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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
Believe Chapter 4
Believe Chapter 4
by Matthew Stephen Hyder
Page 16
(February 14, 2011 Monday A.D.)

I had a strange dream last night. I couldn't tell if it was simply fantasy or more of a vision of sorts... but a voice told me to go into the mines... to find something... It didn't even tell me what it is. It sounded like it was in a hurry. Find what? Treasure? What would I need with that? Hm... Well, maybe with some money I could own the place even though I'm still a kid and run that awful mayor out of business. But... the mines are full of miasma, some kind of poisonous gas. No one can get in there. This is ridiculous... Why am I thinking so hard about a dream as if it would come true? Ugh... Sometimes I wish I can dream and never wake up... Most people these days are so awful... I wish they would just leave me alone... If only I could sock a punch right in their face. I guess I'm still kind of weak even for a guy my age to be wrestling with people twice my age... It's a good thing I have at least one friend to look forward to every day, but I'm an only child as well, and my own parents treat me like I'm nothing. I don't get it... I'm just a kid. Why do people have such high expectations for others? Just because we're made by God doesn't mean we have the power of a God. Considering God even exists... If God exists, why did he put people like me in this hell hole? Or maybe this is all the devil's fault? Damn it, I don't know... I just know I need to find a way to get the hell out of this stupid town...
Dad: "Hey son! Get your lazy a** up! It's already morning and your late for breakfast! You don't want to be messing out on all the fun work you have to do today, do you?! So get up already! You better not be late for that too or I'll give you at least five whole whips from my belt!"
Shintai: "*Yawns* Am I supposed to be scared? I must have gotten about a hundred whippings growing up... Why do I have to work at my age? I'm only 16, and you're making me do full time construction. What are they even building anyway? Don't you think they should at least tell me that?"
Dad: "That kind of information is not for you to be sticking your nose into, and don't you dare talk back to me boy!"
Mom: "He's right! Who do you think you are?!"
Shintai: "What?! I didn't even... I just think maybe I could work part-time instead. From there, won't I still be doing something? I'm not old enough to be keeping up with all of this... I just want to have a little fun for a while. I'm still a kid, aren't I?"
Dad: "Ha ha ha ha... Oh son, you are much older than you think. Play time is for children. Now get something to eat and get on out there already!"
Shintai: "Alright! Geez... You should treat your own son with respect, you know?"
Dad: "Respect?! You're the one that should be respecting us, you're birth givers you ungrateful brat!"
Shintai: "I'M TRYING TO! But you two make it so hard yelling at me all the time for no good reason! You've got to earn respect! As for me, I'm working my a** off every day and I still yelled at! Why?! I'm doing the best I can!"
Dad: "*Slaps* Isn't the money that you get ever good enough for you? That's the reward you get for working so hard. Isn't that enough for you?"
Shintai: "... Money can't buy everything. It can't buy love. All I want is for you two to love me. Do you even care if I died?"
Mom: "Of course we do! We need big strong men like you to do all this work for us!"
Shintai: "But I'm not a man yet! I'm still a kid!"
Dad: "Ha ha ha ha... I'm afraid he's right. That's the one thing I'll admit your still too young for. Understanding love. Love is only for people who are old enough to marry. Kids these days are so greedy. They get so angry over such small things... Nothing is ever enough for them. But you see, adults like us have everything we need. Hm, well, maybe their greedy because they aren't quite in control of their lives like we are, are they? Well, that's just too bad... It's because their not quite smart enough yet to rule the world around them, you see? It takes years of experience, and right now, you're still a bit of an idiot having me waste all this time LECTURING you. I thought I told you to hurry up!"
Shintai: "Fine... I understand..."
Dad: "I'm glad you finally see things our way."
I ate breakfast and went outside. Fortunately, even though my parents are a bunch of assholes, they can at least cook fairly well. I had a simple meal consisting of toast, eggs, and bacon, with a glass of milk. You know, the usual. The place I live in is a bit of a mountain town, with a supposed gold mine. Even with all the miasma, it seems everyone here is very greedy, and are fueled with so much desire to take control of their surroundings, possibly even rule the world. I hate to say it, but I think it's rubbed off on me too. If only I could rule the world and show them how things should really be done... But I guess I'm still a kid, and I don't really have enough Love in my life to truly know right from wrong, or even care, but I'd certainly try my best at least. I don't think a lot of people in this world are even TRYING to be good people. They think being evil is better... It must be because it actually gets them a lot of things a lot quicker, but on the downside, they'll