Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age (appearance, not actual): in her twenties
Birthday/sign: Spring baby
Species: Morph-Magi (She can change her appearance but has to remain in a human-shaped body, so she can change her colors and her ears and nails and teeth if she wants)
Hair: Natural light Blonde, her fur matches it, she wears it 3 ways: down in loose flowy waves, pulled back in a ponytail, or braided in one thick braid. when down it goes to the middle of her butt
Ears: rabbit-like ears on the top of her head, Also, she still has human ears as well, though they can be hidden by her hair
Eyes: Bright blue
skin-tone: tanned
Weight: average
Height: slightly taller than average
Body: Voluptuous, curvy, nice hips and firm perfectly sculpted breasts and body, hourglass figure, her breasts are bigger than Celes’s, she has nice muscles but in a sexy way not a ‘she works out too much’ way. slightly pointed nails that are maybe half-an inch longer than a humans
Weapon(s): Martial arts, magic (memorized spells, but no wand required thank-you), crossbow, retractable daggers hidden in the heels of her boots
Markings: both her human ears are pierced multiple times, and she has a jagged scar running from the right side of her collar bone to about the middle of her shoulder, which is only 2 or 3 inches. Its tanner than the rest of her, and was made by a serrated dagger.
Jewelry: She wears mostly silver studs in her human ears, along with an ear cuff that holds the top of her ear and has a chain connecting it to the ball in her lowest pierced hole. Other than her human ears she doesn’t wear much jewelry
Clothing styles: sexy fighter. She likes to wear playboy bunny type costumes, corsets and bustiers, leather pants, fishnet, lace, buckles, leather pants, tight revealing tops, no chains but buckles are acceptable. She loves to show off her tan skin. She always wears heels, be they high heels, or thigh-high high-heeled boots.
Make-up: sometimes cherry-red lipstick, sometimes earth tones, sometimes none. She also wears bright red, burgundy, or black nail polish.
Other form(s): she can change her colors to anything she wants, and can vanish her ears, grow fangs, and otherwise alter her human-like shape. She only does this when she wants to hide or infiltrate and spy however, which isn’t often. She’s usually more direct and not very subtle.
Turn-ons: good looking men. Clean-shaven, hairless broad chest, skin she can rake her nails across, lips that don’t mind being bitten. She likes it a little rough, a little playful, if there’s no sport in it she loses interest fairly quickly.
Family: she left them behind long ago and doesn’t talk about them.
Relationships: none, she doesn’t trust anyone (save her band of 4 friends) and would never allow her heart that close to anyone. She prefers to be free to do what she pleases when it pleases her. She is close friends with Celes the Vampire-Elf, Meganna the Witch, Draconis the Wolf, and Yamoori the Dragon-shifter.
Personality: Bunny is both simple and complicated. She suffered trauma at the hands of her family and trusts no one. Yet somehow Celes wormed her way inside bunny’s shields, and the two quickly came to rely on one another as they teamed up against a sex trade business that crossed the borders of Elgavin. After that she allowed the other 3 of their friends to worm their way in, and now she trusts them all with her life, though she still doesn’t spare a drop of trust for anyone else. When they enter towns she tends to sleep outside in trees when Celes sleeps inside, and sometimes Draconis will join her outside in his wolf form, other times he won’t. It all depends on both their moods.
Despite her utter lack of trust, she is playful and funny. She tells jokes and stories and flirts with everyone, male and female (though she is only interested in men). She delights in making others blush. She is a master with her crossbow, and when her friends get in tricky situations she distances herself so she can observe all and kill the enemies her friends are less likely to notice or have time to defend against. When forced into close combat she uses her body as a weapon. She is well trained in martial arts and self-defense, and her high-heeled boots would be a weapon on their own even if she didn’t have retractable daggers in the heels.
She is often the first to laugh after a tough fight.