Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, prefers women
Age (appearance, not actual): 18-28
Birthday/sign: March 5th/Pisces
Species: Human – Goddess later
Hair: waist-length wavy silver hair, usually worn down or in a braid.
Ears: human
Eyes: silvery blue-violet eyes
skin-tone: pale winter skin (still peach as she is human)
Weight: average
Height: 5’2”, short
Body: slim, petite, small and pixie-like
Weapon(s): mind, dagger, throwing-knives
Markings: She has scars on her left arm from slightly below the shoulder down to slightly above the elbow. They vary in length and thickness and color, as they are from years of cutting herself. They are all at least a few years old, however, so no fresh ones.
Jewelry: Egyptian style jewelry, Celtic jewelry, a pendant type necklace with an amethyst on it, Celtic cross necklace, black chokers of varying types, simple silver chain with a silver rose bloom on it. Black roses, really anything gothic or dark or beautiful, in silver, black, red, or gemstones.
Clothing styles: her dominant clothing style is elegant, soft and feminine. She likes camisoles and bustiers, long flowy skirts and dresses (ankle-length), shirts with long flowing sleeves, renaissance style cloths, she never ever wears high heels, elegant satiny light-colored gloves (occasionally) that cover her fingers to her elbows, anything with lace or ribbon. She likes this style in black, light blue, pastel violet and indigo, maybe a mint green or emerald, anything light or muted, no bright colors.
When she’s in a more defense mood, feeling as if she’s being followed or watched, or just plain anxious and wants to be left alone, she’ll wear a more gothic or Lolita style. This sometimes includes boots with zippers and belts, tight pants, snug tops with belts across the arms, sleeveless skin-tight tops, gloves of the chains/belts black colored variety, and her chokers and more edgy jewelry. This style often involves chains, belts, and spikes as well as lace and leather.
Make-up: She wears eye-liner, sometimes a light blue eye shadow, or a lavender color. Once in a while she’ll wear clear lip-gloss, but her lips are a pale pink color that she feels no need to embellish. She wears no blush, and very little other make-up.
Other form(s): Goddess of Lost souls. In her Goddess form her eyes are violet with light blue swirled in, her silver hair is loose and flowing as if it’s caught in a gentle breeze, and she tends to wear a long white or black flowy-type gown. Also in this form she has a scar on each arm going from the inside of her wrist to the inside of her elbow. Sometimes her dresses have long sleeves that covers this, sometimes, having accepted that she is what she is, she doesn't let it bother her and dresses as she feels rather than to hide.
Turn-ons: Soft lips, soft skin, the subtle scent of roses and moonlight, of vanilla and almonds, of coconut and bamboo, red-heads, long soft gentle caresses, being pinned down, hugs from behind by someone she trusts and cares for, the feeling of hard nipples in her palm, anyone with the ability to play the piano, deep baritone type voices, men with long hair, leather, tying someone to the bed
Family: Davia does not speak of her human family much, but she sees Set as a father figure and Aiden as a protective older brother.
Relationships: she was in a loving relationship with her soul-mate Clair for 10 years, or at least, she thought she was. Once it ended she slowly embraced her fate by ending her life and becoming the goddess of lost souls. After that she was drawn to the manor where she met and fell in love with Tyranus, who is now her boyfriend.
Personality: quiet, a loner, but fiercely loyal and playful once you get to know her. She is light and innocent, mysterious, haunted, and jaded, she can easily discern truth from lies, though she rarely comments one way or another, preferring to remain aloof from any potential confrontations. She can often see glimpses of possible futures, though again she rarely comments on what she sees. Her cloths and the coloring in her eyes depend on her mood. When she is happy her eyes are bluer, when she is sad or reflective they are more violet. After her world shatters around her she becomes reclusive, wearing a fake smile but always empty in private. Her eyes are mostly violet then.
Important tidbits:
Her soul is gentle and light, though it is very jaded. Her human life has been filled with darkness and pain, but she herself has remained light. She was made fun of by her peers from Kindergarten until her senior year of high school. She had witnessed her mother attempt suicide twice before she turned 12, and both times she had to actively help prevent it. She was always shy and overly affectionate, but after her small circle of friends turned against her in 5th grade she made almost no friends at all. As a child she would sit in her closet and pray for God to make her normal so others would like her instead of being cruel. She also prayed that when she was 16 she would find her soul-mate, so that she wouldn’t end up alone and hurting like her mom. She told God she didn’t care if her soul-mate was male or female, just that they loved her and stayed by her side so she would never have to be alone. She was 8 years old.
