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"oh where the road of life may take us, and we shall stand together side by side, a family united, not by blood, but by the moon"
jacob is out at the garden....still trying to piece things back together....he left izzy's show early...leaving addie to wait for him...he couldn't take the silent treatment any longer...

in his tux at the garden alone he hears a rustling....suddenly a small group of exorcists appear. jacob is stunned, he and nuri got rid of them, or so he'd though. turns out one of the exorcists managed to set off an emergency call just before he died. the exorcists surrounded him and panic set in. jacob still wasn't used to fighting in his newly aged body, not completely anyway. he knew he was stronger and faster, but could he take on all three of these exorcists?

one of the exorcists suddenly flicked his wrist and jacob jerked, foreseeing and attack, but he was suddenly ensnared in a thin invisible wire, binding him quickly and forcing him to his knees as a sudden shock from an attack set forth by another exorcist ripped up his spine.

jacob shouted in pain and tried to break free when suddenly a silver dagger shot through the trees and cut the invisible wire holding him.

Down from a tree jumped a middle aged man, looking not too much older than Gil. He stood up, having been on his knees from the landing, and helped the younger man up. "Two against three is far better than the odds that were there before huh? I don't find this very fair at all."

Moving Jacob to the side a bit, he rushed forward, and kicked the side of one the exorcist's heads, Chuck Norris style. Then as that one fell over, another came to attack him, aiming the same attack that he had set for Jacob on the blond haired man. In a quick reaction, he used the dagger, which had fallen only a few inches from where he was now, and slashed away the oncoming attack.
jacob stood in aw for only a moment before assisting the stranger before him. he took out the exorcist nearest himself with a sudden ball of fire that had formed in his hand, and then he turned to the man who had sent the electrical sensation up his spine earlier. he grabbed the exorcist, who was a bit younger than he, and slammed him against a tree. "WHERE IS IKU!?...she si going to pay for this...i might not be able to help any other way but damnit i'll take her out!" he conjured another flame and held to to the quivering exorcist's throat

"how many more of you are there....and where are they...i'll stop them before anyone else even knows your all here..." jacob was talking tough, and he meant what he said, however he didn't seem to notcie he was bleeding from a gash made by the weapon that electrocuted him earlier, seeing as it was on his spine

The blond man stood back for a while as Jacob seemed to take hold and yell at the other man. He didn't know what it was that was going on, and was a bit confused. He'd only been wandering around the old home of his brother's when he found the three other men jumping the white haired one, Jacob. "Woah woah! What's going on?"

He seemed like the voice of reason jumping in at a random time, but it was about the only thing he could do at a moment where everything was about as confusing as a teenage boy's sexual orientation at bible camp. Noticing that Jacob was hurt from behind, he pulled the younger man away from the other, before punching the other out with a large fist, knocking him out in an instant.

"You're hurt.....don't rush ahead, save him for later, take care of yourself first." He continued pulling Jacob away, having a bit of a problem with the angered man, but still insisting. "Isn't there somewhere you need to go? You seem..fairly well dressed. This isn't your neighborhood is it?"

jacob was pissed that this stanger had the nerve to stop him, but he began to feel blood dripping down his back. "fine...and actually old man...this is my neighborhood...or at least it used to be." he started to calm himself down a bit and pain started taking over, but he brushed it off. he extended his hand "name's jacob...and you are?" jacob asked, slightly curious about this blond man who was strong enough to pull a determined noah away from his task.

"Ah...I'm Casius. (I think....I can't get his name...xp). Jacob, this isn't a very good place for you to be at the moment. As you can see, it's not as it used to be." He said, offering his hand in return to Jacob's, and shaking it with a firm grip. "You're injured....you should go home."

Moving over to where the exorcist lay on the ground, he pulled him up, and checked him out. "...I've only seen this sort of stuff on tv, I don't know what it is I'm looking for...but h'e's breathing.." He gave a bit of a laugh. Picking up the man, he offered to Jacob. "It doesn't look like he's going any place, but, he should be tied down....or something along those lines I guess."

"...."jacob looked at the unconscious exorcist. he made a fire ball in his hand and he formed it into a spear which he stabbed through the exorcists heart. "i'm not leaving them here....they don't deserve to be this close to this place...." he motioned to the garden. jacob started dragging the now dead exorcist toward the mansion and grabbed a second one. he left the third, assuming cas wouldget it or he would make a second trip, either way he didn't care.

"so cas...what brings you out here?...this is private property you know...trespassing is illegal still..." 'isn't it?' jacob wondered as he tossed one of the bodies into some rubble.


izzy found addie after the concert. they put on their show for the public, smiling and holding hands as though they were still together. when they made it to the limo and an akuma began to drive them away izzy turned to addie with annoyance in his tone.

"could he seriously not stand to be civilized for 90 minutes?....the show wasn't so horrible...what...he couldn't stomach it or something?...a*****e that he is" he was annoyed because he'd seen his brother leave the show

Casius did as Jacob thought, and carried the other body to where Jacob had taken the others. Dropping it in with the rest, he wiped his hands of any dirt particles, and put them to his waist. " Ah...yes I suppose....but my brother used to live here for a while, I was wondering if he ever came by to visit again....I suppose he wouldn't...I haven't seen him in a few years..."

He said the last part to himself, and started to walk off, seemingly in no direction. "...Glad I could be of service to you Jacob...if you see a guy with curly hair like mine, and green eyes," he said as he pointed to the one eye that matched the description he was giving, "That look like this...then give me a call, I'd really.....like to talk to him." He spoke with a small bit of remorse in his voice, as he gave Jacob a small card with his name and number on it.



Addie gave a small sigh, and looked out the window of the limo. "....I suppose he was just impatient? It can get kind of dull...Not that you didn't do great! I loved your solo! Just..the people..." She rolled her eyes, understanding how Jacob would want to leave, not knowing if that was the reason or not however. "...He doesn't look like he was made for that kind of life anyway.."

Crossing her arms and legs, she turned to him quickly. "Was he always like that...?"

jacob stood stunned. he realized now how much cas looked like gil. he kept his mouth shut though and made his way home, taking a winding route in case he were being followed. when he made it home izzy and addie had already returned and most of the family (minus the kids) were awake and in the living room waiting for him with a mix of anger and worry hanging in the air.

"great....just great...." jacob dropped his coat and walked past everyone without saying anything else. he went to the bathroom, locked the door, and took a shower.
when he was done the heavy bleeding had stopped and he felt a bit better, despite the fact he knew when he stepped out of the steamy air and into the cooler hallway,his back would sting like a b***h.

he opened the door and took the pain with a slight grimmace. "okay..." he said as he walked back into the living room, dressed more comfortably now. "what?..."