never truly be liked for the things they do. They'll be hated by many people with no disrespect... I guess they don't even care, with all the material possessions that they have. They care more about something that isn't even ALIVE compared to their own kind that IS. It's absolutely ridiculous... I at least understand that much. I would rather be poor yet loved than to be rich yet hated, or date an ugly but really sweet girl, over a hot girl that's nothing but a b***h. All the gold and hotness in the world wouldn't be enough for me compared to all the love... The... good will in a human being. Geez... I must sound like a wuss, talking about all this romantic stuff. Bleh... But I at least want some romance in my life... I just don't want to be heads over heels for the girl I like. Obsessive girls get on my nerves...
As I walked on, I noticed the mines which was close to the construction site I had to work at had all of the miasma blown away from it! But damn, wouldn't that mean that it entered the town? Well, I guess not, if no one in the town appear sick...
That's when I noticed it was actually pretty windy today. I understand there's a lot on my mind, but even so, how could I have not noticed that?! Still... Every day I even get bullied by some stupid kids. Even my best friend doesn't seem to be enough some days... Argh, I wish I could have just slept in!
Shintai: "Man, this is bullshit..."
I kicked a rock as hard as I can. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice and it didn't hit anybody. Why is that it always seems that taking our anger out on things makes us feel better? Even though it was a stupid pebble, a part of me felt a little bad at myself for getting this angry... Money, huh... What should I even use that on now? As a kid, money is pretty much useless to me... I suppose I could get new clothes, or some food from the restaurant in town, or possibly some flowers to give to a girl I might want to ask out but... Nah... I don't need that junk right now...
???: "Yo, Shintai!"
All of a sudden, my friend Suru came out of nowhere to greet me. Besides myself, Suru has got to be the coolest cat I know. Why can't more people be like me and him? I can't believe the two of us don't have a girlfriend already... but I guess if we did, our parents would kill us... Too young to understand love, huh? Man, they piss me off so much... Well, one day, I will get a girl and we'll be together forever... But I wonder what kind of girl I should even go out with. A lot of girls don't seem much better than guys. Their always so shallow, wanting to be with the "bad boy" type. I think that's how my parents actually are. I may be a really tough guy, but I'm not a criminal. Why would a girl actually like a guy that does bad things? How stupid... They should all be thrown in jail just for simply having that kind of awful mentality until they learn their lesson. Fairy Tale princesses don't seem to exist in the real world. Not anymore anyway... What I wouldn't do to be a knight in shining armor, slaying a dragon, and getting the princess. With all the crap I have to go through now, I'm nowhere near how a knight should act though. Can you blame me? I swear, I feel like I'm slowly being possessed by a demon and losing my humanity...
Suru: "Um, Shintai...? Hello?"
Shintai: "Huh?! Oh, sorry, I just have a lot on my mind today. Sure is windy, huh?"
Suru: "Yep! I got to say, I kind of like it! Although I wish it was a little weaker, you know? It is blowing so damn hard, that people are starting to lose their hats!"
Shintai: "Ah ha ha ha! That's kind of funny."
Suru: "I guess... By the way, the wind blew all of the miasma out of the mines! It happened when everyone was sleeping though, so that's why no one has gotten sick or died. Didn't you find it a little hard to sleep last night?"
Shintai: "Hm... I guess not."
Suru: "... Are you hiding something from me?"
Shintai: "What?! Um... no... Well, okay, maybe. But we can talk about this later? We got to hurry or we'll be late for work. Late for work... Geez, what are these people thinking? I feel like an old man during his mid-life crisis..."
Suru: "Dude, I know, right?! Ugh, some people... Well, maybe we can sneak off to the mines later after we're done. I wonder what's in there..."
Shintai: "Me too... Well, I guess we should be going."
We were only a few feet away from the people working on the building their making when these no good punks showed up. Man, I really hate these guys...
First Punk: "Sup losers. I bet your mommy and daddy don't like you two very much, giving you'll such crappy jobs."
Shintai: "Oh, why don't you all go to Hell... Why do you'll pick on us so much for no reason? We didn't ever do anything to you... How does this make any sense? I mean, come on! I thought bullies only existed in Primary School."
Punk 2: "What did you say?! You b*****d! Come on boss, let's get them!"
Punk 1: "Not now you idiot! Maybe later..."
Punk 3: "Yeah, their probably going to work themselves to death anyway."
Punk 1: "Ah ha ha ha ha! That's a good one!"
After that those thugs shoved us down...
Punk 3: "Get out of our way."
Suru: "Ow! Son of a b***h... What's wrong with those guys?!"
Shintai: "I swear I'm going to kill those bastards...!"
Suru: "Come on Shintai, just ignore them."
Shintai: "So we should just let them get away with that?!"
Suru: "*Sigh*..."

