks. My father, fed up with it, shoved me back on a plane one early morning, back to California. I never got to participate in the musical, and I had been looking forward to it.
Once back in California, my grades were terrible due to the moving and depression, so I failed 9th grade. I decided to try again, moving to live in Lowell with my aunt Kris and her husband Roger, and repeated the 9th grade. I was never happier, I had all my family members back, and I made more friends then ever before. Things were finally turning around. My uncle and I got into a fight though, so I moved to my grandmothers (Yay redundancy! xD). I had my cat back now (we got him when I was about 4) and I was happy. I moved on to 10th grade, but I was lazy. My grades slipped, I got depressed again and gave up. I dropped out of school and stayed up all night on the computer, and slept all day the next day. I just didn’t care…
My mother begged me to come back to California, saying things were gonna be different. She promised we’d all work it out, her, my step father, my sister, and I. And like the dumbass I was, I believed her. Sure, I was giving up, but I’d never been happier then when I lived in Lowell. That is, until I lost a lot of weight, and I returned to school. I miss my friends and family, and my family life is hard, but I am making something of myself, and now I have Shadow. ^^
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