"Where were you? We know you're an adult but really?" Gil said in a disappointed tone. "You know it's dangerous out there...you're injured?" He said, raising his eyebrow.
Addie chimed in a bit, trying to not scream, seeing as the girls were sleeping, "You're a ******** jackass." Nuri giving a nod, his arms crossed as he sat on the arm of the chair. "..Yeah" (lol poor Nuri's small lines)
Gil walking up to Jacob, and turning him around, he checked at his back, and moved him over forcefully to sit on a stool, so that he could help him, as the rest of the family scolded him like a young child. "You left before we did. You should have been home!"
The Earl even jumped in for a moment, "Jacob pet, leaving ahead of time was a rash decision.Did you forget that you were there for a purpose and not to just dally around?"

"...damnit..." jacob muttered as he was forced onto the stool. "whatever...call me names...i can call them right back. i wouldn't have left early if addie hadn't been such a b***h....cold shoulder...not really your most supportive tone" he snipped at her. "and nuri would agree with her no matter what so he can suck it...and yea i'm ******** injured because that jackass was wrong...the ******** exorcists came back to the mansion...i was attacked...and if not for the guy...casius...i wouldn't be here....so deal with the fact i left...but know we killed three exorcists who would have else ways attacked us" jacob retorted at them all.

ada stood up silently and walked to the kitched to put on some hot water for tea. she walked back and joined gil at jacob's back. she reached out and touched the back of his neck, then used her ability to heal his wound a bit more.

Gil gave a pause at the name that Jacob spoke, and tried to not seem as stiff as he was in all actuality. "..Casius hm?"

Stepping back, and letting Ada heal Jacob a bit, before putting a bandage on Jacob's back, "What the hell did that b*****d want?" He asked. Everyone raised their eyebrows a slight bit, never seeing Gil lose his nerve so easily, though he ignored them as well. "If he comes around again, tell him he can go to hell"

He made sure Jacob was alright, before moving to the table and sitting roughly on the chair, an obvious scowl on his face. He stood up again, for a moment, as if he were going to say something, then sat back down, uncertain if he should. Then once again repeated the actions, pacing around, before sitting down again. "You made sure he wasn't following you home right?"

There was a long wait until Addie's mumbling could be heard to Isaiah, "..I wasn't cold to him.."

"...tche...whatever....and no gil...i gave him our adress and phone number and told him we were having a party and he should come" jacob said sarcastically "god...do you think i'm ******** 10 or something?....seriously...." jacob stood abruptly, which startled ada and almost knocked her over. he stormed to his room and locked himself inside.

"...Gil?...." ada held the card up "i think he forgot to give this to you...." ada was the only one, other than the earl, who knew who casius was, though she wasn't aware of anything that happened to him from when she first got pregnant until now. ada knew gil would be upset and would try to destroy the card, so she didn't plan on giving it to him just yet. she waited for him to stand up and go calmly talk to jacob, as was what everyone expected.

Gil didn't go to Jacob right away, much to everyone's surprise, and they pretty much disappointed to their own rooms at the lack of interesting things to watch. Giving a huge sigh, he leaned his head on Ada's stomach, acting a bit childishly and giving a whine. "....jkdnfkajdf* He mumbled into her abdomen, expecting her to understand.

Casius was the only person that could get Gil running out of sorts. He was normally a cool calm person, except for when it came to defending his family, and of course, the blond man known as his older brother.

Giving another sigh, he stood up, and gave Ada a kiss on the cheek before going after Jacob. Knocking, and coming inside once Jacob let him, he took a seat on a small chair, the kinds with wheels on them. Putting his arms on the back of the chair, and resting his head on his arms, he gave yet another sigh. Whenever it came to do with his brother, he couldn't help but sigh deeply. "....He's my brother you know....My older brother."

He felt it okay to tell Jacob some of the things, since Jacob was someone who always came to him.

"....i didn't know you had a brother....makes sense though...i guess...how you know so much....thats what we are supposed to do ya know...us older siblings..we are supposed to teach the rest to grow up to be like you...we are the screw ups...we make the mistakes so you guys don't have to" jacob replied...spitting it out without realizing.

as they talked ada pulled her cloak on and walked out of the house and down a few streets to a pay phone. she called casius. "...hello cas...i don't know if you remember me....this is ada"

Gil twitched a bit, "Casius...has made too many mistakes to count. Once he filled my bear with kibble when I was five, and I was mauled by a gang of cats."

Swaying in the chair he shook his head. "...It's all his fault....he's the one who...." He realized what he was saying, and looked up to Jacob, trying to change the subject. " So you're an older brother huh? Just know that there are plenty of mistakes the younger siblings need to make to be able to grow for themselves..Your siblings...? Where are they?"

He asked, not knowing that Jacob had killed his family.

Casius though, gave a sneeze, as he answered the phone, knowing someone must've been talking about him. Blinking wildly as Ada called him, he stood up from his seat, despite not being anywhere near her. "A-ADA!! Of course I remember you! I-It's been so long! Too long! I'm-I...I ..Don't know what to say. I just...How are you? How did you get my number? Can I help you in any way?" He asked desperately. If there was anyway he could help Ada he would, after all he had down, it was the best he could do. In his eyes, he was indebted to Gil and her for the rest of his life.

"i'm calling....because a little white haired brat had your number...what are you doing here cas....you know he won''t be happy if he sees you...you know what he will do...you are the only one who can draw a negative reaction from my husband" ada answered his question, trying to sound cold, but sounding more concerned. she never thought he would come around again unless something happened....something big.

"...what-" jacob was about to ask what casius had done but gil changed topics. "i...killed them...along with my parents...." jacob said almost sounding ashamed, but not sounding regretful in the least. he told the familiar story to gil. he left out the parts about the first girl he ever loved though, figuring gil didn't need to know that right now. "so...your big brother can't be as bad as me right?...its not like he killed you or anything....so...maybe you should consider...whatever it was he did to you...maybe he had his reasons....right?" jacob sounded hopeful, waiting for gil to confirm what he was saying, hoping it would justify his own actions from his past.

izzy and addie were in addie's room since he couldn't get in to talk to jacob.

"what do you think the deal is with this casio guy...or whatever his name is....." he asked her as he sat on the floor with his back against her bed.

"...No" Gil stood up, cracking his back with a long stretch. "There's no forgiving what he did...it's because of him my daughter was taken away from me." He said in a serious tone, looking to Jacob with a cold look. "He's the reason that Ada had to go through what she did. It's his fault that Addie had to be raised by...by that man...there's no excuse...none whatsoever."