Page 17

(February 21, 2011 Monday A.D.)

We headed over to our boss to greet him before we started working, but as it turns out, he wanted to talk first. This is actually pretty common. The one waiting for someone always seems to be the one more eager to talk than those that are looking for them. People always act like their so happy to see people and act all friendly but I think sometimes their just faking it... I can't really tell yet if this boss of ours is shady or not.
Boss: "Hey guys! How are you two doing?!"
Shintai: "Not good..."
Boss: "Aw, why is that? Is work too much to handle for you two now?"
Suru: "Well, that's about half of it... We also have these kids picking on us, our parents, and the miasma clearing out of the mines to worry about."
Boss: "Okay... then that's more like a quarter, isn't it? You kids worry too much... Just hang in there and you'll be adults before you know it. Masters of your own paradise!"
Shintai: "Yeah, I guess so... What are you making anyway?"
Boss: "Oh, I'm afraid that's a secret, my boy! Don't worry, it's not anything dangerous though! It's just a surprise!"
Shintai: "Sigh... I didn't even sign up for this... I was forced to. By the mayor."
Boss: "Yes, yes, I know... but it's because this stuff is so important that it must be done ASAP!"
Shintai: "........"
Boss: "Aw, come on, don't give me that look! Besides, I've got some good news! You two are being promoted!"
Suru: "What, really?! Wow, did you hear that Shintai?! This is awesome!"
Shintai: "Of course I heard it. I'm standing right here, aren't I? I'm not deaf."
Suru: "Heh heh, well... I figured maybe you were spacing out."
Shintai: "I never space out."
Suru: "Yeah right... Like you weren't already doing that earlier today? Don't worry though, I do it too. Every kid does from time to time! We learn things so much and our minds are growing and growing so much that it's hard to sort it all out, kind of like having a messy room, right?"
Shintai: "I suppose so... So why are we being promoted?"
Boss: "Well, you see, you two work harder than anybody else here for a bunch of kids, so I figured I'd let you two into the mines! Go and dig in there and make the town rich, boys! You two are going to be famous around here!"
Shintai: "Sounds pretty good to me, but are you coming?"
Boss: "Oh, I'm afraid not lad! Can't you see we're a little busy here? Besides, You wouldn't want an old man like me babysitting you guys do you?"
Shintai: "... Well, I suppose that's one thing I can agree with at my age... Come on Suru, let's go."
Suru: "Oh man, this is going to be great! I can't wait to see all the gold there might be in there!"
Boss: "Hold on boys. You two are going to need some digging tools while you're there. Here, take these axes."
I looked at the blade. This was a simple hatchet. Pretty small. Doesn't seem too sturdy. It looks... rather old and worn out. We have to use this piece of garbage? Well, I guess it's better than nothing...
Shintai: "Um... thanks."
Boss: "My, that didn't sound very convincing..."
Shut up old man...
Boss: "Oh well. You two be safe! Don't try anything reckless!"
Suru: "Okay! Hey Shintai, what did he mean by that?"
Shintai: "I don't know... I guess that we shouldn't go too far into the cave or dig too hard to cause a cave in. Something like that."
Suru: "Damn, if that was the case, why should we even go in here at all?"
Shintai: "... Because, like it or not, we have to... Besides, this is something totally new that we've never seen before. Don't you want to find out what it's in it?"
Suru: "I suppose so..."
We kept walking until we saw something in the way. Some kind of stray cat. It was a black cat too. The one said to cause misfortune. Just our luck...
Shintai: "What's a stray doing here?"
Suru: "Oh well. We don't have time for this. Let's keep moving."
All of a sudden, the stray attacked us.
Shintai: "Ow! Stupid animal! I hope it doesn't have rabies..."
Suru: "No, wait Shintai, look at it! It looks infected by some kind of evil somehow! Maybe those monsters people have been talking about our real! It could be infected by the miasma!"
As I looked closer at it, it really did look... sinister... It's fur looked all prickly, and it was falling apart in some places. Some of it's hair was falling out too. It looked tired, hungry, and angry. At first I thought that was normal for a stray, but then as I kept looking at it, it seemed to madder and madder... To the point where the damn thing looked like it wanted to murder us. What the hell was wrong with this thing? You'd think only some kind of canine would be this vicious.
Shintai: "Well, whether it's harmful or not, I don't think we can let an abomination like this live. We'll just have to kill it."
So we did. We fought this thing, which it was a little hard to at first, but we managed. We started to bleed a little though...
Shintai: "Damn, what a pain... Suru, do you have anything that can fix this?"
Suru: "I'm afraid not... I didn't think I'd have to run into trouble like this.... Let's keep moving."
So we did until we found some kind of crystal. There were blue and green crystals everywhere, shining brilliantly. They were all pretty small though...
Suru: "Wow... this is pretty, isn't it? You think we should mine for these?"
Shintai: "Sure, why not?"
Before I mined them though, I wanted to touch them. I touched a green one. That's when I felt a warm sensation in my body. I had no idea where that came from so I looked at my wounds. They were all healed!
Shintai: "What the hell...? Suru! Come look at this!"
Suru: "What is it?"
Shintai: "If you touch these crystals, they'll heal you!"
Suru: "Wow, really?! Let me try!"
Suru touched a blue one. Nothing happened.
Suru: "Hey, what gives?!"
Shintai: "Here, touch this green one."
Suru touched a green one and he immediately got healed like me.
Suru: "Whoa, that's neat! This could cost us a fortune! But I wonder why the blue ones won't do anything..."
Shintai: "Who knows. Green is a better color to me anyway."
Suru: "Hm..."
So we pressed on, deciding to keep going no matter what, now that we have these crystals to help us, we didn't fear anything, or so we thought. As dangerous as it was, it was pretty nice being here, the two of us together like this, exploring the mysteries of this place... Could something more than even all this be in here? This was already starting to weird me out a bit.

