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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
To-Do List
I tried to put this on Facebook but since it's really slow and Google Chrome is a piece of crap that won't um... run certain things like Facebook Notes, Personality Quiz Searches from Gotoquiz, or even Flash Movies/Games from Newgrounds that use Unity Web Player and Mozilla Firefox takes up too much data, just... I guess I have to put it on here. sad

Everything is so frustrating and I don't think all of it is just lag from my laptop. crying Sometimes my files delete themselves too so I figured it would be important to also have them on the internet, just in case...

This is a to-do list that might actually be important so I figured I'd need it here too.

Er, enjoy? confused

Current To-Do List

(Need: Get money (General) (legal and/or illegal), Get a job/career, get a home/car)
(Want: Get a girlfriend (possibly boyfriend, possibly marriage) and/or friends, move to another city/state/country (because I have bad memories here, and maybe even a hard time now...), visit or live in Japan (if not other countries in Europe like France), become famous (morally and/or by talent))
(Possibly Serious: Soul Searching (Personality, Interests, Being Social), Research (Psychology, The Nature of Sex (Health, Morals, Society Views, etc.), Famous People (The Beatles/John Lennon & Family/Yoko Ono))
(People (Search): On the internet at least, it's easy to categorize people a certain way such as interests and fan bases, or whatever. People who are into romances like Clannad and people who come together to relate to things like social anxiety for Welcome to the NHK seem pretty nice. Things that relate to people having a lot of empathy should be people I should talk to, possibly.)
(People (Avoid): On the other hand, despite how much I may like certain things and view it a certain way, some fanbases seem to usually draw negative attention to it. sad Horror in general seems to be the opposite, especialy Yume Nikki, although Ib may be 50/50. I personally still find Elfen Lied to be deep half of the time when it's not being ecchi or full of gore though, regardless of fanbase... Also, chans in general seem to be places I should avoid... Things of a sexual nature may count too regardless of my fetishes, hormonal drive, and romantic outlook. >///< Gelbooru seems 50/50.)

How to Talk to Strangers

A. Managing Your Anxiety

(1. Practice until Talking to Strangers is Second Nature: The more you practice something, the easier it will get. Pace yourself by talking to strangers possibly two in a week and one more each week.)
(2. Attend Social Events by Yourself: The more you do things by yourself without a friend to help you, the easier it will be to talk to a stranger. Even simply attenting without communicating is a good step in being around other people.)
(3. Ask a Friend to Help: Help someone talk to a strange with you. Try to share the conversation though so their not the only ones talking and your just listening, showing that you want to contribute with them.)
(4. Don't Overthink It: The more anxious you get, the harder it will be. Go fot it before you talk yourself out of it. Take more chances and risks, it will sure to give you an adrenaline rush.)
(5. Fake It till you Make It: Fake having confidence despite your feelings until you actually start becoming more confident in talking to other people.)
(6. Don't Let Rejection Get You Down: The worst that can happen is that the other person is simply busy or wants to be left alone, failure can give room to improvement. Don't worry about people laughing or thinking bad about you because it's more likely that their thinking about themselves and their own life.)

B. Talking to a Stranger
(1. Look Approachable and Friendly: Try not to look anxious or grim despite your feelings and try to come off as more open and friendly. Make eye contact and try looking for people who may also want to talk to someone. Try to smile when making eye contact with someone regardless of whether or not you want to talk to them. Open up your body language and try looking confident. Don't cross arms over your chest because that may make people think your uninterested in talking.)
(2. Open Nonverbally Before you Start Talking to Someone: People might find having a conversation out of nowhere to be offputing and strange, so try giving hints that you want to talk to them such as eye contact and smiling.)
(3. Open with a Small Interaction: Start with simple things before going into deeper conversations before you get to know the person, such as talking about your day or the environment.)
(4. Introduce Yourself: Try to introduce yourself after your small conversation, not before, such as saying your name. Saying your name first will hopefully have the other person respond in kind. If the other person doesn't respond, they are likely just very rude or in a bad mood, and you shouldn't approach this conversation further.)
(5. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Try to ask questions that leave room for a more detailed explanation than yes or no.)
(6. Ask the Person to Explain Something to You: Ask about something so the other person can feel happy having something to teach and feel proud about it, even if you actually know a lot about it yourself.)
(7. Don't be Afraid to Disagree: Debating over things can actually make things work just as much as agreeing over it, but try to keep it light-hearted.)
(8. Stick to Safe Topics: Try to talk about something like hobbies and interests over serious and deep subjects such as religion or politics.)
(9. Let the Conversation Go Where it Wants to Go: Don't try to work off a list of topics you want to talk about it and try to flow into new things, as the other person may want to talk about what they like to. If you don't know much about it or have much of an interest, just admit it, and maybe they'll teach you what makes it so interesting and you'll learn something new.)