His voice was cold, and distant as he spoke about his older brother. "...If he ever comes around me...I'll kill him."

Turning to Jacob, he gave him a tired smile. Despite him looking great for a man of about forty-five, his eyes looked weakened for a moment. "...It has nothing to do with things now though, just don't go near him again if he approaches you." He warned.

Casius paused a moment, "...I-I know I just...despite all the things that have happened...I just...I wanted to talk to him again....so that white haired guy was with you huh? I knew I should've followed...and and Husband? So you two are finally married!?" He had so many things he wanted to talk about, to make up for, for all the things he'd done in the past to hurt his family. He needed to make it right. He'd watched over Addie as a tutor as she grew up, but when he lost rack of her, and they found her "father" dead and alone in the home, he had a horrible gut wrenching feeling in his heart. It was all his fault after all. Gil knew, though Ada didn't, but he still felt he needed to make amends in any way he could, even if it would cost him his life.

ada sighed. "...i'll see what i can do but i won't make any promises. i'll call you...don't try to find us" she hung up and walked back home quickly. she entered the house silently and walked to her bedroom. she changed and waited in the bed for gil to return to her. she didn't know if he'd be long, but she'd wait all night if she had to because she wanted to make things better for him.

jacob sat silently. "gil....he's the one...who made addie live with that horrible man.....?" jacob was in shock. he went to reach for his pocket to pull out the card. he was going to find this guy and destroy him, but his pocket was empty. "damn...where is it?!" he frantically searched for the card. "gil...ifhe is so horrible...help me find him...help me kill him....he doesn't deserve to live after destroying the only good left in this world!" now jacob was angry too, though he had no reason to be as upset as gil.

"....Stay away from him. I'm asking this of you, and you'll do it." He stared at Jacob, still with cold eyes, and hatred in them, none aimed at Jacob, but still the feeling present with just talk of the man. "...Jacob....I know you care for her, and you're like a son to me, but this has nothing to do with you, I hope you understand. If anyone is going to kill him, it's me, and me alone."

Knocking on Jacob's head, a small smile appeared on his face. "...I'm more determined to fix things as they are now as well. Get some sleep, you're no good to us injured and tired."

He left the room, leaving Jacob to his own accord, and walked over to his and Ada's room, where he simply walked over to Ada, silently, and flopped onto the bed, with a loud groan.

(I realized I forgot to respond to the other thing with Addie just now...fail;;; )

Addie shrugged, leaning over the side of the bed, and playing with the man's hair. "I don't know who he is, but he must have something to do with Gilbert and Ada's pasts....so it has nothing to do with us right?"

Leaning just a tad lower, she brought her lips to his ear, whispering into it. "Besides there's lots of other things we could be preoccupied with right?" (oh gawd...)

((i actually shuddered from gil's glare...))

jacob shuddered. gil had never spoken to him with so much cruelty before. gil's attempt at a smile didn't ease the sudden fear of god jacob felt. he'd always heard about how a girl's dad could make you feel like this but he'd never experienced it before. he wanted to rebel against gil because gil had told him not to do it, but he was so fear stricken he couldn't move. after a long while he walked to the bed and sat leaning with his back to the wall and his knees drawn up a bit, resting his arms on them.

"********..." he sat like that all night, ignoring the moans and groans from addie's room.

"....are you going to be alright?" she asked him, not planning to tell him she had called casius. she wanted to distract him a bit so she ran her fingers lightly through his hair. "....nevermind...i know your going to be alright...because you have everything you need now...you don't need to worry about the past anymore...because we are together...we have addie and arisa and merri...we don't need anything else...so i know your going to be fine..." she sighed quietly to herself

Gil remained silent at Ada's words, knowing that she was right partly, he did have what he needed now, but she didn't know the entire story, not that he'd tell her. She'd go after Casius as well, and it was his job to make sure that that 'problem' was taken care of, not any one else's. It was a betrayal from his own brother after all. He leaned over, and gave Ada a kiss, but remained silent the rest of the night. And up until morning, he didn't get any sleep, watching Ada's breathing all night, and thinking of finding his brother.

Once morning came again, he was first to get up, and first to leave the house. On his way out, after deciding that he needed to find Casius as early as he could, he found Nuri sitting at the kitchen table, having a drink of coffee. Nuri was the one he considered a real brother, though a younger brother, a brother nonetheless. Gil have a pause, before joining him for coffee and then going out to find Casius. Leaving Nuri behind, to tell the others where'd he'd gone to.

Where was he going to start? At the mansion where Jacob had said he'd found him the night before. He was on a mission, and there was no way he was going to let the opportunity get away from him now.

meanwhile casius was on the other side of town. he had been up all night at a bar, drinking away the pain he would have felt after hearing ada's voice after so long. he couldn't get over how she sounded exactly the same as she had when they were younger. he was kicked out of the bar around 2 am and made his way around town, wandering with no sense of direction and no purpose.

as the early morning sun began to rise he was sobering up a bit. he walked to the crummy little inn he was staying at and took a shower. after he changed into more formal wear he left and headed for the concert hall. he was a business man now, and music was his business. Gil had grown up playing the cello, but Casius was taught viola and piano as a child. he was just as good with his instruments as gil was with his.

Casius had been asked to hold concert with a young flutist named Isaiah. He made his way around the building to the back entrance and entered on the stage. he stood in the center, taking in the scene. the song he wanted to play with this boy was one he'd written himself. he called it "anguish in agony". he'd written it after he could no longer tutor addie, when he'd found the bloody scene that was left in the house.

jacob heard people waking up and walking around the house, but he stayed put in his room. he wasn't ready to go out and face everyone again, especially not addie, knowing what gil had told him now. the door to his room wasn't locked but no one had tried to come in the room yet. he heard merri and arisa giggling and playing, oblivious to what was going on in the world around them, and for a moment he wished he could live in that childish bliss again.

after a few hours isaiah knocked lightly on the door. "can i come in?" he asked in as kind a voice as he could muster. he knew something was up since jacob was pulling his emo kid routine again. he didn't want to make matters worse for him, especially since he and addie had been together the night before.

"i need some stuff....i have rehersal in a bit with this big musician. he wrote a piece and we have been asked to preform together...he is going to play the viola at a show tonight...."
"jacob.....just try being less reckless. Addie was worried about you last night...and she doesn't care about anyone....so you should really try not upsetting her like that..."
"she ran to you and nuri....i don't think she much gives a damn...and right now i shouldn't be worried about if i upset her i should be out looking f-....look just get your s**t and get out"

jacob was too irritable for izzy to handle so he did as instructed. a short while later he left to meet his musical partner for the evening.