Note: (Because I had a little extra room and I got bored. XD)
"Making stories is very time consuming. It can take a long time to come up with an idea or get motivated. So, I hope you enjoy them!"

Page 18

(March 2, 2011 Wednesday A.D.)

After a while, we reached a dead end. The crystals were a bit bigger here but the area was still quite dark. I wish that old man gave us a flashlight for us to use...
Suru: "Wow... It's kind of nice in here, isn't it? Hey Shintai, instead of selling all these crystals for money, why don't we make some crystal necklaces and give them to sexy ladies? You think they'd want to be our girlfriend then?"
Shintai: "Huh? Yeah, I guess..."
Suru: "What do you mean you guess?! Don't you like girls?!"
And he says I give HIM a headache... Geez Suru...
Shintai: "O-Of course I do! I'm just trying to be cautious because I don't think now is the time to talk about this."
Suru: "Oh... Yeah, you're right... I feel like there's something in here..."
I don't know if I was just imagining things or what, but I think there was some kind... giant lump in the far back, sleeping and turning it's back on us. I know it sounded stupid, but we didn't just come here for nothing. There must have been a lot more than just a bunch of rocks for us to get here. So I... poked it. That's when....
Earth Beast: "ARGH! Who goes there?! Who dares wake me up?!"
The.... thing, whatever it was... Turned around and looked at us. It had a big, brown, furry body, and a really... monstrous face. It wasn't human... But wait... Did it just...?!
Shintai: "Did you just talk...?!"
Earth Beast: "Hm hm hm... Yes, I did. I am quite an intelligent being. Who says humans are the only smart ones?"
That's when Suru noticed what this thing is.
Suru: "Wait... Are you a grizzly bear?!"
Earth Beast: "Yes, I am."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. If things even bigger than us, that were as smart as us or even smarter, I felt like we were doomed... Of course, Suru was starting to freak out. I was about to lose it too. But we can't just leave, can we...?
Suru: "Oh s**t! We have to get out of here!"
Shintai: "No. We've come too far. We can't leave now."
Suru: "What?! But we're going to..."Earth Beast: "Why did you two come here?"
Shintai: "We um... We're sent here to... get some money. From the crystals. To make the town... richer..."
Earth Beast: "Ah, yes... I remember that now... Many humans a long time ago would come here and mine... I thought it was fine, but sometimes you humans are a little too greedy... Caring about things that aren't even alive compared to those that are..."
Shintai: "Yeah, I get that, but... I don't think we had a choice. We're just kids, and... I figured a little money wouldn't hurt, right?"
Earth Beast: "If it's just you two, yes, that wouldn't be much, but... You said the whole town, right? I'm afraid that is a lot... and you'll just want more and more, right? I need some of them to live."
Shintai: "Alright... I never liked this town anyway, always being told what to do... To be like them already..."
Earth Beast: "You hate your own home? That's... strange..."
Shintai: "I'm sorry... but I... I also came here because I had this weird dream last night... I think I was supposed to come here."
Suru: "The main reason you came here was because of a dream? That's crazy man... You sure you didn't eat something before going to bed?"
Shintai: "Sh-shut up! I'm being totally serious here!"
Suru: "Alright, alright... I'm sorry, geez..."
Earth Beast: "Heh heh heh... You humans are so funny... and the thing you were looking for... must have been me."
Shintai: "Oh... I kind of figured that... Wait... must have been? Did you not send that dream to me?"
Earth Beast: "No, I didn't... Although... I could give you some of my power. But with that also comes wisdom. It will be a fight to the death, however. Only those with a pure heart can defeat me."
That shocked me, and I'm not sure why... I should have realized that. Apparently, I wasn't the only one.
Suru: "D-die...?! I don't want to die!"
Shintai: "Me either, but Suru... This whole time, our lives haven't really meant anything up until now... We're not scared of you! We can take you on! But what kind of power are you talking about?"
Earth Beast: "That's a secret..."
Shintai: "Grrr...!"
Earth Beast: "Ah ha ha ha ha! Now you sound just like a bear, like me! Good impression."
Shintai: "Quiet... Are we going to do this or not?"
Earth Beast: "Hmph. How amusing... You two are really serious about this? Only the two of you, a bunch of kids? Alright, let's see what you've got."

