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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
Fan-fic Script
This is a list of dialogue from my favorite fan-fics. smile Some parts are really good, so I wanted to post it on here. ^_^

Unfortunately, I can't seem to be able to copy and paste stuff down from fan-fiction, possibly from copyrighting rules, so I have to do it by hand. sad

I promise to respect all artists and not take credit for their work. smile Besides, if I was the only cool person around, the world would be really lame. XD

With that said, enjoy! ^_^

A. Mature

B. Teen

I. Persona 4

1. Simulacrum (Complete)
(March 10, 2009 - January 31, 2010)

(Chapters: 23)
(Chapters Finished: 23)
(Words: 272,13 cool

Synopsis: The year is 2018, six years since the fog was lifted from the town of Inaba, but new fog clouds the minds of its residents. As Souji Seta returns from his long absence, he must find a way to free them or else lose the bonds of friendship forever.


(Note: This story is about everyone forgetting who Yu is, including his loved ones. sad He has to save the day and defeat the new villains, which are certain gods like always. XD I'm not sure what my favorite parts are, I guess it's just nice to see a story like the Haruhi movie, and because it's pretty relatable actually. sad Also, seeing Yu and Nanako have a Shadow is really interesting, on top of Taro Namatame and Nanako being an ally. smile Besides, I love Persona, and the characters in 4 are really memorable. XD I really like them. smile Unless their being immature or a jerk or something. XD Well, they are just a bunch of teenagers after all. :p Their all young adults in this story though, and Nanako is a teen now. smile )

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

II. Ace Attorney

II. Ace Attorney (Ongoing)
(Nenilein (Troper: MeikyuButterfly))
(July 17, 2010 - November 2, 2013)

(Chapters: 33)
(Chapters: 33)
(Words: 317,285)

Synopsis: Waking up in an unfamiliar room one morning, Phoenix Wright suddenly finds a Prosecutor's Badge in his possession. With most of his allies suddenly acting hostile towards him, will he figure out what truly caused the world he knew to suddenly change?


(Note: This story is all about Phoenix and Edgeworth switching roles, and some major characters are still alive while others end up dead. sad Pretty simple but interesting concept that can get really developed if you really get into it, which this author has shown. XD Everything turns out to actually be a parallel dimension too. :O Some of my favorite parts are Phoenix really wanting to be connected to his loved ones again, all the feelings he has for Maya and Mia and stuff... his struggle with finding his memories and his morality being questioned with being a prosecutor and some people hating his guts. sad Pretty dramatic stuff here, but that's what I like. XD)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

"Nick..." Maya wiped off a few stray tears, before she carefully peaked up, telling me. "... I've just... decided something..."


She looked up at me. That's when her eyes suddenly turned a whole lot more determined. She balled her hands to fists.

"... There have to be TWO Nicks!"

"W... What?"

I blinked a few times to show my opinion that this wasn't exactly something she could just 'decide'. Not that she cared.

"Yes, that's the only possible explanation!" There was something in her voice coming dangerously close to ENTHUSIASM as she said the following. "You have an evil double that runs around messing up stuff in order to make everyone's life miserable! That's how it has to be."

(Ah, good, ol' Maya.)

"Been there, done that." I told her, just for the sake of mentioning it. "If you want details, he has a bad sunburn and Brooklyn accent..."

"I KNEW IT!" Maya exclaimed victoriously, before noticing that something was off. "... Wait, Brooklyn accent?"

"... And nothing to do with all of this whatsoever," I finished my sentence.

"Oh..." Maya looked disappointed. "And I was so sure..."

Pouting, she turned her eyes to the ground and went off to sulk a little. I don't know if I have some weird mindset, but when I saw her doing this in this way, in those clothes, something inside me just rejoiced and shouted, "Welcome home! Sit down and relax to the sound of normal normality!" I felt incredibly calmed and comfortable all of a sudden.

I was so glad to see Maya like that. Not that I enjoyed watching her sulk, but it was great to have her here, right in front of me, just being...

"I would have even had a name for the guy! Xin Eoph! Sounds neat, doesn't it?"

... Maya.

