Ugh Today was...OK
Nothing like bad happened
It was just the longest day like ever
People looked at me all day
I sit in class
Turn around
People are staring at meh
I go to choir
Sing a little bit
Sing when everyone else isn't singing
And I'm stared at!
Like what the crap!?!
I get sick of being stared at
I'm just tired today
I really just wan some key lime pie
And some Happiness
Both were fulfilled about...30 mins ago
But I still want more XD
Im really bored right now
I think I might just kill over and die right now
(I think kill over and die mean deh same thing) (Hmm....)
But yeah
I've felt like half retarded all day
I didn't read right
I didn't run right
I didn't talk right
Halp me!
I'ma go talk to my Johnny-poo right now
So I get back to you guys like...Later