(March 7, 2011 Monday A.D.)

After a long battle to the death with a big, fat, fuzzy man, we won.
Earth Beast: "Hm... very impressive. For a bunch of kids, you two are really strong. You'll are growing up fast."
We were...? ... Does that mean we really should be treated like adults already? That doesn't make me feel any better...
Earth Beast: "Now, I must tell you something before I give you two the power you deserve."
Shintai: "... I'm going to be lectured by a stuffed animal?"
Suru: "It sure seems like it."
Earth Beast: "SILENCE!"
It's yell shook the whole cave. I thought it was going to collapse! Me and my big mouth.. I couldn't help it though... I didn't think I need to learn anything else. I thought I knew everything that there was to know, or worth knowing about. What could it possibly teach me?
Earth Beast: "I can't believe people like you beat me... Hm... Well, I suppose you're just venting out your anger from all the stress life has to offer you, but you two seem to mean well. You're trying your best to not be like those other humans and yet it's rubbing off of you a little, right?"
Shintai: "H-how did you know...?"
Earth Beast: "Hm... Just a lucky guess, I suppose. Now then, for my teachings... Are you two listening?"
Suru: "Yeah, we're listening."
Earth Beast: "Have you ever wanted to rule the world?"
Shintai: "Huh?! But I thought... Only evil people did that."
Earth Beast: "Well, it doesn't have to be like that... If a person with a good heart ruled the world, to set things right, I think it would be pretty interesting. I don't know if any human can, or even should have that much power, but if they did, it might as well be kids like you. Just... don't ever look down on others just because you have powers that they don't. You should look up to them that they may be like you two one day, somehow. Use your powers for the good of the people, not yourselves."
Shintai: "Alright... Sounds pretty good to me! We promise!"
Earth Beast: "Very well. I will give you two my powers."
All of a sudden, a wave of energy came off of this unusual monster and went into us. I felt... stronger. I felt like my muscles were about to burst out of my skin, my bones hardening. What kind of power was this?
Earth Beast: "I can't guarantee you'll be successful, but I wish you'll luck. Farewell!"
And with that, it left to go somewhere further within the cave, probably to sleep. I guess it didn't want anyone else to disturb it in this spot.
Shintai: "Ruler of the world, huh...? Yeah right... God didn't give any of us the right to have that power... He didn't give us the right to know anything about him!"
I pounded my fist against a wall. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt.
Suru: "Shintai, you should really learn to calm down more... I don't want you to get a stroke or something."
Shintai: "I'm sorry... It's just that, we haven't heard from God in so long, as if we know enough and our strong enough to take care of ourselves, but that's bullshit... We're still having problems, even after all these years... He just seems to let a lot of bad things happen... It's like he's asleep... or dead."