(Apparently, Edgeworth was right.) I realized. (Maya didn't really hate me, did she? It was all just for show... And a pretty convincing one as well. But now she seems to view me pretty much the same like 'before. Just like the 'original' Maya. I don't understand how, but somehow, it looks like her and the other Phoenix are... or were at some point... friends. Even though that doesn't fit into the pattern at all... I mean, Maya being friends with a corrupt prosecutor?)

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

When I heard the 'L' word, I barely even dared to bring up my argument... but I did anyway.

"Actually, seeing how there's no wall close enough to the spot where the rope was hanging, they would have needed a STEPLADDER," I told her, already knowing what I had triggered with us. My mind started the obligatory countdown.

(Three... Two... One...)

As I suspected, Maya grinned and stated, "So, what? A ladder's a ladder after all, right? Seriously, Nick, you need to stop being so nitpicky about details! ... Uhm... Nick?"

Maya then stopped smiling. She looked slightly worried all of a sudden.

"Do you have something in your eye?" she asked me.

Surprised, I looked up.

"... Huh?"

I touched the skin under my eyes with my fingers and noticed that it was actually... a little wet.

(What? What is going on now...? Don't tell me I'm actually crying because of... What's wrong with me?)

"Eh... Sorry, if I said something wrong..." Maya told me, looking at the floor.

"N-No..." I quickly told her, wiping off the bit of tears on my face, "I was just thinking about... how great it is to have you back around."

(That's really what I was thinking about,) I realized. (... Again. This is getting creepier and creepier with each passing minute.)

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

A Prosecutor's job was to doubt people. More than ever I now realized that this was definitely not something I wanted to do for a living. It went against so much that I believed in. I made me feel 'torn'. Just why did that other 'me' choose that occupation of all the possible ones out there? Even if he had a reason not to become a Defense Attorney, why didn't he get his Bachelor in Arts then, like I had originally wanted to? He could have been an actor, or a comic artist! For all I care, he could have even tried to learn an instrument or just jabbed at some bar or restaurant in the worst case. But why a Prosecutor? It was a question I just couldn't answer.

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

III. Touhou

1. Imperfect Metamorphosis (Ongoing)
(March 20, 2010 - April 19, 2014)
(Takerfoxx (Troper))

(Chapters: 52)
(Chapters Finished: 52)
(Words: 819,142)

Synopsis: It's the first day of spring, and Cirno and her friends are once again up to no good! But after stealing a strange box from Marisa's house, they soon find themselves over their heads as they discover some things are meant to remain locked up.


(Note: This is a dark fic about both Ex-Rumia, which is basically Rumia's dark side, and Rin Satsuki, whose a playable character that was supposed to be in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil but she got scrapped. sad Every character in the series is supposed to be in here, and new ones might at least get mentioned as time goes on and new games get released. :p Yuuka is also a major villain, apparently. XD Some celestial powers are also at work here behind the two main villains, but those are major spoilers so that's all I'll say. ^^; Rumia's should be kind of obvious though actually, if you remember the whole cross thing. XD Anyways, some of my favorite parts are Cirno's Gang (Team Nineball), The Storm Arc (Yuuka Fight), Remilia & Remilia, and so on. smile Reisen and Byakuren are pretty much the only genuinely nice and good hearted characters too. :O Well, I guess Hina and the Aki Sisters are like that too, however short yet significant their role in the story was. XD Reimu and even Marisa of all people are also jerks who inevitably still have a pure heart deep down, and when it's shown it's actually really sweet. ^_^ All of Marisa's nicknames are cute too. XD The story is not without it's disturbing content however, and really corny moments, especially when 4th wall breaking on certain works get brought up. :p Like Sanae being an otaku for example. XD Pretty good stuff still overall though. ^_^ It's pretty long though, so unless you really like Touhou and dramatic dark fics, it may be too much for you to get into. XD That's why you could just read my favorite parts instead! :3 So yeah, I guess that's it. ^^ wink

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Shinki was dreaming.