Casius wasn't in the theater waiting alone for too long, the stage crew quickly bringing in the piano for him, and a few stands for the music. He sat there quietly a it, the ringing in his head from being so drunk the night before not helping one bit, but he played a few keys, pushing past the pain of the hangover. Before he knew it, he was playing a song that he and his younger brother played together when they were little, the few times they weren't fighting that is.He began to get into the musical piece, and just as he finished it, he heard clapping. Looking up through, what he just noticed, were watery eyes, he saw the young musician that he was to play with.

He quickly got up, and hopped off the stage, offering his hand to the young man, "You must be Isaiah, I'm sorry you caught me in a moment of small weakness I'm afraid." He apologized and led Isaiah to the stage where a place had been set up just for the young musician. Pulling out the music he had written, he'd gave the dark haired lad a copy of it, and started to go to work, first describing the feel of the music, and giving him an example of what it would sound like. Soon enough the two were playing together, smoothing out the rough edges.

"You're a very fine artist young man..." He was fairly impressed on how far they'd gotten with this being just their first meeting.

Gil meanwhile, was still walking around the old neighborhood, but having found nothing, he mumbled angrily, kicking at a rock. Finding himself wandering once again, he found the garden that he's seen just earlier, and saw it beginning to look healthier, though it still needed a long way to go. Progress was being made in all sorts of places today, though he didn't know about Isaiah and Celsius. (I changed his name again)

It was early in the after noon when he got tired of not finding anyone, though he couldn't stand to go back home at the moment, not to face Ada, not after hearing about his brother, who had betrayed the both of them. He'd make it up to her, before he'd be able to come back home.

"thank you sir....a compliment from someone so musically accomplished is nothing to scoff at, if my brother could appreciate music like you do then perhaps i'd be a bit more pleased...but he is too irrational and childish to see how these works are extensions of someone's soul....sorry, i don't mean to ramble, its just my brother has me upset so i cannot play to the best of my ability....but i assure you at the show tonight i will play my very best" izzy said to the elder man before they departed.

at home ada was sulking a bit. she was in a worse mood than usual, mostly because gil had left that morning without waking her and had asked nuri to say where he'd gone. Nuri wasn't really sure where he was so she couldn't even go out looking for him. she was preparing meat for the evening's meal, pounding at it to tenderize it. she hit it harder and harder and her rage was released upon the meat. merri and arisa stood in the door to the kitchen looking at their mother in awe.

"merri...mommy must be really mad...she's beating up dinner...let's not bother her...we can go play with bunny man!" she said and took her sister's hand, leading her to find the earl.

"damn him......i should have made him promise me last night...." ada said quietly, thinking she was alone

Addie watched the two little girls run past her, and she too caught sight of Ada, pounding roughly at the meat, though she just stood there, with her eyebrow cocked staring at the older woman. ".....If you tenderize it too much you know it won't have any juices left, and it'll just be too hard to chew...you know that right?" She had been leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed, but she walked over to Ada, and took the tenderizer from her. "..Stop looking so helpless and look for him if you're so pissed." She said, shaking her head, and scoffing at her mother.

Waiting until Ada left, since she had been standing there for a while just glaring at the woman that was her daughter. "....Go..now." Addie said, shooing her away. She knew that Ada didn't like to be ordered around, but she also knew that Ada would take the opportunity to find Gil if it was given to her. "...Damn woman screwing up my food.." She mumbled as Ada left, making sure the Earl was taking care of the girls, so that they wouldn't be killed by Addie.

On Isaiah's way home, Gil caught sight of the younger man leaving the theater, and because he didn't favor the boy at the moment, he stayed back. His mood was only growing colder the longer it took to find his brother. Taking a seat just outside the theater, he pondered entering, not knowing that the brother he was looking for was inside, but just because he hadn't played in so long, maybe it would calm him.

Ada picked a knife up on her way out of the kitchen. it was a steak knife, and she threw it in her sack as she threw her cloak on hastily and walked quickly from the house. 'if that stupid b***h wasn't right about me finding gil right now i'd slap her around for thinking she can order me about....so cheeky....damn kids...' she thought as she moved quickly to nowhere in particular. after about an hour of walking she found herself at another payphone, inside the booth calling casius again.

"casius...meet me at the mansion...since you met jacob there i am sure you can find it again...and be quick about it" she hung up abruptly and stormed over to the mansion, not caring about the fact that jacob was attacked there the night before and more exorcists could have shown up by now.

casius left out the back, just as he had entered, and he made his way to the mansion, leaving the theatre open to the brother he sought, without realizing it. He walked swiftly to the mansion to meet with ada. she was hidden in the shadows in the form of a small black alley cat, waiting for his arrival, not making her presence known. when she finally saw him she switched forms and walked towards him.

"......" she didn't know what to say. she didn't know casius was the reason addie had been taken and she had been seperated from gil for so long. "....its....good to see you again casius...its been a long time" she said quietly. she knew Gil hated casius but she didn't understand why.

gil, meanwhile walked into the theatre and walked to the stage. he would have played his cello, or any cello, but there was nothing around him but the piano and a violin. the stands had been moved and put away, along with all of the music. he stood on the empty stage a long while before leaving and starting his search again.

jacob heard the loud pounding in the kitchen stop. after a while he finally stood and walked out to see what had transpired. addie was now in the kitchen cooking and ada was no where in sight. jacob saw merri and arisa with the earl and as he looked around he saw nuri in the corner on his computer thing, scanning for something, or so he though. he just watched the family for a bit, then the door handle turned and izzy walked in.

Casius stared at Ada for a long while, not knowing what to do or say, but he quickly ran over to her and hugged her tightly, muttering apologies of all sorts, none of them too understandable. "Ada. I'm so sorry please believe me when I say I did't mean for anything to happen...Gil hates me. I can't stand it. I've always been such a jerk to him...and and...I really want to make it up...I know there's no possible way I can....but I'll give my life...I swear, I'll do whatever I can...for the rest of my life to help you..."

He took a pause to gather his breath, and closed his eyes meekly. Assuming that she knew what it was that he was talking about. "I'd understand if ..if you wanted to even kill me...If you want to rip my eyes out of my head, then I give you permission to."

He looked down at the ground now, not being able to look her in the eye. "My brother? How is he? If he wants to participate in mutilation, I'd be fine with it as well. In fact, if there's one last request I can make, it's for him to be here as well.."