When she was 7 a bad thing happened involving a male adult babysitter. She received counseling and was deemed fine, but as an adult she sometimes wonders if that hadn’t affected her more than anyone (including herself) knew. She had insomnia from 2nd grade on, and listened to classical orchestra music on her radio to fall asleep. She was raised in a bad neighborhood, though as a child she never knew or understood that. The shootings a few streets over, the drunken fights in the streets, the time a neighbor a couple streets over tied up his wife and burned the house down, the time her babysitter was accused of decapitating his girlfriend, all this and more was everyday life. She didn’t understand until later in life.
They had no car, so Davia and her family walked everywhere. Eventually, when she was 11, she and her sister were taken to live with their mom’s best friend. Davia’s room was the walk-in closet under the basement stairs. It was her choice, it was either that or share the basement with her mom’s friend’s daughter, the oldest child in the house. She wanted privacy to think and write and grieve in her own right, so her twin mattress was laid on the floor under the stairs, and at the foot of the mattress was a small shelf, and in front of that the closet doorway, covered by a sheet. If was fine as long as she didn’t sit up too fast and bang her head on the stairs.
She had her 12th birthday party in that basement, and it wasn’t long after that she lost all her friends. Her family moved a lot, and eventually out of state. It was in the sunny state of Florida (which she hated) that she met Clair. Clair made everything better. She eased the pain Davia carried with her, and reminded her what friendship and trust felt like. Still, Davia’s new step-mom was emotionally abusive, and that along with all of her other demons led Davia down the path of self-harm. On her 16th birthday Davia wished for Clair to be her girlfriend, and the following weekend the wish, and thus prayer from her childhood, came true. When Clair learned of the cutting, she made Davia promise to stop. And she did, until Clair broke up with her a few months later. Still, they stayed friends, then friends with benefits, and then for one day girlfriends again.
But then events took place that led to Clair leaving again, and Davia nearly killed herself that night. The only reason she didn’t was because her close friend H.A. was waiting for her at the bus stop after school, as he had been every day for perhaps a month or so. He kept her from doing anything rash, and stayed with her, holding her close and doing his best to soothe her pain. She continued cutting in the following months, because even with him by her side she was too blinded by the pain to give him a chance.
A few months after that, Clair asked her back out, told her she missed her and wanted her back. Davia went back to her without a second thought for her close friend, and was again forced to promise not to self-harm. She agreed, and her life moved on. Perhaps not how she wanted it too, as there was more moving and family issues, but on it went. Until 8 months before her and Clair’s 10 year anniversary. Davia was 25 when Clair broke up with her over Facebook.
She broke down, further than ever before. She had seen her old friend H.A. a handful of times in the years between, but he had a child and a fiancé now, and Davia was left with no one to turn to. She had become so engrossed in her life with Clair that she had no friends of her own, except for online and though her wolfy friend online helped, there was only so much she could do on the internet across several states.
Davia tried to wait it out, but in the end she gave in and took her own life. She had lost all hope, all traces of feeling loved or wanted by anyone not related to her. She honestly believed she was unlovable, too broken to ever be fixed.
But Davia had courted Death for months before she ended it, and when she died she met Yoriana, a spiritual embodiment of her own inner darkness and despair. Yoriana had a long story of her own, her body far away and millennia old, but her soul born of Davia’s darkness, even before Davia’s own soul was created. Davia was her light, and Yoriana was her darkness. Yoriana swore they would meet again, and after Davia’s soul was given a new physical form and transformed into the Goddess of Lost souls, they did.
Davia found a beautiful forest, and with permission from a prince of the vampire-elves that owned the land, she created a glade in the very center. It became the Glade of the Forgotten Ones, and soon after Yoriana joined her there. They were two women with two separate souls, yet still somehow being opposite sides of each other. Their unique souls drew others to this home Davia had created, and as the magnet that brought them all together Davia is close to many of the Forgotten Ones, and Yoriana is her guardian and protector. Davia loves music, especially anything light, airy, classical, or melancholy. She herself plays the violin, and when she plays she brings tears to the eyes of those who hear it.