Page 19

(March 12, 2011 Saturday A.D.)

Suru: "I'm sure there's a reason for all of this... It will be okay. Life still prevails. No matter what happens, we're still alive right? That's the important thing."
Shintai: "Yeah, I guess... Well, I don't know... What's the point in living if some people are just going to suffer?"
Suru: "I don't know... Hm... Well... We should just glad we aren't poor. Or orphans. Or kicked out on to the street to starve to death."
Shintai: "Well I don't know about being poor or being an orphan, but they probably didn't kick us out because they just want to use us..."
Suru: "... Let's just see what our new power is, okay?"
Shintai: "Alright."
Suru went first. He extended his hand and looked at his palm... and then he clenched it and... his arm turned to stone.
Suru: "Whoa, cool! We got Earth powers!"
Shintai: "What, no way! Let me see!"
I did the same thing he did, and sure enough, I got powers too. This was so awesome!
Shintai: "Heh heh... This is great, man. We should probably get out of here though."
Suru: "Yeah, you're right. Sigh... I don't want to fight any more monsters."
Shintai: "It's alright. We can kick their butt now. We think we should get some crystals though?"
Suru: "Oh yeah."
So we chipped off a few green and blue stones. That's when a blue one shined and healed us somehow after some green ones, of course. It seemed to give us back the power we used. I think it's some kind of magic...
Suru: "Whoa, I think these blue ones are magic healing rocks! If our powers are even some kind of magic."
Shintai: "I'm sure it is. Wow, a magic teddy bear... This is all seems like some kind of dream."
Suru: "... *pinch*"
Shintai: "Hey!"
Suru: "Heh heh, you asked for it! Well, I guess we're not dreaming then."
Shintai: "So it seems. Let's get out of here."
So now we finally left. Once we got out, we noticed it was already night. It didn't take too long to go in and out of the cave though. We must have been wandering aimlessly from how dark it was...
Shintai: "Wow, it's already nightfall?!"
Suru: "It sure seems like it."
Shintai: "Finally... We have powers! Now we can teach those punks a lesson if they get in our way!"
Suru: "Yeah, I suppose... I hope we don't have to though."
Shintai: "Hey Suru...?"
Suru: "Yeah?"
Shintai: "I don't want to go to home..."
Suru: "Me either. Why don't we build a fire out here?"
Shintai: "Alright. Sounds like a plan!"
So we decided to camp out and think about what we should do. I wanted to stay with my friend forever. He's all I have... Without him, I would have nothing... This almost feels romantic. I'm not gay, am I? No, of course not...
Shintai: "Sigh... I wish we were out in the wilderness right now, hunting and building our very own log cabin..."
Suru: "Ha ha ha ha... You'd think it would be better to be in civilization, but I almost agree with you there."
Shintai: "Damn it, I don't want to stay here... I'm still a little scared, even with my powers, you know?"
Suru: "I know... Oh, I remember something now! There's this rumor about a City of Dreams that can make your wishes come true somehow if you get there."
Shintai: "Whoa, seriously?! But... That sounds like a fairytale."
Suru: "Well, we just met a talking animal, monster thing and we got magic powers. Anything could happen!"
Shintai: "Yeah... good point! Suru, let's run away..."
Suru: "Huh?! Just the two of us?"
Shintai: "Yeah, just the two of us."
I extended my hand for a handshake. I knew that with me and him, there was nothing we can't do.
Suru: "Sure. Let's do it. For the future only we can decide!"
Shintai: "Yeah, you and me both. Together... *Shakes hands*"

(March 17, 2011 Thursday A.D.)