C. Adjusting to Your Specific Context
(1. Keep it Light During a Fleeting Interaction: Try to make small conversations on the go like in a grocery store or in an elevator your not likely to stay very long at. Since you won't be there for very long anyway, things should be kept pretty simple and it will give you some practice.)
(2. Have Fun During a Longer Interaction: In places like a Coffee Shop, Bar, or a Book Store, you should have more time to spend in a conversation. Try to joke around and show off your fun side you'd usually do around friends.)
(3. Get to Know Someone your Romantically Interested In: Try to ask more personal questions but don't over do it, like admitting your a Mama's Boy/Daddy's Girl over asking someone if they want to have babies with you. (LOL. XD That could probably work though.))
(4. Be Professional During a Networking Oppurtunity: Try to look confident and stick to talking about the industry you work for, such as understanding what you do and that your good at it, instead of talking about jokes you'd say in a bar.)
(5. Try to be Memorable During an Interview: Try to make the interview seem lighthearted and try to standout amongst the other interviewees that might answer the same way to the same questions. They may think of you as a good colleague if they get to know you.)

For Fun
(Newgrounds: Beat Sinjid Battle Arena 1-2, Watch and Favorite More Animations, Favorite More Art, Favorite More Music (Pending: Make a Script for The Sagittarian Series (Reason: It's Funny))
(Manga: Read Liar Game. Apparently, there is also something called Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (Evil Overlord and Hero). Things on Angels and Demons, however good and evil, may be needed to get into, as well as Fantasy aspects such as Elves and Fairies. The Devil is a Part Timer is another example. Queen's Blade may also count, although that's also an extreme ecchi/hentai series as well. ^^ wink
(Anime: Unknown for the most part (Watch at least 1 episode on the "Unfinished Anime" list, such as Tokyo Ghoul, Anohana, etc. Might need to see why Fate/Stay Night, Higurashi, and Neon Genesis Evangelion is popular at least. Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex currently deemed as boring.)
(Games: Finish Grandia & Mega Man Zero 1-3 if not too hard. (Pending: Watch/Play Visual Novels). (I'd like to have this much bigger honestly. sad Need more games to play. >_< wink )
(Film: Possibly watch more hardcore movies, either detective of mafia. As The Godfather trilogy is really famous, I might need to see that at least. (From what little I've seen of The Professional, that one might be good at least. I wonder if half of it was because of the cute teenage girl and the actor charade scene. XD It was cute. ^^; Corny, but cute. XD) (Despite my interest in this genre, there's something about American stuff that's hard to get into, ironically despite being American... The characters might be unrelatable regardless of being heroic for reasons I can't explain (Their jerks and/or perverted?), there's Comedy that comes at either the expense of others or vulgar sex humor that's also something I can't relate too... I just don't really get people. sad The more relatable it is, and the less there's stuff like that, it might be something I'd like to get into. Besides, as awesome as anime/manga/video games are, it would be nice if I could get into stuff that isn't always Japanese and find more things to talk about with, er, "normal" people...))
(New: Get into things that are new, in general. Things I haven't gotten into, or things that are literally new. For the latter, this would be Nintendo 3DS games so far, at least for the rpgs that go on the system as opposed to others such as Nintendo itself, though those may also be good and worth looking into. But at the very least, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Persona Q, and Bravely Default are all seemingly good Nintendo 3DS games. Because of my horrible luck in finally getting one of my own, I'd need to look it up myself or get an emulator if it finally comes out and hope that it runs well on my computer. sad There are others too though, such as the possibility of a Persona 5, Kingdom Hearts 3, and even The Walking Dead Season 3 (Video Game). Finally, I think there's also a game called Soul Saga or something, said to be inspired by many of the things I like. ^^; When that game comes out, if at all it ever does, that would be something nice to look into as well. smile )
