Haha hello my people!!!
Today was awesome!
I was really tired near the end of the day
Then my mama checked me out!
So no more school!!!
All day people were coughing and sneezing excessively
(Think I misspelled tat)
So,All day I used germ killer!
I was packing that crap on my hands like never before
I think i'm like the only one in the world
Who calls Germ-X
Germ killer
I mean when I say eht
People are like
What?!What'd you say?
Then I just feel like an idiot
Ok now to PE
You guys are going to be soooooo proud of meh!
Guess what I did in PE today!?!?
I sweat!
I actually played and sweat!
I felt so,so...Active!
We played dodgeball...
Yeah not my best game..
Not my worst either
Kind of inbetween
The bad thing about dodgeball for me,
When I dodge a ball...
Being thrown at me from the side
I immediately move to the other side
Then the ball hits my butt
So yeah
That is the worst thing about dodgeball for me...
No one ever goes for me or my friend Kesley
Appariently we are not''Threatening''
I can be plenty threatening I have you know!
But yea PE was fun
I have now missed choir
Mrs Calahan is going to be sooo mad at meh
Ah well..
Least I'm home
I shall report back once I find something else to babble on about!