It was Gilbert's turn to sneeze, signalling that someone was talking about him. He was still wondering about, a block or two away from the home they all lived in currently, meandering just as he did in the old days. And Addie, who was still in the kitchen, like a good woman should be, didn't notice Isaiah walk into the home, nor Jacob watching the going ons of the family, she was too wrapped up, staring at the food seemingly remembering something she knew once, but not quite. This left the person that had just walked in, free to walk inside unnoticed by her, making his way back to his room quietly.

"casius....i don't hate you.....how could i?...your my brother in law...whatever little tiff you and gilbert got into is in the past...it doesn't weigh so heavily as he..and you...like to think. i was pregnant...i never had a chance to tell you before you left....you seemed to just disappear..and so did gil. i thought it was my fault but it wasn't....it was james. and i don't blame you for leaving...you didn't know you were an uncle...and gil...he knew but...things got complicated. i know he is upset with you...but i'm sure its just because you left and he never had a chance to tell you about our little girl" ada explained, totally oblivious to the truth of what had happened.

casius stood frozen. 'she doesn't know....how could he not have told her...in all this time he never told her what i did...' cas thoguht in horror as he realized she had no clue what it was gil hated him for. the true story played out in his head. he and gil had been talking one night and gil told him about this girl he'd fallen in love with. she was married but she and he were going to steal away one day and get married and live together. he was so happy about it all. it had been a while since their grandfather died and this was the first time gil had been happy in a long time.
at first casius just let his brother dream about this girl, not wanting to ruin his joy, but he knew the girl would never leave her rich husband. he met ada and they all started talking, and eventually casius saw the love they had for one another. he became quite close with ada and gil during their love affiar, but after a while casius saw things from an outside perspective. he knew if ada left james for gil that her life would be difficult. james was wealthy and powerful, and her family married her to him. he knew if she left james her life would fall apart. she wouldn't have her family and the luxury she had now.
finally one night, gil came home early. he was bubbling in joy. he told casius that they were going to leave at the end of the month. that ada finally was going to leave james. casius couldn't let her throw her life away. he figured gil could never provide for her what james could. he stole away that night and found james in a bar. he told him about the love affair. that night james went home and found ada unconscious on the floor. she was pregnant and something was wrong with the baby. he called for a doctor.
they said she needed bed rest or the child would die. james didn't say anything about the affair. he didn't want to upset ada too much and have her miscarry. as far as he was aware it was his own child she was carrying. Casius went home to find gil in a fit of rage. he told casius that james wouldn't let ada out of the house, that he had her locked away. Casius told gil that he told james about the affair. he had no idea that ada was pregnant though and when gil told him his heart sank. they were going to run away together because ada was having gil's child.
Casius followed James movements from there on out. he watched carefully as ada was taken to the hosptial to deliver her child. he watched james take a small babe wrapped in a white blanket and pass it over to another man who handed him a case of money. the little baby had bright green eyes. he followed the man home and watched the little girl grow up from the shadows. when she reached school age he found his way to being her tutor.
he knew all of this...he knew he was the reason ada lost her child, her mind, and for a while, her husband, but ada did not.

"oh god....ada...please....you must have gil come and meet me...as soon as you can. i'll be at the theatre in town tonight, i am playing in a show, but can you please have him outside the back entrance tonight around 11?...its important....i don't care how you get him there...but please..."

he turned and left without another word, afraid if he stayed that he would tell her the truth.

As Ada made her way back home from her meeting with Casius, Gil was still wandering around the neighborhood, running into her by mistake. "Ah...A-Ada!"

He was a bit shocked at the immediate glare he was sent from disappearing, but he'd been with her too long to let it bother him too much. He hadn't meant to see her, not until he was able to get revenge on his own brother for what had happened, the full cause of why he'd done it not meaning anything to him, but here he was, following her back home. He listened carefully to her small scolding, though then his interest peeked when she mentioned going to the theater. He had no idea that his own brother had requested him to come, or that Ada had gone to meet him in the first place, but Gil supposed he owed her something, so he agreed.

Without noticing, they'd made it back to the home, standing on the steps talking, looking as if they were two people awkwardly speaking after having gone out on a first date. Merri and Arisa's giggles could be heard as they peeked through a small opening in the curtains, watching their parents closely. As they walked in though, the shuffling and 'ow's of one of them clumsily falling over was the one sound that stood above the rest. Gil gave a small laugh, giving his daughters a hug, then watching what everyone else was doing.

He sat quietly, with one little girl at each side, pulling on his arm. He watched Ada push Addie out of the kitchen violently, and a small argument begin to form, and he thought about how he was grateful for what he did have. He regretted not being able to have these moments come sooner. Not being able to hold his wife and Addie just as he was holding Arisa and Merri, earlier on. His chest hurt from wishing it had all come sooner, if the things that had happened, would never have. It was all because of his brother. It was an unforgivable thing he had done in Gil's opinion. A betrayal of the worst kind.

Merri and Arisa snapped him out of his small cloud of depression, by giving him a kiss on each cheek, and he couldn't help but give a smile to the two little girls.

Casius was all jitters now however. His younger brother was going to meet him. He had faith in Ada's ability to convince Gilbert. He paced in the small hotel room he was staying in, already dressed, and ready to go meet them both. He had no idea that Ada and Gil already had their daughter back, he in all the blood he'd seen that night, presumed her dead, making his guilt build up even more. Pausing from his movement, he sat at the edge of his bed, his hands covering his face. "Gil...."

Soon the night came, the day passing by so quickly, the winter months lengthening the cold nights, and the theater was all a bustle once again. Everyone finely dressed in their best garments, ignoring the current economical situation of the country. These were the times that a little bit of dressing up, let everyone feel as if there was still hope for the coming times. Just as the theater was draped in red and golds, the lavish colors filled the entire area, people walking to their seats, or just standing in the lobby to catch a glimpse of a more prominent life.