(Privacy: Porn/Hentai (Naturally. ^///^ wink (Find more fetishes that are good or haven't been invested in yet. Currently: Sex Poisitons. Emotionally, find more Happy_Sex and/or Hetero pics (I usually like seeing so called "forbidden" love, which is anything outside of Hetero being supported by others to be interesting, but that does not mean I dislike Hetero. Heck, it may technically be my favorite. :p So I really should see it more... and things like boyfriend/girlfriend or married couple sex would be really nice. ^///^; Might also need to like dojinshi hentai if it's generally sweet, as in fan art mixed with porn, also known as Rule 34. :p Sometimes it makes me feel uncomfortable if it's pure lust or rape since I like the characters enough that they almost feel like real people, or makes me imagine what-ifs that would be like that, but if it's genuinely sweet and consensual, it can make me feel really happy. ^///^ wink Other than porn/hentai are childish and/or feminine things. (I like to believe that understanding things outside your demographic is nice even if you don't identify yourself with it, it's like, finding the good in it is nice. confused If they have good morals to teach. smile Genuinely though, I do find more adult male stuff like the Seinen demographic for anime/manga to be better than the other demographics... they seem much more serious and mature. confused But seeing if these things are good or bad is not a problem for me, I try my best not to discriminate. <3 But if I don't like something then I don't like it. confused ))
(Recap (Anime): For fun, the currently good animes are all Seinen, or seemingly so. Monster, Welcome to the NHK, Haruhi Suzumiya (at least the movie), and possibly Death Note and Code Geass. The music at least in my opinion is to be deemed as really good, mostly in the sense of "relaxing" for certain tracks.)
(Recap (Games): Also for fun, there's at least Final Fantasy VII. That has now been deemed as a good game for sure (at least to me, despite it's view of being overrated by some). Games that have been deemed as having a unique one-of-a-kind gameplay are to be played again or researched. Hamtaro 1-2 has been deemed that way for it's unique sense of interaction by language despite it's childishness. Hamtaro 3 has sadly been proven to have that taken away and has become "just a Hamtaro game". The childishness of it may either be endearing or sappy at the moment (music doesn't seem as good either). Both Hamtaro 1 and the Pikmin series as a whole has a sense of "Little Creatures, Big Planet" (may not relate to LittleBigPlanet). This atmosphere is interesting and relaxing to me, as it provides a nice sense of adventure (it's at least relaxing if the setting is natural and the music is serene, especially if ambient). If possible, more high-tech emulators are needed (Such as PlayStation 2 & Gamecube, if not more such as the Wii and Dreamcast). Out of all these, .Hack and Disgaea are needed to be played for fun. .Hack is fun and unique for being a simulated MMO without requiring actual internet connection, with themes such as simulated e-mail and friendship, desktops and wallpapers for every little thing done in the game, using the powerful hacked move "Data Drain" to get rare items and the repurcussions of overusing it and needing to cool down by fighting normally, and finally to give items to friends to increase friendship and stats. Outside of gameplay the story may or may not be good as well as the characters. Most voices other than the main ones however have been deemed as "annoying" (by me. Can't stand Piros for example and he's in both series in practically every game, sigh. sad ) Luigi's Mansion has been determined to be original and unique for being a ghost hunting game when it's related to Super Mario Bros. (In general I haven't even played or even heard of ghost hunting games. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a Ghost Busters game, but meh. XD Oh right, Fatal Frame might count though.) There may be more but I'm too lazy to check. :p Overall, NES may be too, possibly even SNES, PlayStation & Game Boy are favorites, DS sometimes works (might depend on game, Ace Attorney & 999 work well, Ghost Trick is about 50/50, and Hotel Dusk sadly doesn't work. Others like RPGs and Pokemon not determined yet and might not be needed.), PlayStation 2 & Gamecube missed by nostalgia, Wii & Dreamcast to be determined, Xbox might be needed only by necessity if some RPGs are discovered to be Xbox only (such as Shenmue 2 and Eternal Sonata, though a JP version that might possibly have English Subtitles is still on Dreamcast like the first one).)