When she was 7 a bad thing happened involving a male adult babysitter. She received counseling and was deemed fine, but as an adult she sometimes wonders if that hadn’t affected her more than anyone (including herself) knew. She had insomnia from 2nd grade on, and listened to classical orchestra music on her radio to fall asleep. She was raised in a bad neighborhood, though as a child she never knew or understood that. The shootings a few streets over, the drunken fights in the streets, the time a neighbor a couple streets over tied up his wife and burned the house down, the time her babysitter was accused of decapitating his girlfriend, all this and more was everyday life. She didn’t understand until later in life.
They had no car, so Davia and her family walked everywhere. Eventually, when she was 11, she and her sister were taken to live with their mom’s best friend. Davia’s room was the walk-in closet under the basement stairs. It was her choice, it was either that or share the basement with her mom’s friend’s daughter, the oldest child in the house. She wanted privacy to think and write and grieve in her own right, so her twin mattress was laid on the floor under the stairs, and at the foot of the mattress was a small shelf, and in front of that the closet doorway, covered by a sheet. If was fine as long as she didn’t sit up too fast and bang her head on the stairs.
She had her 12th birthday party in that basement, and it wasn’t long after that she lost all her friends. Her family moved a lot, and eventually out of state. It was in the sunny state of Florida (which she hated) that she met Clair. Clair made everything better. She eased the pain Davia carried with her, and reminded her what friendship and trust felt like. Still, Davia’s new step-mom was emotionally abusive, and that along with all of her other demons led Davia down the path of self-harm. On her 16th birthday Davia wished for Clair to be her girlfriend, and the following weekend the wish, and thus prayer from her childhood, came true. When Clair learned of the cutting, she made Davia promise to stop. And she did, until Clair broke up with her a few months later. Still, they stayed friends, then friends with benefits, and then for one day girlfriends again.
But then events took place that led to Clair leaving again, and Davia nearly killed herself that night. The only reason she didn’t was because her close friend H.A. was waiting for her at the bus stop after school, as he had been every day for perhaps a month or so. He kept her from doing anything rash, and stayed with her, holding her close and doing his best to soothe her pain. She continued cutting in the following months, because even with him by her side she was too blinded by the pain to give him a chance.
A few months after that, Clair asked her back out, told her she missed her and wanted her back. Davia went back to her without a second thought for her close friend, and was again forced to promise not to self-harm. She agreed, and her life moved on. Perhaps not how she wanted it too, as there was more moving and family issues, but on it went. Until 8 months before her and Clair’s 10 year anniversary. Davia was 25 when Clair broke up with her over Facebook.
She broke down, further than ever before. She had seen her old friend H.A. a handful of times in the years between, but he had a child and a fiancé now, and Davia was left with no one to turn to. She had become so engrossed in her life with Clair that she had no friends of her own, except for online and though her wolfy friend online helped, there was only so much she could do on the internet across several states.
Davia tried to wait it out, but in the end she gave in and took her own life. She had lost all hope, all traces of feeling loved or wanted by anyone not related to her. She honestly believed she was unlovable, too broken to ever be fixed.
But Davia had courted Death for months before she ended it, and when she died she met Yoriana, a spiritual embodiment of her own inner darkness and despair. Yoriana had a long story of her own, her body far away and millennia old, but her soul born of Davia’s darkness, even before Davia’s own soul was created. Davia was her light, and Yoriana was her darkness. Yoriana swore they would meet again, and after Davia’s soul was given a new physical form and transformed into the Goddess of Lost souls, they did.
Davia found a beautiful forest, and with permission from a prince of the vampire-elves that owned the land, she created a glade in the very center. It became the Glade of the Forgotten Ones, and soon after Yoriana joined her there. They were two women with two separate souls, yet still somehow being opposite sides of each other. Their unique souls drew others to this home Davia had created, and as the magnet that brought them all together Davia is close to many of the Forgotten Ones, and Yoriana is her guardian and protector. Davia loves music, especially anything light, airy, classical, or melancholy. She herself plays the violin, and when she plays she brings tears to the eyes of those who hear it.