Tonight the earl wanted addie to go to the theatre again, but jacob refused to accompany. he offered instead to stay home and watch the girls. ada, having ruined the meal they had planned asked the earl to take everyone out to eat. The earl gave money to nuri and Gil and they went shopping to buy suits. ada walked to her room and found an old dress. she changed its make-up to turn it into a luxurious gown. unlike her normal garb this dress was a soft blue color.

everyone went out to eat but jacob and the girls. he stayed in and made ramen for them, then threw a movie in the dvd player and sat on the couch with the girls until they fell asleep. after the movie he stayed put, afraid to move the girls were both sleeping on his lap. he sat in the darkness trying to decide what to do about all he had learned in the past few days.

meanwhile at the show...

isaiah was preparing backstage with casius. "sir...again it is an honor to get to preform with you tonight" izzy was unaware of who casius was. he played under the name 'Vincent Drokwood' so as to avoid any complications of his identity. the curtain was about to draw and the audience began taking their seats. Gil sat holding ada's hand, unsure why she'd chosen to go to the theatre of all places, but pleased with it none the less. it had been a long while since he'd gotten to see izzy preform and though he didn't care much for the boy he did appreciate the music he could play.

the earl sat in a private box seat high above the rest, and addie sat in the fifth row with nuri as her company. they waited for the show to begin as casius prepared behind stage. "Isaih the honor is all mine...you are a fine young musician..much better than i was at your age. Are things better wih your brother? I think i'd like to meet him if its possible...afterall, he is the brother of a great musician"

"no....i don't think he will come...he is watching my nieces" izzy answered. the curtain call rang out and they took their places. the lights went down and the curtain slowly rose. the stage was dark adn the music began from the piano. Casius was switching instruments in this show.

The music began to fill the hall, resounding smoothly through everyone's ears. Swaying in their seats, just the opening itself, the audience could feel the piece's heart coming through very easily when Casius played, after all, it came from deep within himself. His own feelings, the ones he couldn't portray in real life, because he didn't have his brother anymore, were spreading to everyone's hearts. That is, everyone but Gil. His hand squeezed Ada's tightly as he heard the playing. He wasn't so close so as that he could clearly see the player's face, though not far enough to not make out some distinguishable traits. Not to mention the music. He'd played with his brother long enough, for enough years, had done enough duets with him to recognize his playing. He wanted to stand up and get out of there, or perhaps jump out onto the stage itself and wring his neck, the thought crossing his mind at least 3 times a second, but he also knew that he was a grown man, and that he didn't need to make a show. Not at times like these, where his family was in danger. If this is who he was to meet later on, he grinned a tad bit in excitement.

His blood boiled over, and though he tried to not laugh at the giddiness he felt at the moment, his smile was still apparent. Not to get it mistaken with his usual, kind and caring smile. This one was far different. This one was one that not even the most sadistic serial killer could pull off. This was the face of a man about to get the revenge he had been seeking for years. Decades even.

As Isaiah's playing began, the thoughts continued through his mind, rushing past in a big blur. He hadn't noticed for a second how hard he was squeezing Ada's hand, though when he realized it, he quickly lightened his grip. His eyes never wandering from the blond man that played on stage.............

Then the concert ended. The curtain closed, and he stood up straight, looking as calm as he could. He helped lead Ada out of the crowded room, and stood around, waiting for the 11th hour of the night. He could tell Ada was eying him carefully, and truthfully, he knew that she had to, otherwise, it would be dangerous to the others around them. Soon enough, Addie, Nuri and the Earl, appeared along side them. Though just as they had, Ada and Gil had to excuse themselves to go out back.

"...We came to meet him right....Casius...?" He asked her, his voice silent and filled with drips of poison, none of them aimed at Ada though. He understood that she didn't know of why he hated his own brother. He knew that she was just acting out for his own good.

"...Yes..." Gil turned to look at his brother, an icy glare emanating from him. "Gil...I ...I wanted to speak to you! I'm sorry if you don't want to talk. But I need to apologize! I know there's nothing that-"

"...b*****d." Gil said, clenching his fists. His nails digging into his own skin. He needed to lash out at the man that was his older brother right now, but Ada held him back, and with good reason. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

"GILBERT!" ada shouted at him angrily. "gil...." she said kinder now, holding his arm and ignoring the bruising on her wrist from when gil had clutched her in the theater. "your brother wanted to meet you...to apologize...can't you just...let this go?...think of our family gil.....think of our little ones...don't you tihnk they deserve to have an uncle who isn't going off to fight exorcists everyday?....don't they deserve to have someone like that?"

isaiah walked out the back stage door and into the alley where the three had gathered. 'jacob...leave the girls with an akuma...i think gil s about to kill my accompanist for the evening' he thought, reaching out to his brother. jacob received the message and made his way to them as fast as he could. meanwhile ada was trying her best to hold gil back. "gil...LISTEN TO ME!" she pleaded and shouted trying to not let him get any closet to casius who was still trying to explain whileizzy stood on the stoop dumbstruck.

it only took jacob minutes to get to them but when he did he saw gil slamming casius against the brick wall. ada was trying to pry him off, but her efforts were useless.

"JACOB HELP ME!" she shouted as she saw him.

jacob moved quickly and shoved gil back. "GIL KNOCK IT OFF!..izzy hold him!" he turned to casius. "..." he punched him once in the gut and caught the older man's shoulder as he slumped forward a bit. "that was for what you did to people i love" he whispered in cas's ear. he tuned to gil and saw that ada was with him, trying to calm him a bit.

"gil...please...listen for a minute....i hate him too but....what he did...just think for a minute.....because i did"

"w-what the hell are you talking about jacob?" he asked angrily

"....if he hadn't done what he did back then...ada wouldn't have had her tragedy and joined the earl, addie wouldn't have become a noah because of what she went through, i wouldn't have had someone to rely on when i was brought tot he mansion, i never would have gotten along with izzy, you would never have come back home to help us, you wouldn't be with merri and arisa...and you wouldn't have met nuri......i know what he did was unfair to everyone you love....but you can't change what has already happened....doesn't killing him mean that your turning your back on evryone you have learned to care for because of what he did to you?!"

Gil stared at Jacob, dumbstruck. "If he hadn't done what he did, Ada wouldn't have become a NOAH! NEITHER WOULD HAVE ADDIE! You think I LIKE them going around, killing others!? Merri and Arisa would still be with their own family! I LOVE THEM but I KNOW that this isn't the best life for them!"

It was then that Gil stopped struggling against Ada, and stood back, not attacking Casius anymore, but not looking anyone in the eye either. His true feelings were showing through just a bit. "I could have protected them better if they were just...normal. Ada and I could have..no DEFINITELY HAVE been happier. No useless fights with exorcists. We could have raised our daughter together! This isn't about what could have happened...this is about what SHOULD have happened!" Gil yelled coldly. Never had he lost his temper to anyone until now. "I'm not listening to any of his crap."

His voice was low, and angry. He cursed one last time as he punched at the brick wall, his strength obvious as it crumbled a small bit from where he hit it. Leaving the others behind, he walked back inside.