Jobs/Careers List (To be Temporarily Listed)

(General (For Life/Training/Hobbies): Psychologist (Psychology Class), Philosophy (Philosophy Class), Art, Author, Video Game Director (Possibly Flash Included), Actor/Voice Actor, Japanese Language, Therapist, Doctor, LGBT Acitvist, Chef)
(Near here: Goodwill, Starbucks)
(Unavailable: Convenience Stores (General: Need Experience), Subway/Firehouse Subs, H-E-B/Walmart? (Online, didn't work so far), Pizza Places? (Yaghi's Pizzeria/Austin's Pizza) (Need Delivery Workers, currently have no car/license), Pet Store (Tomlinson))

A1. Good Jobs for the Inexperienced
1. http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/11/02/high-pay-low-education/
(Advertising Sales Agent, Air Traffic Controllers (Airplanes), Funeral Director, Industrial Production Managers (Airplanes/Cars), Occupational Therapist Assistants/Aides, Physical Therapist Assistant Police, Real Estate Brokers)
2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jennagoudreau/2012/03/16/the-best-jobs-for-young-people/
(Healthcare (General): Dental Assistant, Home Health Aides, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Physical Therapist Assistant, Surgical Technologist)

A2. Good Jobs for People with No Job Experience
1. http://www.moneycrashers.com/jobs-require-no-experience/
(18-Wheel Truck Driver, Bartender, Bill Collector, Cable TV Installer, Delivery Driver, Entry Level Oilfield Worker, Garbage Collector, Human Resources Assistant, Library Technician, Police Officer, Real Estate Broker, School Bus Driver, Security Guard, Table Games Dealer, Taxi Driver)
2. http://resources.alljobopenings.com/no-experience-jobs
(Barista (Coffee), Cashier/Counter Attendant, Customer Service Representative, Host/Hostess, Product Demonstrater, Retail Salesperson, Short Order Clerk, Stock Clerk, Waiter/Waitress)
3. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kathryndill/2014/08/14/the-best-paying-jobs-for-workers-with-high-school-degrees/
(First-Line Supervisors (General): Construction Trades and Extraction Workers, Mechanics/Installers/Repairers, Non-Retail Sales Workers)
(Legal Support Workers, Real Estate Broker, Table Game Managers, Transportation/Storage/Distrubition Managers, Police, Postal Service Mail Carriers, Transit and Railroad Property/Real Estaste/Community Association Managers)

B. Good Jobs for Introverts
1. http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2014/03/04/the-10-best-jobs-for-introverts/
(Animal Care/Service Workers, Archivist, Astronomer, Court Reporter, Film/Video Editor, Financial Clerk, Geoscientist, Industrial Machine Repairer, Medical Records Technician, Social Media Manager)
2. http://www.skilledup.com/articles/200-best-jobs-for-introverts
3. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicamisener/best-jobs-for-introverts#.knyAngJwZ
(Animal Care Worker, Business-to-Business Sales,Clinical Lab Technician, Corporate Accounting, Court Reporter, Electrician, Graphic Designer, IT Professional, Librarian, Social Media Manager, Software Developer, Writer)

C. How to Get Paid Online
(General: Online Surveys)
1. https://www.ipoll.com/
2. http://www.get-paid.com/
a. http://www.get-paid.com/free-money-online/
3. http://www.inboxdollars.com/surveys
4. http://www.blogthings.com/surveys/
(Global Test Marketing, MyPoints, Swagbucks, iPoll, HCD Surveys, QualityHealth, Ipsos Survey Panel)

User Comments: [1] [add]
Akuma Uchitoru
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 22, 2015 @ 05:38am
Man, this is a thousand times better than using Facebook, it's way easier to load too. I'm not sure if I can hold as much characters but it can still hold a lot and it loads way better...

Why can't something way more mainstream be more reliable? That's just sad... I'm disappointed in you Facebook. sad

Sigh... there really shouldn't be a problem with me using Gaia no matter how long I've had it or what kind of people they are on here, Gaia is so much more fun and reliable to use... I miss it a lot sometimes...

I just hate Facebook and haven't been finding myself getting along with my friends anymore for some reason. sad They just never seem to share any interests with me or want to talk... My true friends were so much more interested in things and supportive...

I wonder if they'd come back if they'd ever have time for a site like Gaia like they used TinierMe a lot... I just want things to go back to the way they were. sad

Sigh... Funny, when things were great recreationally, they sucked in the real world, like having to go to school... Now things have just been plain bleak and I don't know what to do with my life. sad

I'm so lonely... and I'm so lonely and bored that I'm just sitting here making a long ranting comment. T///T Sigh. sad

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