It was a dream she had only started having recently, but its frequent occurrence was starting to become a source of agitation. In it, she's standing at a doorway, looking in. Within is a girl, appearing to be about fifteen years of age. She is wearing a white blue and a blue skirt. A blue ribbon is tied into her short blond hair. Her face, normally calm and contemplative, is now red and blotchy as angry tears stream down her face. Several open bags lie upon a bed, into which the girl is shoving clothing, books, dolls and other personal possessions.

"I still don't understand why you're doing this," Shinki tells her.

The girl shoots a glare in her direction. Then she starts slamming the bags shut. "No, you don't, do you?" she says as she tightens the straps. "But then, you never do. I could write it in big glowing green letters, and you still wouldn't understand."

"How can I if you refuse to tell me?" Shinki asks. Her frustration is starting to seep into her voice. "Please, just talk to me."

The girl just shakes her head. She starts touching each bag and muttering an incantation under her breath. The bags tremble as the magic takes hold. Then they lift into the air.

"I thought I was doing everything right," Shinki tells her. The girl pushes her and storms down the hall, her floating luggage following close behind.

Shinki follows as well, talking as she went, trying to make the girl see reason. "I have clothed and fed you more than adequately, provided companionship, entertainment and advice, played games with you, protected you from harm... What have I done wrong? I even gave you the gift of immortality, something that many humans have started wars to obtain. I can't see what-"

"Gift?" The girl stops suddenly. She whirls around to face Shinki with an incredulous look on her face. Her bags halt in their path and hover near her head, bobbing up and down in the air.

"You call that a gift? To live forever in this place? Oh yes, Mother. Spending an eternity in Hell. Such a lovely gift. There's a word for that, you know. I believe they call it being damned." The girl shakes her head. "And you wonder why I'm leaving?"

Shinki is dumbstruck. Not only has she never thought of her good intentions being interpreted as such, the thought has never occurred to her that her actions would be seen as something evil. "Alice... I didn't mean..."

Alice turns and continues down the hallway, her luggage close behind. "Goodbye, Shinki," she says.

Shinki stands where she is, staring after her. "But I never meant it to be like that," she mutters. "I just wanted us to be-"

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52


1. Animal Crossing

1. Slice of Heaven (Ongoing)
(August 31, 2010 - August 31, 2013)

(Chapters: 31)
(Chapters Finished: 31)
(Words: 161,656)

Synopsis: It is said that when good people die, they go to Heaven. But what happens to good animals after they die? And what happens if a human ends up at the wrong afterlife crossing?


(Note: This is a rather surreal but beautiful story similar to the times when someone would comment on how their mother used to play Animal Crossing with them but for some reason they ended up passing away. sad So like, the mother in this is somewhat similar, possibly a French Teacher in her 40's whose into the Classic Series named Nadia. smile She owns a cat named Monique, whose the same cat in the game. XD My favorite parts are the love letters sent from her and her husband. smile It's so sweet, writing love letters on someone's grave and having them actually be able to read them. ^_^ I wish I could do that. smile I'd want to give my loved ones all of my love. ^_^ Out of all of these fan-fics, if I ever have children, this is definitely one of the ones I'd show them. smile Of course, I might have to show them what Animal Crossing is all about first. ^^; Hopefully I can get my hands on the game too or something. smile )

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Dear Nadia:

It's been nearly two months now, since you died. That was the most unexpected thing that's ever happened in my life. You had called to ask if I had gotten some milk and bread, and that you were coming home with Monique from the vet's office. You should have gotten home in fifteen minutes. But that's when I got the call that you were dead.

It's been very hard to deal with. The guy who hit your car shouldn't have been driving, as he'd gotten his license revoked for drunk driving previously. And he survived the wreck, when both you and our cat died. It's not fair, but there isn't much that can be done about it. We're waiting on the courts to see what happens to him.

My parents moved in with us, to help out. I'm grateful for that, as there are times when I don't know what to do. You're gone and nothing's as it was before. Sometimes it's like I've died myself, but I tell myself that I can't be like that. I have to be here for the kids. They're doing the best they can too, but I can see it's hard for them to cope. Allen is trying to look tough, so he doesn't want to cry in front of anyone. Meanwhile, Lucia keeps asking questions about what happens after death, like when she asked the pastor if you and Monique would be together still.