Casius fell to the ground, holding his stomach, or was it his heart. He knew his brother was right about what had happened, and he had wished it was his brother that had hit him instead of the white haired boy that he had helped before. Looking up to Jacob, he watched him closely, interact with Isaiah, and he figured out that he was the brother that Isaiah had been talking about. He also thought about the little girls that Ada and Gil had been talking about. They had spoken, well in all actuality yelled, about a Merri, Arisa, and even an Addie. Was that the niece he'd thought dead? Had they found her after all? He wished it was true.

This small spark helped him stand up, and walk after Gil, his brother. Finally catching up, he caught sight of him and a younger woman talking. She had his eyes, and he immediately recognized her as the small girl he'd helped tutor. His heart skipped a beat as he took a step forward, then back. He was afraid to step in between them. If this was really his niece, he didn't want to stand in between a father and daughter. "Gil...."

Gil gave a twitch as Addie checked out his hand. "You're a stupid old man you know that?" She didn't know what the reason was that he had punched a wall, but he'd obviously lost his temper. Though she'd never admit it, she figured Gil would be scary when he was angry. Suddenly, Gil stepped forward and gave her a strong hug, holding her tightly.

"I'm sorry...I'm so stupid."

"It's...alright..." She mumbled, obviously confused by his actions. Pushing him away for a moment, she told him to go to the car, where the Earl was eagerly waiting for everyone. She decided to go find the rest of the crew. Walking past where Casius was hiding, she saw him and a spark of an old memory flashed in front of her eyes. Covering her head for a moment, she looked up and her head hurt more as she stared at him longer.

"...Casius...." She said loudly, remembering and at the same time asking him. She could remember him as her tutor, and in a way remembering all the times he'd stopped by her home as she grew up,she remembered her old father, how things ended with him, and how when she had been sitting on the floor, covered in her father's blood, Casius appeared and helped her. He was the one that cleaned up the mess, and tried to calm her as the police came to take away the man's body. He was the one that, while she was almost completely broken, stood by her just before the Earl took her away. Falling to the ground, she fainted from all the intake of information at once, Casius rushing to her side.

The crowd gathered, and Casius pushed them away, picking her up and carrying her away worriedly.The rest of the group went home, thinking she'd gone ahead or alone, which she often did.

Making it home, Gil and Ada went off to talk in their room, as Jacob, Isaiah, and Nuri were left to ponder what had happened with Gil earlier in the night.

"....So Gil attacked some guy...?" Nuri asked curiously, quickly wandering to his small laptop once again, scanning the area.

jacob hadn't spoken much since gil lashed out at him. he was upset that gil would dismiss what he was saying. its true gil and ada would have lived with addie and had their happy family but gil was already a noah before addie had been born, or even conceived. Jacob knew Gil would have been called away by the earl, and that he wouldn't have been there for his family, though he didn't dare saya word of it to gil now.

'he has no right to wish away the past....he should know that. he doesn't know merri and arisa would be with their parents if they didn't come here to ada...he doesn't know what really happened to them....he has no right to wish something like that for them either...for all he knows arisa and merri aren't even real sisters!....and what about us....gil is the closest thing i have to a father....and if not for addie i would never have accepted these noah memories. addie saved me....if she wasn't here i'd be dead and you'd be alone izzy....and addie not being a noah wouldn't have changed our fate...mine and yours....i'm going out....' jaocb thought so his brother would understand why he was leaving. jacob just needed to clear his mind before seeing gil again.

he turned and left without answering nuri, leaving the explaining to izzy. Isaiah tried to explain what he had seen, but he was not privy to the knowledge jacob had received from gil.

meanwhile gil was in his room with ada. she'd been quiet too. she hadn't said anything because she was confused and worried. she didn't have her usual manner of anger or annoyance about her tonight as she tried to make sense of the chosen words between jacob gil and casius. she changed out of her dress and walked intot he master bathroom without talking to gil. she left the door open but stepped into the shower and turned on cold water. the icy fluid hit her body and her breath came out in little puffs of air from the difference in temperature. she let her hair down and the long straight locks fell to her elbows, soaking up the water.

warm tears rolled down her cheeks as she realized she'd been shaking since gil had punched the wall. she tried to wipe the tears away, and after a few minutes in the water she stepped out, dripping wet, and wrapped a towel around her before walking out and sitting on the bed. ".........tell....me the truth...." she asked, but her voice quivered because though she thought she now understood what casius had apologized for, she didn't want to believe it, and wasn't sure she could.

Gil sat at the edge of the bed, his face buried in his hands. He shook, not sure if it was from the left over anger, or just from being so upset. As Ada stepped out of the shower, he peeked up to her, and gave a sigh. ".....I wouldn't know where to start...." He mumbled to her.

Sitting up, his hands resting behind his head, he paced back and forth in the room, then walked over to Ada, pulling her over to sit on the bed. He didn't know how she would take the news after all. "Casius....he was the one that told James....He told James about the affair...and it's all because of him, that James kept you locked up..and the reason that ...that Addie was taken away..." He sat beside Ada, the only person he could trust at a time like this, and put his head in his hands again, resting his arms on his knees.

He looked to Ada from the corner of his eye, but he felt ashamed, for not having told her earlier. He felt it his job to fix all this though. He hadn't wanted to burden Ada as well, but now he found himself telling her anyway. He sighed deeply, his eyes closed shut, waiting for her response. "I'm...Sorry I didn't tell you...but I just...I just don't know.."

The 'should haves' continued running through his head over and over again. He'd never told anyone, not even Ada about the things he thought of. The day he found out she was pregnant, and they were going to run away together, he'd planned on disappearing from the Earl. He didn't think that the one thing that would stand in between them was his own brother. He wondered if it was even right to still be angry, he did have them back with him, but when the idea of all the things both Ada and Addie had gone through, his heart only ached more.

He turned to look to Ada, "I don't know if it's wrong to overreact...but I still swear I'll get him...I'll get him."

ada was more than shaking now, she was quivering in fear and with her overflowing emotions. "..." she had no idea what to say to gil right now, but she had a panging in her heart. all was quiet around the house and she stood up, still clad in only her towel. she took gil by the hand and led him quietly down the hall to a pink bedroom where merri and arisa were sleeping. merri was in her bed and arisa was in a chair next to her with an open story book in her lap. the akuma had moved them when they were alseep but they both woke up when everyone came home. arisa read to merri so she'd go back to sleep and so they wouldn't bother everyone. even they could sense the tensions as the family returned.

