Some Data
Dungeons & Dragons--through my perspective--encourages a player to build upon not only a character's combat and adventuring traits, but their personal traits as well. It is not glowing magical swords and magic that make a character memorable. It is personality, habits, and uniqueness that endear them to us so that we can feel attatched to them in some way, establishing a connection that leads to an enjoyable read an a lasting impression. Now naturally, just throwing some weird habits and ticks together doesn't make a character either, there is a balance to all things, but I've been focusing on the swords and spells of my characters for so long that I have never really worked out what really makes them individuals. Thus, if you will grace this entry with your presence and your ability to read the english language, I would like to list some interesting facts about the gang that you may not have known. As is tradition, we'll start with Rakashi.
-Is double-jointed. -Can play the violin and several small woodwind instruments. -Loves warm, freshly baked bread. -Is an accomplished fencer and duelist. -Does not look good in gold. -Has a rather limp grip. -Tends to sleep only once in every two to five days at a time. -Cannot sing very well, but likes to chant. -Tuckers out quickly. -Cannot whistle. -Wears garments that are too big for him because clothing "often feels too constraining." (He is not a closet nudist.) -Never casts spells that conjure acid. -Enjoys sailing. -Has written several books on inter-planar interaction, extraplanar travel, a number of bestiaries, a couple of histories, and even about his studies into souls and where they go when they shed their mortal coils. -Does not know his true name. (No, it's not "Rakashinnoryjindros." wink -Prefers the company of fey. -Has kicked his habit of chewing on grass or leaves, but will sometimes do so when stressed. -Cannot tie knots very well. -Is a hopeless romantic. -Is still in mourning. -Prefers to use non-lethal spells, especially those that conjure wind. -Hates sweets. -Is not afraid of spiders.
Gnak Silverwillow
-Is very competitive. -Can only count up to fifty. -Is very popular with both wild and domestic canines. -Has a sizable number of siblings, both alive and dead. -Can only write in Common, though he can speak Sylvan. -Enjoys a good jaunty drinking song. -Can imitate voices almost perfectly. -Does not like horses. -Excels in hunting and killing elves and gnolls. -Is not ambidexterous (is right handed). -Does not like vegetables. -Doesn't like being wet, because he knows that his fur smells terrible when soaked. -Tends to hold a grudge. -Does not produce hyena butter. (Thank god.) -Has actually eaten a spider before.
Derek Stormblade
-Can swim very well. -Surprisingly enough, is not afraid of intimacy. -Is kind of weak for a man his age. -Can cook up a mean stew. -Is of elven heritage. -Was born in Aglorand. -Is a very good juggler. -Hates the color red. -Has terrible handwriting. -Has never read a book in his life. -Loves to show off. -Made up the surname "Stormblade." -Has a brother that he has never met. -Likes apples [green or yellow--never red]. -Wears a cloth around the lower half of his face when he sleeps and even when he bathes. -Is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. -Is tone-deaf. -Never plans ahead. Ever. -Does not like spiders.
Melopee Keplin
-Hates thunderstorms. -Likes to hum or sing when she thinks no one is around. -Is actually a strongheart halfling. -Is rather stingey with money. -Has a soft spot for dogs. -Was orphaned at an early age. -Becomes restless when sleeping alone. -Does not like being the center of attention--especially with a large number of people present (stage fright). -Enjoys climbing and being in high places. -Hates wearing dresses. [Incidentally, pretty much all of my characters hate dresses. Except of course for Kalili and Volk. ...And Rakashi.] -Is a very good grappler. -Has a weakness for tales of heroism. -Cannot read small print. -Is afraid of spiders.
Dalsta Rhorjak
-Is only literate in Draconic. -Is uncomfortable around non-humans. (Especially elves, excluding Rakashi of course.) -Likes raw meat. -Is an excellent listener. -Has never worn are article of clothing that wasn't otherwise made from metal or leather/hide. -Isn't very popular with animals. -Holds great respect for intellectuals. (But naturally will not stand being talked down upon.) -Is not a very good dancer. -Can be quite tender should the need arise. -Is not very good at expressing herself through words. -Prefers physical contact. -Is not afraid of spiders.
Lyathri Rae'lafernal [Loki]
-Isn't actually mute. -Laments that he cannot sing. -Enjoys peaceful, quiet places, especially when thinking something over. -Prefers the shortbow over the longbow. -Can be a rather dazzling dancer. -Strictly adheres to orders (and laws and such). -Has a bit of a lone-wolf complex. -Does not understand wordplay. -Hates flying. -Can remain utterly motionless for hours on end. -Can sleep standing up. -Never lets go of his sword, even if suddenly stricken unconcious. -Likes to dress in white. -Does not want a hug. -Is afraid of nothing.
Kalili Stormblade
-Is afraid of the dark. -Loves to go to the theatre. -Is an extremely patient person. -Loves to whistle, but also likes to sing. -Is incapable of taking anything seriously. -Sometimes runs for no real reason. -Doesn't like to eat in front of other people. -Likes spiders.
Kalidair Stormblade
-Is extremely self-concious. -Can hold a tune very well. -Enjoys physical activities (running, climbing, jumping, etc.). -Is very accepting of the undead. -Doesn't like dogs (or spiders). -Doesn't like being all serious, but usually finds that if she isn't, then no one else will be. -Will start to get the shakes if seperated from her cloak. -Likes sweets. -Has a very good memory. -Already mentioned about her and spiders.
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