It was her idea to take one of the Christmas cards and put it at your grave. She thought that your ghost would somehow get it. We went to do that earlier today as it's Christmas Eve. Somehow, that put into a mood to write you a letter. You remember, I'm sure, how often we wrote to each other during times when we were separated. I don't know if this will help, although I do wish that Lucia's right in that you could read these things somehow. It would be good to know that you were at peace somewhere.

Love, Mitchell

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

'Dear Mitchell

It seems to be nearly two months for me, but time moves differently here, I think. I'm fine; I do miss you and the kids greatly. But we're separated now by a divide that we cannot cross. We must accept this. Do not lose your chance at happiness because I am no longer there with you. You must live for yourself now, as I must live for myself. But our hearts will always remember each other; that connection cannot be severed, even by death.

Do tell Allen and Lucia that I love them too and always will. They will always be my children and that too can never change. I want them to be happy; I hope that they can grow to be good and strong people.

I am living in a completely different world now. It is not quite heaven; more of a place to prepare for heaven. Animal Crossing is a place where the best animals come to learn how to be truly a good person. That means that Monique is here with me, as Lucia thought. She and the others get to live as humans, with houses and furniture all their own, able to make friends, build gardens, and learn many things. It was something of a fortunate accident that I ended up here, but I have accepted my new job to help the animals improve themselves.

Unfortunately, it is one of my new animal neighbors that pointed out to me the dangers of getting too absorbed in remembering a loss. If you cannot let go of something painful, it will never heal, causing more pain to yourself and others around you. Life and death are often unfair, but we should make the best of the time we have, striving to make the world around us into a better place.

Being without you hurts, yes, but I must live in my world now, as you live in yours. I occasionally get word from you, in the letters you write in your journal, but I'm afraid that this is the only letter you will get in response. But don't be reluctant to write me, especially if it helps you. I wouldn't wish for you to join me, for that would cause more sadness and pain to the ones you leave behind. I am not the only one dear to your heart, I know; you should treasure those that you do have and not forget about any that you have loved.

I will never forget about you, Mitchell. I will always love you and wish for your happiness.

With much love, Nadia.'

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

'Dear Nadia:

It's almost Valentine's Day, and just past what should have been our wedding anniversary. I keep thinking of things that I would be doing if you were still here. We had been planning on that vacation, so we would have been at the beach. Maybe at a fancy restaurant for dinner, or maybe I would just make you some cookies again. Hopefully not burning them; I had been doing better the past few years, right?

But no, I'm here inland where it's cold. I'm with the kids, and my parents, and yet alone. Things have just seemed so bleak, but I keep striving on. I hadn't been sure how long I could go on like that. But then, I had the strangest dream. I remember it unusually well, which makes me think that it somehow was real.

Allen, Lucia and I were all getting off a train; it was an old-fashioned thing, drawn by a steam engine. And we met you at the station. Monique was there, although as a person, not a cat, yet that didn't strike me as odd until I remembered it upon awakening. I don't remember exactly, but we went to visit the homes of both of you. It was like some lost little town in the countryside. I remember it being green and fresh. And so peaceful. It was one of those places that you couldn't imagine anything bad happening.

Then the five of us had a picnic at the beach. And you had a letter for me, which said that we were apart now, but we couldn't let the division of death overwhelm us. That's when I felt it was a dream, even though I didn't want it to be, because we were together again. I know I kissed you, and I woke up not long after that. When I did, I immediately went for my journal and wrote down what I could remember of the letter. I had a feeling that I had to, or I would forget it.

When I had woken up enough to really go through that letter, I had some doubts that it was real. Maybe it was just a dream thing. I know I didn't manage to get it all down, but much of it was there. But then, it seemed so much like something that you would have written. I wanted it to be a message from beyond, but I couldn't quite believe that.

That is, until Lucia told us over breakfast that she had dreamed of you, in a dream that was eerily close to mine. And Allen had dreamed of it too. I hadn't thought it was possible to share dreams until then. Maybe we had met you. It makes the letter I have in my journal seem more real.