"....." she gave gil's hand a little squeeze. "....he had no right.....but gil, jacob was right. if not for casius we would have one daughter who is all grown up, instead of three little girls who need us" ada whispered to the man she loved. she closed the door and they walked to their room again. "gil....i don't know what to think...or what to do. i hate what he took from us....but look at what his actions have given us back...."


meanwhile casius had taken addie, unconscious as she was, to his apartment and lay her in the bed. he boiled some water and took care of her as best he could, waiting for her to wake up. "...i can't believe it. it has been so long little one....your all grown up now.....you haven't forgotten me...but can you ever forgive me?....i don't deserve it...but i hope you can" he spoke quietly to her as he brushed her hair out of her face. he placed a rag in the water he had boiled and he laid it across her head.


jacob was walking around alone. he was still angry and it was two in the morning when he finally started making his way home. he entered the house quietly and look walked to addie's room. he knocked lightly but when she didn't answer he opened the door. he saw her room was empty and he assumed she was in his room with isaiah, so he crashed on the couch, exhausted.

Morning soon came. The sun was bright, beaming through all the windows of the city. The living room Jacob had slept in. The bedroom that Ada and Gil shared. The apartment that Addie and Calsius were in. The small room that Isaiah had slept in alone. All were tied by the same sunlight beaming through the windows, waking them all up at the same moment, eyes opening at the same time...

Gil, who had fallen asleep, holding Ada in his arms, had thought thoroughly about what Ada had said to him. Stretching, letting Ada's head fall from his arm and softly onto a pillow. He stood up, giving his back a good crack, before bending over and giving her a chaste kiss on the lips, and walking off to do a morning routine of cleaning himself up, and having a good bit of exercise.

Wandering through the living room he saw Jacob asleep on the couch. He gave a small sigh, taking the opportunity to ruffle his hair about, then left as quietly as he had been walking around the home.

The small touch caused Jacob to be the next to wake up. He rustled in his bed, and the first thoughts that came to his head, were the ones that caused Isaiah himself to wake up. Both gave the basic stretch, and both stood up, allowing their backs to crack. As Jacob made his way to the bathroom, as did Isaiah. They almost ran into each other, but Jacob didn't want to bother getting into any sort of argument with his brother, so without saying a word, he let his brother pass by into the room first. Taking the opportunity to take a peek, he noticed Addie wasn't in his room. He'd assumed that she was in there with Isaiah the whole night, so h found it strange that she wasn't in there. Shrugging it off, he looked over to Addie's room, but she wasn't in there either. He knew Isaiah would know, and though, technically, he shouldn't have anything to do with Addie, her new personality really putting a rift into what he used to know her as, he still couldn't help but worry.

As Isaiah stepped out, and Jacob made his way in, he asked his 'brother' if he knew where she was. They were going out after all. They were together, much to Jacob's own troubles. However, Isaiah, too, didn't know.

After a morning of searching around the home, the rest of the family joining in, including the akuma, and Gil who had come back, Merri and Arisa trying the hardest two little girls could to search in the given area, they all concluded that Addie hadn't even come home after the concert the night before.

With a frustrated groan, Isaiah stood up from the table where they had all congregated, and grabbed his jacket. "I'm going to keep looking for her..."

Jacob and Gil concurred, and followed suit. The three of them split their ways, and Isaiah went off to look in the last place they'd seen her, the theater.

In the theater, he found that the people who worked there had seen her last with the man that he'd played the concert with. They were even kind enough to give him the address of where to the place where he was staying. And so, Isaiah made his way to the apartment complex, telling Jacob through their connection that he'd found her, and that all was alright.....

One knock, two knocks, three knocks. He waited, and when no one replied, he knocked a tad harder, Casius quickly replying.

"...Where is she? What did you to with her...?" He asked in a serious tone.

Casius was confused as to why the boy he'd played the concert with just a few hours back, almost 8 to be exact, was standing at the door, demanding what'd he'd done.."OH....Addie? She..She fainted...I couldn't find you all...so I took her back here until she got better...."

Moving to the side, he let Isaiah in, where he found Addie sitting at the edge of the couch. When she saw that someone else had entered the room, she looked up, and frowned, standing up, and going over to Casius. "Stay the hell away from me you b*****d"

Isaiah was shocked at her outburst, but continued forward. "Addie! What are you talking about? I came to look for you! I wanted to find you. Come on, the whole family's looking for you, they're all worried!"

"They're worried....you're not...." She mumbled. She looked to Casius, a small smile on her face. "Thank you...for taking care of me...." Giving him a hug, she turned to leave, Isaiah following behind, giving Casius a quick glare.

"What the hell!?" He asked as he stopped walking, just outside the apartment complex. " What are you talking about...I cared enough to come looking for you." He frowned at her.

She turned to him sharply. " I remembered! You! You would draw...horrible pictures about me....dead....you wanted to be with Jacob! You settled for me...." Walking over to him, her hand slammed harshly across his face. "You tricked me! You made me think that you actually ...AGh!"

She was too busy angry with him, and he was too shocked for either of them to notice that a group of exorcists had found them. The ruckus they were making, not to mention, the fact that Iku was instructing the enemies, made it easy for them to be spotted right away. An exorcists came running out of no where, dashing towards them, Isaiah finally snapping out of what was going on between Addie and himself, to dodge the attack, taking Addie out of the way alongside him.

"Are you alright..?" He asked her, and he made a fire ball, quickly getting up and rushing to fight the exorcists away. "HURRY! GET UP!"

It was then the Addie noticed that the fall had hurt her already weakened legs too much, and she couldn't get up off the ground. "..I-I can't!" Crawling herself out of the way, she sat against a wall, summoning her shadow beasts to attack the exorcists. A large shadow wolf, coming out from the ground, seemingly being made from the smoke coming from hell itself,and ran alongside Isaiah, biting the leg of an exorcist off with one gigantic chomp.

'JACOB!' Isaiah screamed in his head, for his brother's help. 'We're just outside the large apartment! There's an attack! Addie's hurt and I can't fight alone!'

Just as he cut off his conversation with his brother, another exorcist came from behind, and slashed through him with a set of nails created by innocence, the anti-dark matter. The venom for the Noah and akuma alike.

Grabbing at the wound, he saw that Addie's shadows were quick to defend him, a large flame like matter appearing from the ground, and outstretching itself over and around the exorcist, dragging him into the ground. Isaiah looked to Addie, a grateful smile on his face......

Addie gave him a nod in return, but changed her expression quickly to that of a worried person. "ISAIAH! LOOK OUT!"

Behind him, another group of exorcists had appeared, and grabbed hold of him. He screamed for help, but Addie couldn't move. She quickly send out a set of shadows to help him however, and threw the exorcists off, though as they were all holding

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