As soon as we said that, those no good punks came in. What the hell were they doing out here?
Punk 1: "What are you guys doing here? Put out that fire, you're keeping us all up!"
Shintai: "Oh sorry, we were just leaving..."
As we got up to leave, he stopped us.
Punk 1: "Yeah, leaving town. We heard you... You can't leave us. This place needs you two."
What the hell did he just say...? He's not the boss of us! These guys are about as old as we are!
Shintai: "Um... what was that?"
Punk 1: "Oh, a little hard of hearing, dumbass? I said... You. two. aren't. LEAVING."
Shintai: "What makes you three the boss of us?"
Punk 1: "We're the mayor's sons. He's too busy to deal with a bunch of kids though. He's already straightening up the grown-ups, so that leaves us to take care of you guys."
Suru: "You guys are full of s**t."
Punk 1: "Heh heh heh... Just because you two make us out to be the bad guys, doesn't mean we're lying."
Shintai: "What is wrong with all of you? Get out of our way."
Punk 1: "*Sighs*... We grow tired of you two kids' rebellious behavior. If you don't do as you're told... I'm afraid we'll just have to kill you both!"
Suru: "Kill us?! Are you serious?!"
Shintai: "Are you people mental...? You'll aren't gods! You'll aren't even tyrants! We're not some runaway slaves you can just control!"
Punk 1: "Why not...? You two are nothing but traitors... How can we be sure you'll aren't going to join a group of bandits and come back to raid us?"
What were these people talking about...? There's no way their sane...
Shintai: "What...? You guys need to go to a hospital..."
The leader of this group of psychos started to slowly become more and more frustrated... He glared at us and started breathing heavily...
Punk 1: "Heh heh heh... You think something is wrong with us? It's you two that are a plague to us all!"
They spread apart and started to get ready to battle us... to the death. That's when I noticed for the first time they were wearing some kind of jackets with an insignia on it. Were they supposed to be some kind of self-proclaimed military group? What the hell is going on?!
Me and Suru braced ourselves for the worst as they started to slowly come at us...
Punk 1: "I am the Punisher, for those who go against society!"
Punk 2: "I am the Torturer, for those who are dishonest!"
Punk 3: "I am the Executioner, for those who refuse to redeem themselves!"
Punk 1: "Together, we are the Crimson Locusts! No one is leaving here. Ever. You will stay and work for the good of the people... Forever! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Even with our powers, they were too strong... How is that possible?! They must have gotten strong from getting a kick out of beating up people. Or killing them. That makes me sick... Was all of this for nothing?
Then... out of nowhere... Suru was struck down!
Shintai: "Why... Why are you doing this?! You'll don't have the right to do this! You think God is happy with this?!"
Punisher: "Don't give me that bullshit. There's no way you two believe in God... and we don't either. All people need are themselves. And besides... this is kind of funny."
Shintai: "You think this is funny?!"
Punisher: "Yep. It's funny how weak and sensitive some people are, even evildoers like you two. I mean, you're a guy, and you're crying of all things."
I didn't even realize there was tears going down my cheeks... I felt so hot with anger... How could these people even be considered human?!
Punisher: "Why are you crying...?! I thought guys didn't cry..."
Shintai: "Because my friend is dying! Anyone would cry if someone they loved was dying..."
Punisher: "That's weak... A man should never cry."
I thought my ears we're going to bleed. I'm so tired of hearing that!
I felt the rage building up all around me... I felt like I was going to explode. I...
Shintai: "You... BASTARDS! I'm going to kill you all!"
I slashed, and cut, and struck them all down. I can't tell if I knocked them unconscious or if I... killed them. Maybe that's why we were losing... Deep down inside, we couldn't bear to kill them. But why...?
I got extremely exhausted from using so much power... I ran over to Suru to see if he was okay. He looked far from it.
Shintai: "Suru! This... This wasn't supposed to happen! I'll... I'll save you somehow!"
Suru: "Shintai... Don't worry... I'm okay. Our dream... Will just take a little while... That's all..."
Suru was coughing up blood... This wasn't normal. How could a human being do this to another human?! This was... horrifying...
Shintai: "Damn it... Don't you dare die on me! I'll take you to the hospital! Just don't die!"
Suru: "Ha ha ha... Don't treat me like such a kid... This... is nothing... Ugh..."
Suru passed away... my best friend...
... It then started to rain... Was this some kind of joke? Is Heaven crying with me? Why did they let this happen?! I... I....
Shintai: "Suru...? No... No! You're not dead! SURU!!! *Sobs* AHHHH!!! Why... Why are you letting this happen God?! He was so young! ... I... I have to find that City somehow... Maybe I can... go back into the past... and save you somehow... I just have to believe, right...? I'll make our dreams come true... for you... Suru..."
So I left in search for this seemingly imaginary city. It seemed pathetic, to go and find a city based on a rumor rather than fact, but I had nothing else to live for... If I don't find it, maybe I can live in another town. I can't stay here though. If anyone finds out about this... I never thought my life would turn out this way...

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