I wasn't sure what you meant by saying that you wouldn't wish me to join you. But I think I understand now. The place you're at can only be reached through death, and possibly dreams. It would only make the two of us happy to be together, while many more people here would be saddened even more. Especially our kids. But if the letter is true, and the dream is true, then you're in a beautiful green place now, almost heaven as you say. So I should be happy for you and do what I can here to make things better.

There's this darkness that doesn't want to let go, some thoughts that I could never be happy again. But I'm starting to feel like those are lies, trying to drag me down. I still have blessings in this world which I'm grateful for. Sometimes I feel the word is bleak, but more often now, I think not. Tomorrow doesn't seem so dreadful, even as a holiday that celebrates romance and love.

I think I'll make cookies tomorrow anyhow, and share them with people. It's like love doesn't end, even at death. Maybe I can make myself believe in that too.

Adoringly, Mitchell'

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Dear Nadia,

I had another peculiar dream that you were in trouble, something about snow. I'm not really sure what to do about it. But whatever it is, I hope you're getting through fine. I'm sure that your animal neighbors are helping, even though I don't know them.

We had an unexpected string of cold nights too, also with snow. Some green is starting to show up. I hope all the plants come through okay. Several of the early trees are showing buds already. But I can't wait for winter to be over with. I shouldn't be shoveling in March!

Well, the kids and I are back in our house again. I'm making some progress in the kitchen; so sorry it took so long (and is still taking long...). Surprisingly, Allen has taken up the role of cooking now. He calls up your mother and my sister a lot to ask them questions. He's doing pretty well, like last night's beef stew was wonderful. And he never forgets to add vegetables to the meal, so we're all still eating healthy. I told him that you'd be pleased.

As for Lucia, she's going to be entering a short story contest in her school. She's been working hard at it too, although she's been bouncing around so many ideas that it's hard to say what it will be about. One day it's about a seagull, the next about spaceships. Or maybe a seagull in a spaceship. I said I'd review it for her, so now she just has to write it down.

Life's always a surprise, huh?

Love you lots, Mitchell

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

'Dear Nadia,

I had an unusual day today. Apparently I've been under more stress than I thought, since I snapped at one of my co-workers for a rather harmless prank. Because of that, I took half the day off and went to visit the stage park before the kids came down home from school. I'm not sure what I was looking for exactly, maybe just a change of pace. I kept wondering what I should be doing with my life now. At times, I wondered what you would say, which made me sad again. But I need to be strong. I have a responsibility to take care of our kids and do well at work. Maybe sometime in the future, I can take off to find God, or something like that.

I did find the first tick of the season. Or rather, it found me and now I'm itchy. But don't worry about me, Nadia. I won't let you down, through big or little problems.

'Love, Mitchell'

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Monday, May 13

May just seemed to fly by with activity, all building up to the Flower Festival. I helped out Tortimer with planning events and contacting a few outside the town to help out. There had been an interview with the radio and TV networks, for their news programs. Around town, I had to finish up the gardens as well as move hybrids around as they appeared. I thought I wasn't going to get a chance to really take a day off until after the festival, but then an opportunity presented itself and I took it.

In fact, it was a Mother's Day card from my kids. I'm not sure if they left it at my grave like they did with the Christmas card. Their signatures looked right, but the notes looked more like thoughts of me rather than what they're write on a card. Lucia's was upbeat, saying 'It's odd to have a Mother's day without Mom around. But I know she's happy helping the animal angels, so I hope she has a great day and can relax some'.

On the other hand, Allen's was causing me to worry. His note said, 'I miss you Mom. I don't get why you had to be the one to die.' I suppose that he was getting too old to believe in a place like Animal Crossing as easily as Lucia did, and he wasn't writing journal entries to me like Mitchell was. There wasn't much I could do, other than pray for him. I started doing that that Sunday, hoping that my feelings and love reached my son somehow.

The card came with some small jar of jelly beans and a coupon for a free spa session at the beauty parlor in Chime City. It was a Mother Day's special even, so it didn't surprise me when I heard that Bluebear got the same offer from her kids. Since I wasn't supposed to leave town alone, I got hold of her so that we could go out the Monday after.

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

D. Everyone

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