CURENT SCORE: Shadow – 2; Mecuniv - 1
Well, Shadow and I decided (well, I suppose I decided...) that he and I are not only lovers, but rivals as rivals. Everything and anything we do shall be a competition between us, and I shall be keeping track of all the events and scores in this convenient web journal. whee
Round 1 – Cyber Speed
Prior to making it official, we had continuously had a race of speed on our IM, AIM. If one of us was logged in when the other came on, the first to IM the other was deemed faster. On several occasions, we tied, getting out messages at the exact same time down to the very millisecond. It would show on his screen as him being first, and on mine as me being first, declaring the duel a draw. Overall, we decided I won more however, so the point went to me.
Round 1, point to Mecuniv ninja
Round 2 – ‘The Game’
Also prior to making it official, we were, and still are, practitioners of ‘the game.’ If you do not know what ‘the game’ is, he’s the simple overview.
Rule 1: You are ALWAYS playing ‘the game,’ even right now.
Rule 2: Every time you think of the words ‘the game,’ you must announce you just lost ‘the game’ out loud for everyone around you to hear.
Rule 3: After either you or someone around you has lost the game, there is a half hour time period in which everyone has a chance to forget ‘the game’ and it resets itself.
Rule 4: If you’re reading this, then you have just lost. rofl
I have lost ‘the game’ so many times I’ve lost count…Shadow has not lost one yet... sweatdrop
Round 2, point to Shadow pirate
Round 3 - Neopets Daily Dare ‘09
Ah Neopets, the site that started it all. Can you believe Shadow and I met there? It was around the time of the Daily Dare a couple of years ago too! whee
The Daily Dare consists of a full month of challenges to beat ‘AAA,’ Neopia’s top gamer, or his little sister Abigail (her scores are lower and therefore less challenging). Each day, a new score is announced for you to challenge either AAA or Abigail. If you beat it, you get a prize, AAA’s being more valuable.
I challenged Shadow to see who could get the better trophy for their user lookup at the end of the challenge. If we both got the same one, we would do it by whoever got the better scores on more games. The trophies are as followed:
1. Scoretacular - Beat or match AAA's score on the launch day of all 30 games, as well as all four Double Dare challenges.
2. The Ultimate Prize - Beat or match AAA's score on the launch day of all the games.
3. Uberiffic - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores or a combination of AAA's and Abigail's scores on the launch day of every game.
4. Megasuperb - Beat or match AAA's scores for all of the games by the end of Daily Dare.
5. Spifftastic - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores or a combination of AAA's and Abigail's scores for all of the games by the end of Daily Dare.
Alas, it appears that 13 is an unlucky number indeed. On the 13th challenge, ‘Destrust-O-Match III,’ I could not best AAA. Shadow had already done so, so I swallowed my pride and asked him to complete the challenge for me. He of course, won the overall challenge between us though, I just wanted to have that very shiny Scoretacular trophy. ^^;;
Round 3, point to Shadow pirate
Round 4 – Wake-a-thon
I’ve challenge Shadow to see which of us could stay up the longest, testing out endurance and our very sanity. This will be exceptionally challenging for me as Shadow has experience; he’s stayed up for 48 hours before. But that will only make victory all the more sweeter when I take it from his lifeless sleeping form. He may have experience, but I’m stubborn as a mule. Game on! As soon as I get to Maine… sweatdrop
(Hang in there for results after the epic duel.)
Round 5 - Classic arcade 'Pong' soon as we can find a Pong game... xp
Round 6 - Who will give in?
I don't know what in my right mind would make me do this! I must have been high on that pain pill I took for my 'condition' last night or something, but I remember it clearly, so it was the result of free will, not the influence of drugs if you will, Maybe I'm just stupid... sweatdrop
Well anyway, as a Scorpio, it's written in my stars that I love sex. I'm a nympho, I can't help it. redface So anyway, for some reason, I decided to challenge Shadow to a 'who needs it more' match. The rules are simple, we are not allowed to touch each other, or the toucher automatically loses. The first person to give in from lack of sex loses. Heh, what did I just get myself into? If he wins, I won't make him bathe for a week...that's bad. I like him clean (only sometimes dirty x3). If I win, he has to help me clean our room, which, no matter how I clean it, always gets extremely dirty again after. *Sigh*
So I'm going to put my feet down and be stubborn about this. Hopefully it doesn't drag out too long. *Whimper*